Schlagwort-Archive: Obama

Ich glaube

hier verrennt sich der Autor:

Allerdings sind es, wie er schreibt, Gedankenspiele, ich sehe es etwas kritischer. Ich denke, es ist Wunschdenken (IMHO positives). Er hat allerdings in einem sicher recht. Biden wird von unserer Presse weitaus mehr zugestanden als Trump. Ich erinnere aber noch an einen der größten Kriegstreiber und Schuldenmacher – Obama. (siehe:
Der ist bei der dt. Presse ein Säulenheiliger, den Thron teilt er mich Politikern wie Brand und Schmidt,
Auch Trump hat z.B. Guantanamo nicht geschlossen und neue Schulden hat er auch zuhauf aufgetürmt, dazu Zölle, Handelsbeschränkungen und „Sanktionen“.

Leider kann man von den USA nicht schreiben, sie hielten sich aus den ganzen Kriegen hinaus. Es wäre anders, wenn Leute wie Ron Paul Präsident wären. Tja und das ist eben nur Wunschdenken von mir (sehr positives ;-()).

Ich hoffe, der Autor von Citronimus liest hier noch mal vorbei. Fand das hier aus 2013!

Sollte man nicht vergessen!

USA Trump vs Obama


Ich bin aus mehreren Gründen kein besonderer Verfechter von Trump. Die Gründe kann ich Ihnen leicht aufzählen:
1) Immer noch gibt es Guantanamo
2) Immer noch befinden sich die USA in unerklärten Kriegen
3) Der Haushalt besteht zu 20 – 25 % aus neuen Schulden
4) Zölle haben mit freiem Handel nichts zu tun
5) Ich sehe keine Änderung was „deep state“ angeht.

Was rechne ich ihm positiv an:
– er bringt die „liberale Schickeria“ (liberal im amerikanischen Sinn) ziemlich gegen sich auf.

Was am bezeichnendsten ist. Machte es Obama wurde gejubelt, macht Trump dasselbe kommt so was wie unten heraus:

Fakt: unter Obama wurden die Schulden der USA verdoppelt. In nur 8 Jahren hat Obama mehr Schulden gemacht als alle vorherigen Präsidenten zusammen !

Immer mal wieder: Griechenland

Griechenalnd ist garantiert nicht „komplett!“ am Arsch. Und nein wir Deutschen sind an den Schulden Griechenlands nicht schuld ! Es war das eigene Wahlverhalten und man hat gerne genommen was der günstige Euro an weniger Zins mit sich brachte. Wie man sehen kann, war es keine „normales“ Wachstum sondern ein Wachstum angetrieben von schnell steigenden Schulden und die haben die Griechen ganz alleine angehäuft. Baader nannte es vorfressen und nachhungern. Die Gesellschaftsklempner wie der Autor wollen einem weiß machen, daß es mit den Schulden schon alles normal ist und die sind entsetzt wenn die Staaten auf einmal nicht mehr so viele Schulden machen um Ihre Irrsinn zu bezahlen. Ich finde es gerecht und auch uns Deutschen wird bei 2 Bio an Schulden auch irgendwann erwischen. Man könnte ja mal auf die Idee kommen Defizite auch abzubauen. Sogar Keynes der immer wieder zitiert wird hat es sich so vorgestellt, was auch unsere Politiker immer wieder vergessen, in guten Zeiten Schulden und Staat zurückfahren. Dieser Teil ist der unpopuläre aber mindestens genauso wichitge. Besser natürlich man fängt mit den Manipulationen gar nicht erst na. Aber das wäre ja für die meisten Politiker fürchterlich, irgendwo muß das Geld ja herkommen. Steuern sind nicht so populär also nimmt man Schulden auf, die klar irgendwann vom Steuerzahler auch bezahlt werden müssen – aber dan ist der Politiker ja nicht mehr an der Macht.

Prachtbeispiel dazu Obama. Verdoppelung der Staatsschulden in nur 8 Jahren bei übre 200 Jahren vorherigen Präsidenten. Schulden machen etwas, und die Griechen bekommen es gerecht auf’s eigene Brot geschmiert.

In D sind wir auf dem gleichen Weg wie die Griechen: Dank des Wahlverhaltens der Deutschen regieren in D seit 70 Jahren Sozialdemokraten. Kommt eben darauf an wie schnell man Schulden sammelt und ob man es glaubt oder nicht bisher waren wir da ehre noch diejenigen die es nicht ganz so weit trieben. Der nächste Abschwung kommt aber bestimmt und dann wird’s auch wieder mit dem Schulden machen – bis es kracht, und es wird genauso krachen wie in Griechenland.

Und wer meint es sei schon alles ansonsten in Butter: Als ob die Krise des EUR vorbei wäre. Als ob die EU aus dem Schneider wäre.

Wer hätte das gedacht

Obama und der Gauck(ler) geben eine eindeutige Wahlempfehlung für Trump ab.

Das ist interessant, man muß dazu zwar das Doppelsprech „verstehen“ aber der Friedensnobelpreisträger unter dem dem die USA-  8 Jahre Krieg führten und dem Gauck(ler) der ja meint – „Die Eliten sind gar nicht das Problem“-  und man müsse die Weitsicht und Weisheit der gewählten Volkstreter nur richtig kommunizieren sind das eindeutig. Sie warnen vor Trump und äußern sich pro Clinton. Da wir wissen Krieg = Frieden und Eliten = Lügner,-  Betrüger und Gewalttäter ist es anders nicht zu verstehen. Folgte man Clinton und Gauck, dann wählte man mit Clinton jemand der genau in ihren Kram paßt. Ergo mindestens 4 Jahre weiter Krieg und genauso lange wären die „Eliten“ nicht das Problem.

