Schlagwort-Archive: lies
Where should be the problem
If someone claims you have done something, how could it be that guilty on suspicion is the base?
True for me at least
I was so against it right from the start, and it seems I’ve been more right than wrong about that. I
Soldiers worldwide
say no. Say no to the war drums of your politicians. Disobey and put the politicians and bureaucrats, that want to burn you in the coming wars, into jail. Espeicially US-Soldiers do not follow Uncle Sam anywhere else but into the USA.
Go out of this countries and fight against the ever growing corruption in your own country. If you serve the populations, that is your duty. If you follow you current leaders you are not more then murders or handymen of death.
You are not fighting for your population in the near east you are nothing but state paid killers down there. Was that what you wanted to choose?
Subsumption of what I wrote
since the beginning of this blog. Found today on ZeroHedge:
Citation of the 9 myth (unchanged and uncommented)
1. The dollar will continue to be the dominant currency.
This is a total farce. Grumblings grow louder around the world to establish a new non-dollar financial system, and China has taken the lead to make this a reality.
2. The US is still the dominant military power in the world.
If you measure by the quality of trained personnel, this is true. But what good is all of that military power if you can’t afford to do anything with it?
3. The police exist to protect the people.
Wrong again. With so much civil asset forfeiture taking place at the point of a gun (federally funded assault rifles), it’s clear they’re far more concerned about protecting those that maintain the status quo than protecting you.
4. Elections make a difference
Completely false. Most Western governments borrow money to pay interest on the money they’ve already borrowed.
In the US, they spend so much on mandatory entitlements and interest they could eliminate almost the entire government and still not run a balanced budget.
At that level of desperation, it matters not who’s in power.
5. Your bank is safe
Your bank might HAVE a safe. But if you look at objective data, many banks in the West have incredibly thin levels of capital and liquidity—the exact opposite of what a safe bank is supposed to have.
Oh yeah, they’re backed by poorly capitalized deposit insurance funds, which are guaranteed by insolvent governments.
And bear in mind that even if your bank is reasonably capitalized, you are still guaranteed to lose money on a tax adjusted, inflation adjusted basis if you you’re holding your savings there.
6. You have to go to college in order to get ahead
Quite the opposite—going to college in many cases can get you behind; just ask any 36-year old still paying down that $100,000 student loan debt.
The world is a big place full of opportunity. Skills and experience matter more than pieces of paper.
Here’s a better option, especially for young people: head overseas, and become an apprentice to a successful, knowledgeable individual that you respect.
Any young person who thinks that going to college is a good idea should just ask any of their unemployed friends saddled with $100,000 of debt if it was worth it.
7. I saw it on TV so it must be true.
Ufff. The mainstream media exist to paint a distorted version of reality so that people are kept placated, docile and largely clueless about what really goes on in the world.
8. Debt doesn’t matter because we owe it to ourselves
Whoever first said this must have a lot of whips and chains in his closet because he seems to enjoy pain.
If we owe the debt to ‘ourselves,’ that means that we will need to default on ourselves.
This means no more Social Security, Medicare, etc. It means causing the US Federal Reserve to become insolvent and spark a currency crisis. It means causing the collapse of every bank in the country.
Sure, no biggie.
9. The United States is the Land of the Free
Draconian surveillance efforts on its citizens. Punitive taxes, fines and regulation. Rising police state. Telling people what they can or can’t put in their bodies, how to grow their food, who to adore, who to hate. Preventing them to collect their own rainwater and live off the grid.
Now my comments. I do not agree whith it all at around 100 %. But there is way to much truth in it to fell any kind of comfort. If you know that there is a list of men, having to get murdered, and if there’s no chance to ever know how one might have got on this list. Then you can see there is a death-thread of your own government on yourself. That’s the bottom line of suppression. It’s the center of arbitrariness.
