Schlagwort-Archive: politician

My idea about politicians

They can’t handle it differently. They are all statists. Eveything should be as always and especially they should be ruling. That’s the base line, they want to rule and they have the means of oppression in their hands. And most stupid country inhabitants do not want to abolish them but get kinlike.

That’s the truth, everything else is just propaganda.

I can’t see it differently. Ok the all may be a bit too much, but well overall it’s right and overall the ruling speaks exactly that. We’re all and you’re nothing….


Obama it’s getting worse

If you have read hear just a few articles you know that I think Obama should not be president.

Now he gave a talk about the “Future of the US” and there he mentiones something like egoistic money jugglers.

Well it’s not the egoists I’m afraid of. Imagine you get along somewhere (let’s think a market), and you want to have something let’s say a pot of honey. You want it (egoistic) and now what is the next you ask?
Well it will be “How much is it”. And you will get an answer. This answer will be the base on which you decide, well yest it’s worth it or not.

Now you are a non egoistic but politician. The same market. You see something and think well those or those may have a need for it. You take the stuff and inform the other side that’s for the greater good and that he has to
agree. If he won’t you will just pull your gun and say again. “Sir/Madam you want to give that to me for free, I know better what to do with it”. The latter attitude is that of Obama and hit gang (bureaucrats etc) It’s not me that is alone with this see the big dispute about a visit to your president here:

Who is the problem? AFAIKT it’s not the egoist. He knows he has to give to receive something in return.