Schlagwort-Archive: liability caps

Parole is out

No it’s clear, the nuclear power plants should run 15 years longer. Well not really a suprise, but it’ gets a little off when you see, what extra costa are associated with it:
1) there will be a tax on nuclear fuel elements
2) it’s currently open if the big five (that’s thos who have live peacefully in an oligopole here for “providing electricity”) will have to “private found” research in renewable energies (isn’t it funny that
those supposed to provide electricity should not interested in any sort of electricity producing source?) If they won’t do they will have pay into something controlled by the governement (I guess you see the route ahead)

Still open are things like
1) liability (the GAA will just cost around 750 Millions that’s the cap we have here in Germany)
2) waste (since around 40 or so years they have not the slighest idea on where to put the waste)

Ah yes and it’s all in the name of the environment. I guess the costs as Tchernobyl has blown up are just “peanuts…

Funny enough it’s a modern way of selling of indulgence. The end of the nuclear plants were just drawn at around 30 years. (no technical reasons given), now they got 15 years more (no technical reasons) given, but the get extra taxed for earning money with depreciated plants. And so you can see governement makes laws, governement changes laws on the run. It’s just a question on how to bleed everyone as much as one can without killing.

Isn’t it that joyful?