There’s one point I strongly disagree with. That’s the military power of the US. By any means and just be looking around the world this still is true. The trillions are burned world-wide and the US has the highest expenses on earth and ever on it’s military. So they are a threat to EVERYONE world wide. And the more they despair, the most likely they’ll use this military machine to “survive another day.” Even if it meant to burn the earth….
How great the deception
Just a few remarks… I sympathise to him. I once was young also and did believe I’d do the right thing doing my forced year in the Bundeswehr. Hell after- a few months I recognized how stupid I was. I would have the chance to refuse going to the Bundeswehr and I for my part would never ever do it again, but in one case if we really got attacked.
As- the Soldier wrote, he probably had the same idea. But in the end it’s was his decision to join the forces and to got whereever he was send. This can’t be discussed, it was his fault.
Anyway you can see who big/great the deception really is that people do believe in it. One would expect that those sending soldiers out would be kind of responsible.- – – – But this you simply can forget. I wrote about the role of Police and Military, it’s hardly ever for the citizens it ALWAYS for the “grand” better of the politicians. This never ever was different. The US-Soldiera in Germany in WW II did not defend USA. They were there because politicians decided that they must go. And enough of them believed those leaders. In the end they are just slaughter men. The veteran of WWI puts as much truth in his words as ever one man did, see the graphic here.
The first every population should do in case of war, if going to their government, and hand them out the guns and let them go first.- All the “elites” know surely why they do not want to enter the line of fire. How does the died soldier told them:
“Your cowardice and selfishness were established decades ago. You were not willing to risk yourselves for our nation but you sent hundreds of thousands of young men and women to be sacrificed in a senseless war with no more thought than it takes to put out the garbage. ”
I will not mourn a second if they will die, even if premature trough whatever circumstance. I just wish them, selfish as I am that it’ll hurt terrible. Thy should dread death for a few month/years and justice would require that short before the war ended they will get killed.
Anyway the died soldier has know it better:
“You may evade justice but in our eyes you are each guilty of egregious war crimes, of plunder and, finally, of murder, including the murder of thousands of young Americans—my fellow veterans—whose future you stole.”
It’s as given as amen in church that they will get unharmed. They will be cheered as “great” man, from there after-followers.- – If they would be socialist pure they would be even cheered for mass murdering. Just see the unbelievable ideas of having murdered on your T-Shirt (like Che Guevara) How they are feasting Stalin, Lenin and how the Germans still vote for the Linke. The old party which has oppressed millions of peoples and have stolen them everything. If there’s a hell I really wish it upon them.
I like the short version and headline
much more then this “government” – well lady- seems to be to honorouble.
But here we go:
The short from Acting Man ( is:
“We’re the good guys who tell the truth, and Russians are liars.Forget Iraq … that’s ancient history. Just- trust- us.â€
The day I trust government is the day hell freezes over, and if it will take eternity to get there…
Not maybe
Maybe the IPCC’s Modelers Should Try to Simulate Earth’s Oceans
I know, it’s meant ironic, anyway that is just another “ommission” one can not understand. If there is one element which makes use the blue planet it’s water. And not understanding the feedback from air to water and shallow waters to deep waters is anything BUT science.
But we know IPCC is not there for science it’s there for propaganda and you know this is one area where one should not stop for genocide….
This bastards should really have to go to hell for while and learn “climate” change.
Well look back over this blog
I warned you over an over again. The Austrians warned before the world war two. But it happens over and over again states are paradises for thieves, but it just gets along some time. And you will loose eventually. Nothing will change that now it’s Argentina again:
It’s as usual. The government promises can’t be kept. There is not enough of anything to fullfill this lies. And as you can see before there is an extreme expanson of government spending. Which of course is just driven be debts. The endless blog entries on Zerohedge are “im”(de)pressing type in Argentina
I warned you in 2011 what will come along and it’s starting. Not in the US or EU (currently) but the states farther down the path to destruction. See what I warned you for and what I propose to do about it for yourself. I needed 5 years to get all the things properly “set-up”. I hope it was enough, and I hope also I will get out of here before the next war comes….
Finding yourself quite happy today?
