Schlagwort-Archive: default

Dear French

Well chosen. I guess you are as fed with the Euro and EU as I’m. You decided it’s time to
dive down into socialism and a „great“ Nation of France.

So vote for socialist an communist is a very proved way to dive down in poverty. And after this poverty come the markets.
So you want a breakdown with a new beginning. That’s one way of doing it.

I’d qualify this way as the dumb way. But well a nation with such a fine history of absolutism, probably has exactly the politicians who want to get there. And you prefer that over something else. So be it.

An intelligent answer would of course be the complete different. You would have send all the Deledefs to hell, shrink your bureaucracy and the power of you elites. Would stop stealing on such a large scale and give
market and the buyers there choice. But I guess one need to have a certain kind of intelligence to see that. So you voted for the crude way. I don’t wish those who have voted for that way luck, I spare that for

Those few liberals in your country which surely will have to suffer the most. Because they are the people who do not drown in debts. To those I say. I’m sorry for you and wish you all the luck. And I’m arrogant enough to suggest them
starting to get their money out of their country and put it into real values elswhere. If France will be cheap to come back. And maybe this time you get some head start (I’m afraid that will just be it a „head“ start because after a while the dumb other
voters will vote again to steal more from you) But liberals never have a „real“ home. Freedom just wanders along and with it the supporter of freedom. I guess that is what one names fate…..

What a suprise?

or not?

Well the debt ceiling will be rissen (at least as much as not to bother Mr Obama for his next selection)

Who could expect anything else? That anyone would really say, without me, and I’ll do all I can to stop the debt making of the government?

Just thing the politicians do not care that much about anything but getting re-elected. If they would bear the consequences they, might see getting the US in a harsh recession. And that’s never good for getting reelected. And so they go the way of the least resistance. The swear, they just do it for the best of the US. And maybe they are „believing“ it. (which makes them so dangerous)

But even if the would not officially higher the debt ceiling, how could anyone believe it would stop deb making. There always will be a way for government to „generate“ money out of thin air and or steal it from their population. I did not have hesitated a second that they find some way. And it seems they are raising the ceiling in 2 steps 900 Billions immediately and a another trllion a little later this year. Now how serious will they be to avoid new debt while having „new“ credit of 2 trillions?

I wrote before the US could do us all a favour, making us believe they are going to change anything. This is so fucking dishonest….

Do you like Thriller?

With an open end? Or are a fan of horror movies? Now I’ve found something for you:

Do you feel the cold of death? Or do you fell hells heat? Well whatever it is pray that this chart changes soon.

Or if you are against government as I am pray that the State goes bankrupt. It will be on of the ugliest things you ever will imagine, But then „markt“ will be the only
thing left to survive. I just can tell you see the problems we Germans had. And we got a really good revival. But now we are following the US to our own bankrupt.

Yes savings are now starting and yes that is good, but still there is too much debt in the developed countries. What will happen if the money will be used for buying things?
You can see the assets are rising but are they raising because of good business? That’s the question.

I found two very different videos on youtube about it:


We must also keep in mind the Fed has pumped literally tons of money into the economy. They name it the quantitative easing. But the Fed has accepted securirties which do not deserve that name.
And the banks surely have not lend overly much of the money but the bought bonds and I bet assets. So a question not answered to met yet is. How much of the raising stock prices is due to money looking for profitable investment and how much is really driven by more profits from the corporations. AFAIKT is the unemployment rate still raising.

A profitable recovery looks a bit different to me.

So I’m afraid the recovery still seems to be debt driven and not profit driven. So in my judgment peter Schiffer may lie but there still is no recovery but the money is driving up all the prices. So the higher stock markets are currently bubbled and not sustainable. I don’t know if this will change the next months. But because of all the hampering of free markets I’m not very optimistic. And I just can see the signs that inflation is a problem and this of course is due to the insane printing of money. But the FED never ever will admit that. It’s everything else but the loose money policy of the FED. It’s the greedy bankers, the speculators and everything else. And even if it’s worse now it would be even more worse without all the „actions“ That’s the fed way and you can not reject it. The unemployment may be even higher without all the interventions and so they are „good“. But is that really true?

I’m afraid it will get worse and worse, there comes the day the bonds will mature and then? There will come the day where the asset bubbles will bust…. I just can repeat myself, don’t trust government. If you do you’ll be among the first losers… Do not buy anything but values yet. Do not buy any bond of the US or you’ll be sorry. That’s my opinion, feel free to decide differently.

What signals does the EU safety chute emit?

I’m currently reading about the report of the IMF about Greece. You can find it under:

I’m very skeptical over any of these just be states controlled supranational institutions. I feel we think there money for doubtful outcomes. And in a way I think this are parrallel universes cycling around themselves.
So the biggest problems with this organizations is that they „can not fail“ whatever they do. It does not matter how much money they thing while contributing to keeping corrupt regimes running. You know there is not „market“ for their offers.
Theres is but one IMF. So whatever they decide to do or not is conclusive.

This is near inerrable. Yes there may be critique voices. And still one has to concede there are also clever (and surely well paid) specialists there. So we probably can learn from their findings. Unfortunately we do not have any influence on how to react on those findings. So overall I see the IMF as part of the problem not the solution.

For normal banks the „lenders of the last resort“ are in that order. The own central bank, the own government, (in the EU) the EU commission, and then comes the IMF) . So quite a lot of those „taking“ away the responsibility on standing on one’s own feet. And still the IMF is plagued with one terrible problem. The just decide bureaucratically. They ask for papers over papers (which someone has to gather), then the follow procedures (which no the sure way a market tells whether you did right or wrong) . But if the procedures are followed, nothing can happen. They still will get their payments, and gain influence over time just because if somethings going wrong they will be the „saviors“.

But back to the report. I suggest really reading it there you can find a lot of information (unfortunately in diplomatic speech) which really makes it a plagued reading. However you can see that at least something happens.

As I can see this actions still have no calming impacts. If they actions would be honored or would have a good influence on the debt situation, it should be no problem to get new credits. But still the required interests are beyond anything one really can bear. If I do have to trust supranational organizations or markets I know what side to take. But the deledefs just see their side. They never really bother thinking about markets. It’s always the markets are evil (and we have to fight the markets) and they loose every time. But they do not learn anything from it.

Au contraire, they do the same mistakes over and over and over and over again. Just see „This time is different“ and you can see, their fallings. Instead of not „having“ some extra last lender of last resort“ a new last lender is invented, every time. Now imagine a world in which this things were not their and money sound. Nobody could get that large to threaten the system and even then, there would be no one „saving“ them. Would you expect the same hazardous behavior?

The realy problem we all have is that money is a monopoly of states, and they enforce it with any means. And that’s where we call get caught. So let’s work for freeing our money for any government influence and we’ll be much finer.

So what signals can you see in the EU „safety“ chute. It’s the signal that wrong-doers are saved from their responsibility. And that’s what sticks. Everything in EUR land just tells. Don’t bother to live within your bounds. You can have party and after that you may have some hang-over but don’t be afraid, you can have the next party the day after tomorrow.

This signal is understood by the markets but not by governments. The interest rate of up to 15% and higher tell exactly what one can expect a default within the next three years….