If you ever consider getting a green card for the US and acquire the services of USAGCO
, be very, very, cautious, double that and add another extra to it. I’m sure they know their business, but they don’t care too much about your needs and wishes. Ask right from the start about the steps and the payments for every step. Don’t be as stupid as I and take anything for granted. Insist on a clear record (also from the payments). If you don’t, you are in for a surprise for at least a year and nearly every month. If you want to know, just get in contact with me, I’ll tell you. I cannot recommend consulting them.
Of course, not everything is foreseeable, but they do it in the tens or thousands, so they have a pretty good data foundation. Let me repeat, be very, very, cautious, double that and add another extra to it.
You may not find selling a leg or an arm is worth it …