I’ve cure for you:
Ain’t the nice. Well yes I wrote it more than once the greates terrorists world-wide are states. Another “nice” proof of this….
Stats lie
Qu’ell surpise. (what a surprise)
The only thing what I found astonishing about it:. How well people can pretend, that states are a good thing. It’s like saying having the choice between dieying in a horrible painful way a) is better then dying a horrible painful way b). Don’t you think that’s strange also?
No suprises
for anyone who knows simple truths and is not working for/in government or parties. Hindering free trade does not work. It had not worked in the past, it does not work in the present and it won’t work in the future.
Anyone who just visited this blog just once and read more then around 10 entries, could have seen that even someone like me could see it coming.
And here we go: Bubbles. I’ve never been in China, but if they do think building houses is creating wealth, well then they are total idiots. The problem is not house building, but having houses to be build and live in. What value has an empty house? It does not serve anyone, well it may serve someone to make losses, but I’m not sure how “nice” the governments worldwide react on constant losses.
And yet there is another bubble waiting to burst YASB (yet another stock bubble). The indices in the developed countries are beyond any “real” meaning. They just have rissen with the cheap money which do not finds any other profit generating opportunity. There is the new money from the central banks and it has to go somewhere. The debts are way to high worldwide and so the people really start getting more and more cautious. The theft worldwide is on the raise also, which means people must keep their money away from where it can be confiscated as easy as on banks. And there we are. People still would like to get what they like but they hesitate, because they feel that something in the air.
It’s the smell of demise. And it’s the smell of slavery. Of course it’s not named and treated as such bit the effects are the same. People do work for banks which ask for interest on nothingness. What a brilliant idea. You have to pay interest on things the bank do not even own. And you just can get your freedom if you do not depend on credit. As soon as you take the first credit for immediate subsumption, you are a looser. And this means a total looser, the only valid thing to take credit for is for something to help you earn your living. Credit for things of the daily life, just means they got you.
And still people do it over and over again. They go into slavery and are even gladeful to the slaveholders. Nothing is more dangerous for freedom but stupid and happy slaves.
It did not had needed this proof
The USA is a fascists country, it has come over them while “fighting” terrorism. And it has shown that free just means free within the means of the bound put around you y your “you loving government. It just takes a little step further to top the worst president of the US ever. Obama is on a “good way”. The thing which is lacking is another civil war. This time again it’s big government against freedom. I hope this time freedom will win. And it should hit the current “government workers” the hardest.
Nothing in the behavior does suggest that the USA is the land of the free. It suffers under government and because it never has broken down on the past 140 years, it suffer s even worse on the ever growing government. The take and give of a few very rich and influential guys which get their hands on the new printed money first. That’s the worst of all worlds. The give the impression you may have a choice but in fact you don’t have any. It’s just the choice about how dirty your death will be. Will you be killed by starving or the wrong-doings of your government, which was supposed to keep you “safe”.
Lies, fear, destruction, torture and all the other bad things are officially sanctioned in the US. I pitty those not working for government and which have to suffer the most under it…..
Another posting form the old Mises blog
So what?
Dear Mr President tolds us. that Guantanamo
does not work against terrorism
is expensive
and damages the reputation of the US
Well that it’s against and civil and human rights. No word. So you can draw your own conclusion. Word are cheap and Presidents natural liars.
It’s a pitty that the old blog can not be accessed any more….
Written around 4 years ago:
it has stand the proof of time:
“There is no disagreement that we
need action by our government,
a recovery plan that will help to
jumpstart the economy.”
I and many others oppose that, I just suggest reading a few of the comments on
So you are not jut spreading FUD, you simply do lie.”
That’s the way it is. Dear Mr President is still a liar, and has even gone wild, while abolishing civil rights.
He claims for the executive the right to kill whomever they like, whenever they like. He’s on of the worst presients of the USA up till now.
How comes I’m not surprised?
