
Was genau kann jemanden dazu bewegen, die Groß/Kleinschreibung von
Prozeduren/Methoden vorzugeben, was ist daran gut jedes Verb in Großbuchstaben zu schreiben? Und dann noch in Englisch.

Hier normaler englischer Text:

A grasshopper spent the summer hopping about in the sun and singing to his heart’s content. One day, an ant went hurrying by, looking very hot and weary.

“Why are you working on such a lovely day?” said the grasshopper.

“I’m collecting food for the winter,” said the ant, “and I suggest you do the same.” And off she went, helping the other ants to carry food to their store. The grasshopper carried on hopping and singing. When winter came the ground was covered with snow. The grasshopper had no food and was hungry. So he went to the ants and asked for food.

“What did you do all summer when we were working to collect our food?” said one of the ants.”

Wieso verlangt man in C#, daß Methoden groß geschrieben werden sollen:
Console.WriteLn(” ..

Was für eine Aussehen, da bekommt man doch das Grausen und bei Go ist es “obligatorisch”
In Go, a name is exported if it begins with a capital letter. For example, Pizza is an exported name, as is Pi, which is exported from the math package.’

WT …?

Es gibt sicherlich gute und schlechte Ideen und das ist in meinen Augen schlecht.

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