And here we go again

Not it’s Ireland. Who’s next?

The Fiat-money system strikes back again. So let’s burn some more money. It must help, someday if it does not yet, than the conclusion just can be: „We have not burned enough money“. Well first they burn books, then money, then people….

We just can hope that we burn the right people this time. If not well we have not tried hard enough let’s burn some more people. So let’s to got war….

After there are quite many killed, well maybe peace is not such a bad idea. Unfortunatly we have nothing to bear the costs of the bureaucrats. So let’s see who has survived and something of value left. Let’s them bleed through taxes, let’s give them some other colorful paper, and place the rest of armed forces in front of their houses to assure that governement will work. Then let’s take a few credits, let’s start burning money again….

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