Two entries on the zerohedge log:
and one that leads me to:
That’s the difference between states and firms. States to make firms suffer and firms have to see how to get out of it with their own money. States never get out of it with “their” own money. They just steal more (that’s called tax)
The booms are introduced by to cheap money. And money without worth. That’s the point. If the US would have to gurantee their currency with something of value. They would not be able to pile up that many debts. So it’s easy, they export Dollars and get something of some real value in return. The Dollar owner just can “hope” that he may be able to buy something with an paper later.
The USA overall lives on the expenses of the world and still they have sky rocketing records of the food ration cards. In the end it means the debts are somewhere cycling around without being used for highering the the real goods output. And that fits perfectly. The debts we have in the states are circled around. Greece can not pay so they got “new money” read “new debts” from the EU. And the banks which take in the money are buying new “bonds” of states. Handing it out as “security” to the central banks and there is it the debt. The so called “assets” (bonds) read debt claim is the highes in all central banks ever in non-war times. So that means the central banks are the biggest holders of “promises” of states to pay back their debt.
Well that’s a neat system isn’t it. The states to guranteee the mony monopoly to the central banks and the central banks take the parity value of the bonds from states as “given”. So how long would you expect such a system to be trust-worthy?
It’s just show time
well or you can name is political theatre time.
If it wouldn’t be so serious one could sit back and enjoy the show. Anyway the US democrats and republicans will simply raise the debt barrier again and so the so called fiscal cliff will just vanish like snow in the sun.
Nothing will change, the fact that the USA is bankrupt. Not just in the tight sense of having nothing more but debts. But even in moral standards. The wars are unjust, the surveillance against the civil rights. The FED is an illegal construction and the green-buck with being backed up by something like gold or solver a sham.
So the system will break down. We do not know when and how. But it’s now unavoidable. The US with just 5% of the world population just stands for 42 % of all the NEW DEBTS. And every year now there is a deficit beyond 1.2 trillions (Yes I got that figures right).
So what we see is the last and biggest credit expansion ever. There’s nothing but too much money, and it helps the defrauders to expropriate those which still do have something of some value. The payments for the bank workers have nothing to do with fair payments. It just shows the owner have not way on stopping this Bankster. The bankster also have the advantage of the politicians on their side. (Who else should take the new debts) and the worst problem is absolute central the central bank FED. She will got down the drain and take the state with her.
Maybe the citizens will keep away the power of the parties. But chances of that are slim…. Maybe the go back to the core of the constituion, because one thing is for sure, the Deldefs and bureaucrats have broken it…
Another 100 billions burned yesterday
Oh, yes it’s getting more absurd by the day.
Germany’s parliament has decided to save Spanish banks with 100 Billions. Well one myth is that Spain guarantees for this 100 Billions. This is very very very absurd. A state short before a default guarantees 100 Billions. Yes indeed, a thing I surely “believe”.
The system press in Germany cheers this as a wise decision. (One may ask for whom, but that’s problem to selfish a question) The real absurd thing about it. The prime minister of Spain has told us in 2005 that Spain will get more wealthy than Germany. Well no, that probably has not worked. But who cares?
Who has won in Greece?
Well according to the press the ND has got 30 % of the votes. Well that’s not even in deledefs meaning enough to be seen as clear winner. And it surelly isn’t even in the crudest
deledefs dreams the majority. So do the Greeks have voted for the Euro. Well at least we no that nearly as much and probably many of the non-voters do not
favour the Euro. But it could be that the Greeks know what they have with the Euro, a shield against their own deledefs. And it seems they do trust at least this
shield more but their own deledefs.
That would at least make sense to me. I wrote it here and pointed it out. With a new Fiat-Drachme currency the way into inflation and degradation of the currency is
as clear as the moon and the sun in the sky. You can pretend it’s not there but you know they are there.
So should one congratulate the Greeks for that vote. Well know, they have voted for the same parties, and some of them want to go on with the party without bearing the consequences.
