I’m puzzling, Why is it good news that the US shutdown did not take place? They still have an insane budget deficit and the only thing they’ve agreed upon is written on some sheet
of paper.
We’re still talking about a deficit at or around 1 trillions. I calculated once how much this will cost in the future. And this money is not invested just „spend“. Spend for the current obligations of government.
There still are enormous amounts of money needed just to pay the „promises“ like pension payments etc.
If we „break“ it down to private people it’s that they needed new credits just to pay their eating bills. And there’s nothing left for uncertainties. You get ill or layed of? Well too bad, just ask for more credit.
So I can not the the success. It does not show how desperate the situation really it is. It’s just a message that everything goes on (bad) as usual.
Still all the money is sunk in diverse wars, and sunk into the most jails world-wide. The unemployment rate is not change „automagically“ and people just get older and older. And just a few get all the money.
So where’s the good news really?