a few things and bla bla and something serious also

I started another blog at:
Well I deleted it short thereafter,becaus it seems not such a great idea. I’ll include into this blog

I’ll try to explain a few things there, which may have been forgotton of burried between mathematical models. The title is arrogant, but take it with a few tongrains of salt and it’ll work.

Till yestersay usual market mechanisms were at work, this has changed and so things may get leveraged out by our allso so wise authorities.

Today I read the newspaper and read about something which may or may not have come from our “beloved” King George. In short it means ‘we did it right and it was indispensable”. Another points was that they have to solve the base problem. I guess he does not know what the base problem is. It’s not too less money in the market but too much, and because he and his encourage do not get it they cure it the old way. They put even more money in the market.

In Germany we have the phrase “GAU” means the biggest accident which may happen in nuclear power plants, we got one level above that’s the “Supergau” this has happend in Tschernobyl.

For the price of preventing a GAU these days they tooks the risk deferring it to the Super-GAU. I wish nearly all US-Citzizens but thoss in command to be far away from your country if it’ll happen. You may suffer dearly in other countries but you may have a chance to “survive”.

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