Schlagwort-Archive: central banks

Don’t say you have not been warned

I wrote against it since the start of this blog. I warned of Obama, I warned of Trump and Clinton. I was totally against any bail-in, any bail-out. any EU support for countries in financial problems. I warned about the downswing in Griechenland and I warned also about the catastrophe in Venezuela.

I warned actively against any central bank and also I warned for the ever growing EU. You don’t have to believe me, you just can look through this blog or others I keep or write in: see e.g I especially warn against the current legal tender money.

Facts still are. You voted for Obama (most of you) and you get a nobel peace price winner who was in war over all his president ship. I told you before Obama is clueless about economy: You still voted for Obama and it has doubled your debts in just 8 years. Now that-´s more than nearly 200 hundred years back with all the wrong-doings of your politicians just before Obama. And still you voted for Obama the second time.

Now you will decide for Trump or Clinton, if you do, you are toast and rightly so. It does not have to bother me, but it will hit men world wide. With Mr Clinton war will never end. If war will end with Mr Trump, one can have at least a shimmer of hope. But they are both by any means worse candidates then even maybe Obama, and that means quite much.

Did anyone of the candidates suggest he/she will call back your soldiers? Does anyone has suggested to stop war against terrorism, war on drugs, war on whatever. Has anyone suggested to-  close down the central bank, hell has anyone even suggested to make no more debts?

Sorry it’s harsh but the truth. If you fucking morons do vote for either Clinton or Trump, the blood is also in/at your hands. We (the Austrians) told you not to go down that route, you are too stupid to grasp the problems with deep state. And yet since 200 years you are voting for the GOP or the Democrats. You deserve all the misery, you currently have to endure.

For anyone not voting for either Trump nor Clinton.-  You’ve tried, that’s more then one can say about anyone else. But it will cost your blood also. And not just those of the stupid voters for any out of the old parties.

Over and over and over again

I warned (see and other liberal – minded people (liberal in the old fashioned European sense), that central bank are part of the problem never part of the solution. And here you get some other support for that:

If central banks „own“ the debt of state all chances are in vain. It never had worked, it does not work and it never will work.

There is but one thin that can stop this madness, one has to end central bank and never ever let states mangle with the currency again. If that is not changed, all hell MUST break loose at some time.


Very justified question

Well I wrote here over an over again it’s not the question if, but only when. Unsustainable system must crash, sooner or later. Nothing can prevent that. I’m still not sure if the break-down is just around the corner or what else may happen. But one can be sure: They are still printing money and this always ends bad.

That’s true

Indeed the paper „money“ system is at it core unjust. I always allows states which do have overall the hightest debts world-wide to pretent that they „own“ more then they really have. States to not have to save to bear their expenses. They just can go to everyone else and tax them. Just imagine they would not have „the right“ (who has given it to them) to tax? What would happen. They could not afford by any means to throw out the voluntary given money. Because I doubt very much they would get half of the money of each individual in their country.

Another problem is that states still can make debts. And the cumulation of all our debts is the paper money iteself. The sheer madness is that it starts is life out of nothingness and the taker of it are forced to really pay it back.

It’s snake oil, unfortunatly snake oil that pretends to work But in it’s core it’s destructive and unjust. And So they search for other reasons to justify it. And there we have it. Fight against…..

Now fill in the … Come back if you are finished ;-(

How comes I’m not surprised?

Two entries on the zerohedge log:

and one that leads me to:

That’s the difference between states and firms. States to make firms suffer and firms have to see how to get out of it with their own money. States never get out of it with „their“ own money. They just steal more (that’s called tax)

The booms are introduced by to cheap money. And money without worth. That’s the point. If the US would have to gurantee their currency with something of value. They would not be able to pile up that many debts. So it’s easy, they export Dollars and get something of some real value in return. The Dollar owner just can „hope“ that he may be able to buy something with an paper later.

The USA overall lives on the expenses of the world and still they have sky rocketing records of the food ration cards. In the end it means the debts are somewhere cycling around without being used for highering the the real goods output. And that fits perfectly. The debts we have in the states are circled around. Greece can not pay so they got „new money“ read „new debts“ from the EU. And the banks which take in the money are buying new „bonds“ of states. Handing it out as „security“ to the central banks and there is it the debt. The so called „assets“ (bonds) read debt claim is the highes in all central banks ever in non-war times. So that means the central banks are the biggest holders of „promises“ of states to pay back their debt.

