Schlagwort-Archive: sinking money

Safe Investements?

It seems putting money on diverse coporations can hardly be seen as “safe” investment. GM will initiate another IPO, just with the advantage that given promises (pensions plans) are now guranteeed by the “governement”. And here in Germany we have sunk around 18 billons in the Commerzbank and there it’s unsure that tha intereste payments will be done. So much about the lies that we’ll get our money back…..

Shadows of black

well usually the world is neither white nor black. Now it’s quite different in current politics. Ok agree the Republican have won. So what? They have also voted for all the diverse Bailout plans, especially the first one which was used to sunk 780 Billion Dollars without any effect and without any control. I wrote about it two years ago
see. e.g

Or just look around that blog for a while.

The big problem is unsustainability an as it’s name implies there is not constant unsustainable growth possible. Fact is without proper saving, investing does not work. And the repulican have not a slightest better record on wasting money. I’ve kept this:

and it’s obvious that they just were in panic mode. I expect that with all their resources at their hand, that they realize what has been the problem. Nearly none of them has. And so we do not have even grey we just have shadows of black.