then I just have on advice to you. Ask for more political intervention. The examples on how efficiently money can be burned are legion.
Let’s see the biggest burning places for money in Germany.
1) budget for “social issues”
2) subsedies (well in EU land you get subsedies for nearly everything, so getting money is just knowing how to feed the bureaucrats with
proposals and you get such strange things like subsedies for ski lifts in Denmark (a country well known for it’s flatness)
3) EEG (this is a law which enforces the corporations which produce energy to buy currency from photovoltaics or other regenerataive sources, currently the price is around 10 ct /KWH but the companies have to pay astonishing 46,75 cents for energy feed in by PVS dating back to 2008. So the extra stuff are costs to be beared by every single consumer of currency. The last calculations tell that every work place in the PVS industry is subsedied with arounc 150 000 EUR. Which well is quite beyond every reason. However our politicians (sorry delebets) love this and sell it as a success story. Well yes it’s a success story of hybirs of them, but you know as much as me, that they live in an ivory tower. And nothing related to reality can touch them….
4) building oh, yes that are really nice burning places. One of the last most infamous examples Stuttgart 21 (a while railway station should be placed underground, you might thin oh fine let the DB do it. Where are you living. The DB is mostly governement contrrolled and one can not sink too much money in supporting this “clean” alternative. And so the costs have rissen from an initial 2.1 Billion! proposal to around 4.1 Billion in 2008 (which is the “last” barrier which allowed them to sign for starting the build) to estimats well beyond 10 Billions rumoured these days. (Last “serious” estimate was around 6.8 Billion.) So let’s see that nealy 5 times the initial “proposal” this was done around 15 years or so ago.
So the “inflation rate” is roughly 12,5 %. That is roughly 4 times as high as the “official” inflation rate.
Let as assume they really made it till 2019. Let us assume the inflation rate would stay at 12.5 %. Then the end price would be
(assumng 7 Bio as “middle estimate” ) 7 * 1.12 5** 9 = 20.20 billions.
The studies done by DB itself state that the build makes economic sense up to the price of roughly 4.8 billions.
“Für die Deutsche Bahn sei das Projekt bis zu Gesamtkosten von 4769 Mio. Euro wirtschaftlich.” (see: If you can read German just see the conditions for them beeing “economical sound”. If you do not care here’s but one figure for it: 1.3 Billons that’s the “costs” for the DB. Well I bet all the other costs have to be beared by evry single tax payer. Now tell me about a nice warm fire place. Get near our governement and you never will freeze again, you may get burned but well the wounds will be paid of by tax payers also eventuallly.
Sorry delebts is a weak name for such terrorists….