Well that’s a neat system isn’t it. The states to guranteee the mony monopoly to the central banks and the central banks take the parity value of the bonds from states as „given“. So how long would you expect such a system to be trust-worthy?

It’s just show time

well or you can name is political theatre time.

If it wouldn’t be so serious one could sit back and enjoy the show. Anyway the US democrats and republicans will simply raise the debt barrier again and so the so called fiscal cliff will just vanish like snow in the sun.

Nothing will change, the fact that the USA is bankrupt. Not just in the tight sense of having nothing more but debts. But even in moral standards. The wars are unjust, the surveillance against the civil rights. The FED is an illegal construction and the green-buck with being backed up by something like gold or solver a sham.

So the system will break down. We do not know when and how. But it’s now unavoidable. The US with just 5% of the world population just stands for 42 % of all the NEW DEBTS. And every year now there is a deficit beyond 1.2 trillions (Yes I got that figures right).

So what we see is the last and biggest credit expansion ever. There’s nothing but too much money, and it helps the defrauders to expropriate those which still do have something of some value. The payments for the bank workers have nothing to do with fair payments. It just shows the owner have not way on stopping this Bankster. The bankster also have the advantage of the politicians on their side. (Who else should take the new debts) and the worst problem is absolute central the central bank FED. She will got down the drain and take the state with her.

Maybe the citizens will keep away the power of the parties. But chances of that are slim…. Maybe the go back to the core of the constituion, because one thing is for sure, the Deldefs and bureaucrats have broken it…

Just give it a name

the disaster can be subsumed under one small sentence.

The problems are there because of the monopolies of states. In this case the monopoly of currencies.

The FED , ECB etc, do just get their position because the state sanctioned it. It’s very easy. Just the Dollar or Euro are the lawfu payment items.
And so there is not market just the big wanter „state“.

The also do nothing against the defraud that banks do lend demand deposits. And so you just whisper bank-run and they get near a heart stroke. This system
is perverted. It does safe defrauders and punishes honest men. And that is called „fair“. It’s obviously just „fair“ for those being favored by states. And the state
does do everything to get more and more supporters with bribe.

Give us our money back and we’ll recover. Do more of you interventions and we crash and „recover“ therefafter. The first would be the right way but the
Deledefs of alll states, parties will not go that way, it does not suite there „idea“ of „fairness“. They are suckers and hell I will name them as such.

There are debts, debts and debts

Not all debts are born equal. And even those being born equal may change over time.

You can bet it’s another round about Greece. So yes Greece has emitted bonds. (so for so bad). Now it’s getting a bit crazy. During 2010 these bonds were accepted as security for
other debts (so far so bad), but now after a year it tuns out this debts were to high. And now it’s get interesting The ECB is not allowed to finance the deficit of states. Now a few weeks ago the bonds were
„exchanged“. And hadn’t to bear the looses for this „debt cut“. So great the debts were born equal, but after finding their way into the ECB they got different. So indeed there are debtors and debtors. The Private companies do have to bear the losses but not the central banks. Well so far so much worse.

But know who has this exchanged debts? Well it seems the tax payers of europe do hold them now. Now that is really „great“. The ECB has accepted junk as security. Before the junk turns out to be junk it was
given to the tax payers of Europe. Now what is something I really call bad.

So indeed if you ever consider buying new bonds from states, be aware if banks get rid of those bonds as „security“ for new credits at the ECB. You will be a last class debtor. So if you are really that stupid, I suggest to buy
another few bonds of Spain, Portugal and whatever state is in financial trouble. It’s a wonderful way to get you debts not paid and even „better“ you are allowed to bear the costs of the losses in the banking system also, especially the ECB „losses“. Now tell me anything about theft…

Look who is printing now

Obviously the ECB could not stand the misery of the FED alone. This poor guy, just think printing money will solve the problem caused by too much money. (too much cheap money indeed). And so the ECB in it’s own mercy decided: „We print money also“, an offered a three year long tender at an interest near zero. The sum is now well above 1.2 trillion. Money not saved, just introduced by the supermen/superwomen of the central banks.

So the plan must be to ruin the currencies completely. The do not stop credit expansion but adding to it way to much. It should prolong the illness and or prepared for the total break-down. Why they do that? Well it’s the believe that you can generate money out of the blue and nobody should notice. Well you can see where it ends. We know have much higher market prices for nearly everything. Are the shareholders that much richer?
No they are not they just get more calculation units as before.