Greek still is bankrupt and it’s not heard that they have minimized their state “workers” that much. We’ve not heard or read that much was done against corruption. So Greece still troubles the same
problems as the day before yesterday. A state way to big. way too much statism, and strangling of free enterprises. The (nominal) taxes still are increased and in the name of fighting corruption, it seems
they just have introduced more “rules” which it seems not to many bother for really.
It’s also not recorded that the property rights were enhanced. At least I have not heard and read about it. I’m interested in any moves they did to really clear the mess. But sorry, the mess gets IMHO bigger by the day.
The Banks are near bankrupt (well that’s fair indeed) , and the will to really cut into subsidies etc is no where in sight and so they “hope” for the next round of debts to get them out of the trouble caused by debts…
That haven’t worked, does not work and will not work as long as there is an economy…..
Your data
belong to you. Feel free to give them away to whomever you like but don’t be surprised if it backfires.
With every new day and new news about Facebook I’m happy I’m not “in”. If you just google for my name you can get a lot of information. And
I know this will stay forever. Yes I’m unimportant and nobody but maybe one or two cares. That’s fine with me. But I write what I think and “reveal” what
I want and what I decide.
With Facebook I know all my data are in access to Facebook, who am I to know to whom they give access even if I would not agree?
I simply do not know. Facebook needs desperately new sources of income. There stocks still are hell of expensive, and they must earn much more to get
just near somewhat rational regions. So If they’d earn 10 billions one might things that 90 billions are “fair” priced, But
So what else but your data should drive it’s profits.
If you feel Facebook offers something to you then fine use it, but I for my part have decided that I want mine to stay mine. I do not want even more advertisements in my
mail box, nor do I like to get stuffed with it every day, every click. In Germany the biggest advisor for debt handling Schufa have announced to start collecting user information
on facebook for their credit rankings. How would you like that? I can just say, I’m not amused.
And within 5 years I’m sure you state agencies will put pressure on Facebook to get hands on our data. Of course all for the greater goog of the american state. And they will tell, those who do not have anything to hide can simply disclose that information. Well I guess they will do it even more “subtle”. I bet Facebook will find a way to provide them with your data. Backdoors, hacker attacks, viruses, trojan horse, I don’t doubt it a second that NSA should be able to crack accounts in the hundreds of thousands if they are inclined and told to do so. Your data? Not if you give them away that freely…..
Circle of manipulation
Ok it’s ranting time.
I’m reading quite few blogs. Most about economics and poltics. Now there is one circle of manipulation/lies
I will break it down into a recurring circle
- Claim that markets do not work or that man has to be thought. That economy has to be re-thought.
- Make big waves and claim that there is a lack of justice
- Make laws, which do hamper markets even more
- Go back to 1
It’s a circle which holds for every current state. Be it the USA, some Euro State etc. And then we wonder why it’s getting worse by the hour.
There are such extreme breaks like war and or break-down of socialists states. Which allows the market to escape (but just for a while)
One extremely popular circle of interventions has to to with given countries a “fair chance” on getting out of the self-induced catastrophes. And this goes so. The economists claim they now how to give states chance.One just have to hamper the free trade. They all it control of the capital and very very popular custom duties. They poor markets from wherever have to be saved for big companies. And that’s just possible which taking away the possibility of choosing. The economists do know that is best (free market) but unfortunatly there is never the time that this free markets do what they want them do do. And so just a “temporarily” intermission of the markets is claimed to be needed. Well I guess this temporarily means from now to eternity. That is just snakeoi. The choice of the customer is the only way of deciding. Not any of the strange ideas of wanne-be-we-know.
Tell me lies, sweet little lies
The deledefs currently seem to rotate. Well this time I will not speak of the stupidity of americans to vote between two dead-bets, but the European masters of stupidity.
Europe should guarantee the saving deposits of their people. I can reduce it to one question: With what? They do not have anything of substance and
the only think they can is tax the people. So the deposits are guaranteed with “the money of the people”. How unreal is that.
I calculate for Germany and there 20 % of the deposit holders own roughly around 3.2 trillions. And our official debt is a little over 2 trillions. How much more unreal can things get?
