Read it, try to comprehend it

and I guess one may fail.
What the hell rides Krugman?

What the hell has lead to this mess? Hardly any German senseless spenders. No it was the believers in “ever growing things” , Which has lead to it, plus negative interest for your money. So that you were forced to “invest” it.

How could the cure for too easy and too much money be even more easy and even more money. This is to idiotic

Ah yes elites, we could do so much better without them….

Read the comments especially. A noble prize does not mean you are automagically right. And Krugman is as wrong as Paulson, Bernanker and the soon-to-be-presdent Obama. In Germany is a saying. “Erst mal den Dreck vor der eigenen Haustür fegen”. rough translation. First clean up the dirt in front of your door.

The completely senseless treatment of money as “value” has lead to this mess. And the failoutplans just add to this senseless treatement. Why should anyone trust anything coming from the US these days?

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