Schlagwort-Archive: dumb french

Dear French

Well chosen. I guess you are as fed with the Euro and EU as I’m. You decided it’s time to
dive down into socialism and a „great“ Nation of France.

So vote for socialist an communist is a very proved way to dive down in poverty. And after this poverty come the markets.
So you want a breakdown with a new beginning. That’s one way of doing it.

I’d qualify this way as the dumb way. But well a nation with such a fine history of absolutism, probably has exactly the politicians who want to get there. And you prefer that over something else. So be it.

An intelligent answer would of course be the complete different. You would have send all the Deledefs to hell, shrink your bureaucracy and the power of you elites. Would stop stealing on such a large scale and give
market and the buyers there choice. But I guess one need to have a certain kind of intelligence to see that. So you voted for the crude way. I don’t wish those who have voted for that way luck, I spare that for

Those few liberals in your country which surely will have to suffer the most. Because they are the people who do not drown in debts. To those I say. I’m sorry for you and wish you all the luck. And I’m arrogant enough to suggest them
starting to get their money out of their country and put it into real values elswhere. If France will be cheap to come back. And maybe this time you get some head start (I’m afraid that will just be it a „head“ start because after a while the dumb other
voters will vote again to steal more from you) But liberals never have a „real“ home. Freedom just wanders along and with it the supporter of freedom. I guess that is what one names fate…..