If every German would hold a saving deposit the guarantee would have to cover 8 trillions The complete deposits of all Germans are a littel over 4 billions. How much worth can this “guarantee” have?
If 10 % of the top deposit holders would request their money from the banks, the game would be over. So you can see see rich are very social. They let themselves get robbed and still
hold together all the crap….. I wish they would end this farce…
Do you really think you’re better of?
Dear US citizens, do you really think that?
Well ask you in honesty what Obama has done the last few years? Is there anything better than before?
Aren’t you still printing money as mad and don’t your Helicopter Bend thinks, he can print the US out of the misery?
Aren’t your soldiers still killed world-wide? And don’t your government put you all under terrorism suspicion?
I just can see you’re going the way of serfdom. So do you feel that is better than what happened here in Euroland?
Well for an out/insider it should get more obvious. You’re doomed as we are. It’s just a matter of intellectual curiosity who will win the race to doom.
God shows sometimes mercy, but the fiat-money gods bureaucrats won’t. I can assure you bureaucrats are best at killing. We learned that in Germany, and your prisoners in Guantanamo learn if from your “unusual questioning methods”. Bureaucrats love to fulfill their given duties, especially harming others is high up on the “I like” ranking.
You as we are rapped and robbed every day. Just have a look at “what has government done to our money” and then compare your money do ours. Is there any difference? No it’s money just because the government declares it to be money and threatens everybody with jail if one does not accept their notion of money. You are so fucked, up. As we are, yes both blocks are just marching deads. Land of the free? Well no….
“Must” readings
I’m reading quite a lot and well I am arrogant enough to write that I found great writers and economists which have expressed much better what I
thought to be true as myself.
Once upon a time I was learning farming. I worked on a paster station and I worked on a farm specialized on pig breeding and pig fattening. My father was a farmer as were both of my grandpas. So yes it seems I would be farmer too. And I started with it. I loved my work. At least most of it. There were jobs which were just gruesome. We had a disease under our pigs which one could not heal. So you have to kill fresh born shoats. I can assure you nothing is more terrible than to slaughter small ones. But that’s another story.
Why I did not get farmer in the end. Well to my “misfortune” I had (and I guess still have) an idea what makes economic sense and what no. So the later farm was somewhere at the edge going bankrupt. But the problem I saw was that
- everything was regulated
- and even worse subsided
And last but not least to earn something around 50000 DM would require a farm well valued above 1 000 000 DM. That are roughly 5% with all the risk and all the work. Well this cut it for me. I would have other sources of income but I did want to “earn” my living myself with a “fair” return on investment.
Anyway the point I want to come back to are subsidies. To that time I had discussions with my father in which I told him subsidies are wrong. Under any circumstance. So most of my income would be not paid for by people wanting to have my stuff but subsidies this was a thing I could not want. And this was a point my father and I were of a completely different opinion. To that time I did not even know about the austrian school of economcs. How should I? I was grown in a higher school and my teachers were paid for by the state. You can not expect from paid public servants that they serve the customers (in this case the scholars) or anything critical about state control. All they had to teach us was and still is state controlled. Oh yes they will tell you it’s for the better to use all, but that’s just another lie.
So I did not follow into the farmers shoes (a thing I partly regret, because in this crazy times it is good to have something to get you fed). I still started my other “career” I’m now software developer (and to be honest I love it).
But back to my “readings”. As you can see I start blogging around the time the first bail-outs were “done”. (See even to that time I did not know from the austrian school. How should I? I was grown also on a state controlled university and you can bet what the national economics are. They a breed on a state controlled school, and are raised than in state controlled universities paid for by the states. So no you can not really expect an austrian economic in universities. But as you can read through my other blog and my blog here, I did not know them as I started blogging.
