Who could be suprised next level

Again the tar pits request their sacrifices. Who is it this time you got one guess free.

You got it: The taxpayers. Another priece of astonishing wold outlook. Now guess what the tax money land in the pockets of those in charge for this mess.

And now the politicians are “outraged”. Tell me what for? Havn’t they known this obligations? Could it be that Paulson gets what he has asked for. Absolutly free hand? No control, no supervision? Or what, now tell me what able that man must be to save America the question truely is fine:
What did Geithner know and when?

I do not hesitate to extend it. What did President FUD (aka Obama know)? And if he didn’t from what sums upwards is he supposed to know, or never?

Now guess what would have happendd if AIG would not be any longer. The whole stuff would cost a hundred billions less, maybe not fully, but this would not have been tay payer money. And the debts would not skyrocket.

But again it shows politicians seem not be able to learn: Just a few months ago I wrote

It’s nothing new, it’s always the same politicians legally can black mail, rob and get away with it….

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