The reason of this money printing is most charming. Working against some credit crunch. Ah yes that’s our problem too less credit, or not? If a private company would make such manipulation, they would go out of business, but the beneficial (for Deledefs) central bankers, see themselves as the last frontier to barbarism. Central banks suck.

It has nothing do do with market

I’m a regular reader of the Mises blog and this time really a bummer was posted:

You can read my blog up an down and I always wrote. don’t bail out. Now you can see what happens in this
dirty business. This all just can happen because the Fed exists. So the only way which can end this
is ending the Fed. So support everyone trying to get rid of it.

Sound money will yield sound markets and sound markets will yield justice. You can see it’s also just to
fight against governments and money monopolies. There is not market, there can not be justice. It’s as simple like that.

There’s just one thing left.

Which will stop the deldedefs to ruin us completey. We have to take away the possiblities to mess up with money.
So it all ends in, we need to have a stable money. We have to get rid of the central banks. The problems with
the current state of affairs just show it over and over and over and over again.

Just read the coments of Bernanke or Trichet, the most prominent examples of the heads of central banks.
Just remember the 700 billion TARP money? Just see the 750 billon money for the „european (un) safety net“.

Fact is: The leading countrie are drowning into debts. Expecting that they will pay for it is just „wishful-thinking“. They claim they will start saving, but
this is a lie. So what they will do is inflate the money. This will still from those having savings, but that is
the way it has gone since the 2nd world war. Just look back into the 1970 ies. With their extremly high inflation rates.

That we currently do not see the inflation rate rising is just „by chance“, with all the new money printed they will start raising. And then imagine central banks which will claim
stabiity is reached as long as inflation rates stay below let’s say 10 %. Just let them keep this for 7 years and the value of the debts just have halved….
But if they try to steer back they have to raise the short-termed interest rate, this will get a very very very harsh stop….

I’d prefer not to try this route, so I’m for. Stop the central banks, let’s work for „stable“ and valuable money.

What we really need

is in first line stable money. Fiat-Geld has proven that it can not cope with it. Well that’s not suprise for anyone a little bit interested in „History“.
If I have the choice between two beliefs than I’d prefer always „the market“ over anythin from the deledes. Just one example on how I think markets get it
„right“ sooner or later. The gold price has „topped“ all-times highs expressed in US-$ and EUR. And if you see a long-time chart the raising of the gold price has
started in 2006!!!! where obviously a lot of people have recogniced something’s wrong. Maybe they’ve seen the housing bubble starting I don’t know. I just started my gold carreer in
2008 after the FmStg and TARP had started. Now since 2008 the prices has doubled. Is it a bubble? Well might be, however it’s obvious that the fiat-money bubble was
inflated much faster. It seems also that the central banks are intervening to support their Fiat-money. It’s one of the surest sign that something is terrible wrong with currencies.

Unfortunatly one can expect an alliance of Politicians (deledes) and central banks to do whatever they can to disqualify the gold price. The US helds a lonely record on that.
After giving out the bound to gold they „forbid“ private ownership of gold. That’s one of the most ridicolous laws ever passed to save the „defrauders“ from their fate.

I’d not be suprises if they come along with something similiar in the not too far future. What can one do against it. Fortunatly there are more free countries as anything in the EU or the US.
So it probbably is a very good idea to open an account over there and put something of value in it. The choice which country to prefer is very simple. Those countries which value private
ownership the most are the favorites.

speculation the EU way

Well as written before the politician (sorry deledes) do blame he speculant. Well I wonder what this guys have done to envforce the EU and US to
pile up debt as high as roughly around 25 000 000 000 000 US-$. How did they do it? I really want to know. I’d add a few extra trillions. Well
no I guess it is not possible. It’s just „democratic“ decisions to live out ouf any „economic“ bound. Howerver bounds are not without a reason bounds.
You sooner or later have to stay within their borders. Or you will be brought back by „reality“. The deledes ability to ignore reality is just „miracolous“.
Or simply „stupid“, feel free to choose.

How can we get rid of this maniacs. Votes won’t help and so there must a another way to protect „normal people“ How about-
– ending the central banks
– ending the fractional reserve system
– best abolish the central banks (no rendor of last resort no safety net for defrauders
– prohibit states to issue bonds.

You do not need any other means for it, and suddenly this kind of probems simply vanish.

But of course it means less power fo deledes and that obviously a double no-no.