And still you can see I’m a clear fan of open markets. Nothing could be more fair is my strong opinion. And during the last 4 years I learned about the austrian school and there it was. My feelings expressed in great books. I guess it started with something from von Mises (I can’t remember really but it could have been human action). Well since then I read more and more about it and found my intuitive findings supported. And still I can understand that stuff (after all maybe the education at the university pays of for me, at least some parts of it are about critical thinking ) and there we have them: von Mises, Hayek, Rothbard. Now I have to get over 4 decades to learn anything about it, now tell me about mind washing….
So know I can clearly tell everyone which books to pick up to “get” something real. It’s indicative that von Mises never has tought much on a university, hell the austrians are the devils in person of all the good-doers in every positions of the state. And still they are the only ones which saw it coming. NO OTHER SCHOOL WAS ABLE TO DO THAT. You can bet whom I do believe more. You have one guess free 😉
Anyway they have written down what I has somewhat mangled up in my mind. And I’m delighted that I found that what I call horse sense (as you know I’m not an educated national economist) has some theoretical background and was the only school of thinking which could see it coming. So yes I see this as a confirmation of my reasons to even start my blogs.
You can call me arrogant or whatever you like, but it pleases me that things I figured out by myself are supported by the greatest economics the world has seen till now. And yes I’m proud that I figured this out by myself and that I could even see my bad feelings about the education at our “universities” have a sound foundation. So yes was able to figure that out myself but the books just showed me that I could not be that wrong. And yes I’m feeling also happy that I can name charlatanism if I see it. And yes the biggest crime ever was and still is the establishment of fiat-money. So we know it’s evil and so we should stick to the von Mises motto: Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito (Latin: Do not give in to evil but proceed ever more boldly against it) and demand to get our money back and we have all the right to demand: “End the central banks”.
And one thing I (the I in very Big letter) will never forget: It started with the feeling of a 19 year old boy learning farming, which figured out some truth (maybe even some eternal one) himself while condemning subsidies. I know it does not mean anything to anyone else, it makes THE difference for the man in front of his screen and keyboard…
surprise! suprise? suprises everywhere.
Oh it was another wonderful day of surprises (well if one can still be surprised)
A bank is in more than knee deep trouble. And surprise, the CEO of this bank has asked for a Bad Bank at the beginning of the year.
Surprise, surprise, the politicians play a major role in that bank. And surprise an insolvent bank is taken over by an insolvent state from Deledefs which have
driven the bank in insolvency. Surprise.
But that’s not all, the diverse institutions of the EU burn money, surprise. Let’s see most of the EU is not been voted but “established” from surprise the parties in the diverse countries.
And guess what the EU wants more money to pay their bills, surprise.
You can see the world is full of wonders and surprises.
Contracts, Law or not
Well we learned the Greek do not want to pay their debt any more. Ah well it fits.
Who cares about contracts? Who cares about saving in time? Who cares if the states sprawl epidemic?
The socialists of all color are at work. We know that from the diverse books ob von Mises (in this case
And with too man of them (as e.g in Greece) the arbitrariness comes
It’s clear that if you do have got paid from states (which means someone else has to pay for you, without the need of any delivery from your side), you
like to keep it that way. And so if you go to the vote you will not choose for those “taking away” from you. Oh well yes who cares?
Promises, light money, deledefs, central banks every part enough to send you into default.
Now I’m interested how the other defrauders will act. Saving? Come on let’s be serious., that’s nothing deledefs can. They just can take more from the productive, burn more money and
grow like pestilence. You see the actions. Nothing really way saved, au contraire, the debts have grown even faster, and the levels of bureaucracy are still increased. Oh “yes” that’s what we need more thieves.
And you can bet the laws are getting worse. It’s more and more a means of oppression, it’s not to save the individual of their states, it’s to save the states for their people. It sucks very badly. And the states or nothing more than crooks. I hope they will have to pay their debts and misdeeds this time. (I know it’s more likely that hell freezes over)
Where have all the bloggers gone?
What’s going on. Where are the Mises Blogger? Since days there is not update from anyone but me?
