Schlagwort-Archive: deldefs

In the end

all states will tumble and fall. And every non market money will fall also.

I gave it up to expect sanity in the deledefs minds. They live in a world which still is real, but because they can take whomever they like as hostages, they do not
have to face the reality. They got their money from the states and so it’s “sure”. If they are high enough on the lists of their party they will get re-voted, even if they fail in their
home base. They are invited to talk and well you hardly are very pressing to a guest you have invited or do you put down your guests?

They do not have to base their decisions on voluntarism. They do not have to ask the people if they really should do this or that. They are free to decide to their liking.
You can write letters, petitions you name it, they might read it still chances are high they don’t. If they decide something they can put the while force monopoly behind it. You are robbed through a law.
Well bad luck, if you don’t obey you will go to jail and in extremes you will get expropriated. Nothing new under the sun.

Nobody can stop them to vote for higher taxes (they will not name it higher, but more fair taxes) and in the end you can not stop them to sell of all the citizens to whomever. Yes there are highest courts but well they are not that high a hurdle. E.g everybody in Euro land can know that the ESM is against all democratic rules. But still they can decide for it and the highest court will probably just nod. If they would take it serious they might object, but with a few compromises here and there we are fine. It was done so with the ECB and it was done so with the no-bail-out rule. It was a sine qua no in Germany and still it’s gone and the Bundesverfassungsgericht simply has not done anything about it.

So no it does not pay of to count on rationality with Deledefs. Politics is the art of lying and get through with it. And that’s what nearly all the Deledefs do. The people are corrupted and so the system is corrupted also. So no we can not expect any support for us from our Deledefs. So in the end there’s just one thing on or side, reality. Deledefs can ignore reality for a long time but not forever. You can see that bank-saving, state-saving really has solved the real problem. the massive overhand of credit . We all know how credit expansion must fall, so what we just can do is taking as much of an advantage of the coming break-down as we possibly can. So If I can harm deledefs I happily do that. if I find a while in the tax injustice, I will try to make use of that whole. If I can take advantage of a law in a financial way I will take it. (You remember the PVS stuff I put on my roof?)

I simply have not choice here in Germany any more. I just have shadows of disaster, that’s what I have. There is but one party (which is not in any parliament) I can choose. And it’s unlikely that they will get over the 5 % hurdle. Anyway I will vote for them as long as I can and possibly even join them. I’m quite just sure I will not give into the systematic corruption. I do not want to rule but I also do not want to get ruled. And so I will try my best to bring down this apocalyptic states.

To end the starting of this blog entry let me just write:
In the end, reality will win. Ayn Rand has named the rules. Man has to obey them, all the Austrian economics know, you have to deal with the limits of reality and make the best out of it. Nothing else will work, and it’s clear they are right and all the other are just ignorants.

Other races to the bottom

Well one might think some countries may learn from their own but also from other’s countries faults. I guess I’m again very mistaken about it.
As I wrote before it’s obvious that the USA, Eurozone, Japan and China are racing to the bottom. One may ask why I include China the “big grower”. Well very easy
I say bubbles. And in China the bubble with houses are obvious. It’s not yet the case that every Chinese can buy for 1000€/m-² or whatever the price is.
But it does not matter they have planned and build cities our in the nowhere an hardly anyone has settled there. So that’s a classical malinvestement.

Last but not least Chins is a socialistic dictatorship. The PARTY is capable of nearly everything (as long as the party members are covered by their companions) I guess it would be very interesting to see how wealthy the member of the party are. I bet 1000:1 they are all much “richer” than the average Chinese worker. Every other outcome would be a big surprise

But I do not want to write about the stupidities of the developed countries. But the stupidity of socialists world wide. As you know Argentina has defaulted some 15 or so years ago. And now they start expropriating the “oil companies”. Well the promises they made before the votes have cost dearly and Inflation is a serious problem to anyone living there. But hey it’s not the actions to kill the market, it’s the speculators stupid. Argentina has wiped our the middle class after that default. And now they want to wipe out the lower middle class also. So yes they have not learned the smallest think, neither from their own faults nor the money printing faults of other countries. So you can count in Argentina on the race to the bottom. I guess they will take the pace sooner than later.

The other stupid countries are Bolivia and Venezuela. In every country the socialists are at work and you can see it everywhere. Expropriation every where. Stealing from the people with high inflation and wiping out the small wealth the people have accumulated. So they will go down also. That’s so fucking stupid and sad….

Dear French

Well chosen. I guess you are as fed with the Euro and EU as I’m. You decided it’s time to
dive down into socialism and a “great” Nation of France.

So vote for socialist an communist is a very proved way to dive down in poverty. And after this poverty come the markets.
So you want a breakdown with a new beginning. That’s one way of doing it.