Do you have find the hidden value from Atla Shrugged? If yes, please tell me. I’d like to emigrate also
There is s much new bad news our there, that it’s depressing. E.g our Bundespräsident thinks the ESM is a fine thing for more solidarity to Europe.
This sucks. The politicians “discuss” if it’s ok to pay day care of children at home.
There is voting time in Greece and France and it sees the left will win. Can you imagine those having started all this misery should have the means to get us out of this crapp
The ECB is considering a new round of money printing and it seems the Fed prepares something also.
So where are you?
The sorcerers stone was found
Money printing does not lead to inflation
Oh yeah. And that from a country which has disappropriated all the private creditors and have ruined the middle class through high inflation. Am I impressed?
You can bet…..
Getting back to my predictions a year or so ago:
There you have it:
- money still is printed and it seems some prices are starting to show it. (so I guess this can be seen as: On it’s way)
- money hardly can get cheaper (wrong. As it turns out at least the ECB has lowered the price for money again one trillione for 1% for up to 3 years. So with this we do have negative yields.
- well the Dax has risen a lot in the last year and even since the starting of the year. So indeed it seems I got that right
- it’s to early to decide but at least it holds for all the over-debted countries. where everything goes down investements will also. And that is all too true e.g for Greek, Italy, Spain
- This was on the point. You can see that all the plans for “saving” just means more taxing.
- Well the first level surely was reached. You can check any statistics about Greece and Italy and will find capital exports. (So well I guess we’re on a “good” will say bad day here.
- ) Absolutly on the point. The suppression of simple democratic rights, can be seen with the “non-election” of Mr Monti as prime minister in Italy, the ESM, the change of bought Greek bonds form the ECB which were the only one who get a full nominal value of the bought bonds. Whereas the Privates were disappropriated. See all the laws for more surveillance etc. So yes this has come even worse than I could imagine.
Now it’s obvious
As written yesterday I was going to a demonstration against the ESM.
In short the outcome feels devastating. We were just around 200-300 participants. So now we probably got on idea on how the last democrats at the end of the Weimarer Republik may have felt.
95% of the Germans seem not even know what ESM means. Those who have to decide upon it seems to be eager to sign the next Ermächtigungsgesetz. Indeed roughly 800 000 Germans have protested by some mail etc. That’s well 1% of the population. And now one can see the “merits” of democracy
The majority does what it wants and the minority has to obey. That’s great. And so we may have more than 50% of the inhabitants taking one of the other subsidy of the state. And the other nearly 50 % have to do what? Pay. (and pray it won’t get more)
It really feels the world has gone mad. Normal behavior is now some kind of absurdity. And stealing from states a “blessing”. Well so be it. Anyway even if it would have been me alone, I would not care. It’s not of anyone that I’m doing this “stupidities” it’s because it’s for me. One day this system of slavery comes to an end and maybe my children remember one thing. Father has not take part into it, but tried to fight it wherever he could. This times have one strange new thing. Things I write here may stay here for a while. Even beyond my death. And so there are others we do not forget. Think of the books of von Mises, von Hayek, Rohtbard. They are still there to guide us, and warn us and see the Motto of the old Mises blog: Proceeding Ever More Boldly Against Evil. It’s not those wanting to leave in peace and sound money who are the evils, and if there is not much we can do we still can write, think, speak. I will proceed with it, do the same and we’ll be maybe not fine but at least better 😉
Next stop for me is to file a suite against the ESM at our Bundesverfassungsgericht, I do not believe a second that the majority will decide against ESM and that our Bundespräsident will not sign this Emächtigungsgesetz. He speaks of freedom, we’ll see what he means. Signing ESM would just be another broken promise and I assure you that would not be of any suprise to me. I even dare to say the Bundesverfassungsgericht will not stop this Ermächtigungsgesetzt. But if there is one left who may do, it’s this highest court of Germany.
I dare to say you US citizens are not better of either… We’ll see what your supreme court will tell us about the ObamaCare…..
Anyway this systems come to an end. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow maybe not in even 10 or fifty years, but they will go done. And that’s a good thing.