I’d qualify this way as the dumb way. But well a nation with such a fine history of absolutism, probably has exactly the politicians who want to get there. And you prefer that over something else. So be it.

An intelligent answer would of course be the complete different. You would have send all the Deledefs to hell, shrink your bureaucracy and the power of you elites. Would stop stealing on such a large scale and give
market and the buyers there choice. But I guess one need to have a certain kind of intelligence to see that. So you voted for the crude way. I don’t wish those who have voted for that way luck, I spare that for

Those few liberals in your country which surely will have to suffer the most. Because they are the people who do not drown in debts. To those I say. I’m sorry for you and wish you all the luck. And I’m arrogant enough to suggest them
starting to get their money out of their country and put it into real values elswhere. If France will be cheap to come back. And maybe this time you get some head start (I’m afraid that will just be it a “head” start because after a while the dumb other
voters will vote again to steal more from you) But liberals never have a “real” home. Freedom just wanders along and with it the supporter of freedom. I guess that is what one names fate…..

Where have all the bloggers gone?

What’s going on. Where are the Mises Blogger? Since days there is not update from anyone but me?

Do you have find the hidden value from Atla Shrugged? If yes, please tell me. I’d like to emigrate also

There is s much new bad news our there, that it’s depressing. E.g our Bundespräsident thinks the ESM is a fine thing for more solidarity to Europe.
This sucks. The politicians “discuss” if it’s ok to pay day care of children at home.

There is voting time in Greece and France and it sees the left will win. Can you imagine those having started all this misery should have the means to get us out of this crapp

The ECB is considering a new round of money printing and it seems the Fed prepares something also.

So where are you?

Getting back to my predictions a year or so ago:


There you have it:

  1. money still is printed and it seems some prices are starting to show it. (so I guess this can be seen as: On it’s way)
  2. money hardly can get cheaper (wrong. As it turns out at least the ECB has lowered the price for money again one trillione for 1% for up to 3 years. So with this we do have negative yields.
  3. well the Dax has risen a lot in the last year and even since the starting of the year. So indeed it seems I got that right
  4. it’s to early to decide but at least it holds for all the over-debted countries. where everything goes down investements will also. And that is all too true e.g for Greek, Italy, Spain
  5. This was on the point. You can see that all the plans for “saving” just means more taxing.
  6. Well the first level surely was reached. You can check any statistics about Greece and Italy and will find capital exports. (So well I guess we’re on a “good” will say bad day here.
  7. ) Absolutly on the point. The suppression of simple democratic rights, can be seen with the “non-election” of Mr Monti as prime minister in Italy, the ESM, the change of bought Greek bonds form the ECB which were the only one who get a full nominal value of the bought bonds. Whereas the Privates were disappropriated. See all the laws for more surveillance etc. So yes this has come even worse than I could imagine.

Where not to invest?

Well now it’s official, existing contracts are changed by states if they wan to. You do not believe me? Well check what Greece does to it’s private debtors. So how could you expect that this won’t be done by every country if the debts are too heavy? You can’t, so you better do not “invest” in bonds of states. Their value is not known to you and may change if the defrauders decide that they won’t serve their obligations.

The whole fiat-money systems are just playgrounds for gangster and bankster. So I would also do not invest in bank shares or bank bonds.

Anyway if you think I’m a stupid bastard, feel free to ignore my suggestions. I wish you all the luck, you’ll need it.

Fed Money at work

What a suprise a new bubble is growing.

According to a German Magazine the prices for land are soaring. Within just a few years a hectare has seen an increase in price from 5000 USD to 30000 USD. That’s a raise or 600 % and you can bet
this is the next bubble. Fueled and fired by the ever expanding credits (called money from the FED). It all happens because of new laws and the mania to subsidy “renewable” energy. But of course the base for that
all is the zero or below zero interest politic from the FED. In short money printing at work. The Fed sucks

The other big driver is the granting of patent privileges, enforced by the all so loving state. States suck.

The magazine write about the vanishing middle class. What a surprise if you take from the middle to pay the top, they surely will not get richer. Anyway the middle classes believed also in “easy” money, while using credit for buying houses. Too much credit and now what has happened this bubble has busted. And now they are in trouble, what a surprise. It’s not alone the fault of the authorities (but they have made it so easy to get credits) but also the believing that this could be sustainable. Sorry vanishing middle class you suck also. You’ve build on credit and you get what you deserved. Not needing credit is the way to go for the middle class. Especially not using credit to pay consumption. Sorry guys, credit sucks very badly.

If you trust on credit you trust on hot air. Only real savings yield wealth. That’s the all and ever true way.