Ja genau diejenigen die uns in diesen Schuldenberg brachten, die alle-  Märkte zu Grunde richten (wollen), genau diejenigen die immer wieder meinen die Bevölkerung sei einfach zu dumm. Genau diejenigen die die EU etablierten, genau diejenigen die alles und jeden überwachen wollen. Die politische Korrektheit fördern und fordern die immer diejenigen diskriminieren (auch dürfen) die für Ihre ganzen Aktionen bezahlen müssen (dank räuberischer Erpressung). Wenn die sich eindeutig auf eine Seite stellen, dann kann man nur das Gegenteil oder die Gegenposition einnehmen.

Ergo heißt es

Liebe US-Bürger wählen Sie Trump.

Don’t say you have not been warned

I wrote against it since the start of this blog. I warned of Obama, I warned of Trump and Clinton. I was totally against any bail-in, any bail-out. any EU support for countries in financial problems. I warned about the downswing in Griechenland and I warned also about the catastrophe in Venezuela.

I warned actively against any central bank and also I warned for the ever growing EU. You don’t have to believe me, you just can look through this blog or others I keep or write in: see e.g I especially warn against the current legal tender money.

Facts still are. You voted for Obama (most of you) and you get a nobel peace price winner who was in war over all his president ship. I told you before Obama is clueless about economy: You still voted for Obama and it has doubled your debts in just 8 years. Now that-´s more than nearly 200 hundred years back with all the wrong-doings of your politicians just before Obama. And still you voted for Obama the second time.

Now you will decide for Trump or Clinton, if you do, you are toast and rightly so. It does not have to bother me, but it will hit men world wide. With Mr Clinton war will never end. If war will end with Mr Trump, one can have at least a shimmer of hope. But they are both by any means worse candidates then even maybe Obama, and that means quite much.

Did anyone of the candidates suggest he/she will call back your soldiers? Does anyone has suggested to stop war against terrorism, war on drugs, war on whatever. Has anyone suggested to-  close down the central bank, hell has anyone even suggested to make no more debts?

Sorry it’s harsh but the truth. If you fucking morons do vote for either Clinton or Trump, the blood is also in/at your hands. We (the Austrians) told you not to go down that route, you are too stupid to grasp the problems with deep state. And yet since 200 years you are voting for the GOP or the Democrats. You deserve all the misery, you currently have to endure.

For anyone not voting for either Trump nor Clinton.-  You’ve tried, that’s more then one can say about anyone else. But it will cost your blood also. And not just those of the stupid voters for any out of the old parties.

Time’s starting to tell

something, very easy to understand for any one who likes freedom who knows the base of liberalism in the european sense.-  What’s time telling? „It won’t be different this time“, anyone who does not know what I mean should run to the next shop an see the book „this time is different“ it’s about bankruptcy and states.

All current Systems are very deep social democratic nearing socialism. Freedom is just-  a word they use to describe that you are free to agree with them or go to jail or even worse get killed.

Now see the things Obama really has done to the US. And there’s but one hallmark, soaring debts and being in wars during all the time. Now the USA is at war for nearly 15 years. Agreed the numbers of casualties is low, in fact so low that nobody objects. But soldiers of the US are dying in the non-declared wars, that’s the fact. And the other fact not even the central bank can hide:

The charts stop well in the past but the plus is immense from around 7 trillion to over 17 billions in not just 8 years. That’s the base line of Obamas „achievements“ a total corrupt state, a state which is more orwellian than 1984 and still the same „rulers“. Just remember before the bullets hits you. It’s all for YOUR best, so they told/tell.

Here’s a more actual chart:

Keine positive Überraschung

Nach langer Zeit schau ich „mal wieder“ in die BNN und sie kann mich „mal wieder“ nicht positiv überraschen. Ich picke nur mal 3 Dinge heraus. Obama kommt aus dem Urlaub und hebelt die Demokratie aus (Zustimmung der MSM da die meisten Journalisten große Probleme mit Waffen in privater Hand haben) Warum hebelt Obama die Demokratie aus? Nun er will es am Kongress vorbei entscheiden.

Der andere Fall in Polen wird der ÖR unter politische Aufsicht gestellt (was man eigentlich als einen verwundernden Zug von Ehrlichkeit bewundern muß) aber das soll die EU mit der „Rechtsstaatenregel“ anfangen Druck auf Polen auszuüben. Man sieht es kommt sehr darauf an wer, wo mit welchen Motiven die Demokratie aushebelt.

Und als letztes auf der Paris Dakar gibt es Verletzte sie wird „mal wieder“ ihrem „zweifelhaften“ Ruf gerecht. Genau wie die BNN die natürlich nur die Zweifler aufführt und die Befürworter ganz am Ende erwähnt.

Somit willkommen in 2016 in meinem Blog. Ich werde weitermachen wie bisher, mal mehr mal weniger schreiben, was Sie zu erwarten haben wird sich nicht ändern. Ich werde nicht aufhören die „sozialdemokratischen“ Faschisten anzugehen. Wer davon, wie ich, genug hat, sollte sich entscheiden ebenfalls für mehr Freiheit einzustehen – auch politisch. Meine Erwartungen sind dort aber niedrigst gesteckt, fand dazu in Fountainhead ein guten Kommentar. Wer will schon die Vernunft auf seiner Seite haben. Politiker und Gutmenschen sicherlich nicht….

Kurzkommentar „Wahl“

Sack in den USA umgefallen. Was darf man als Europäer erwarten? Nichts. Was darf man als US-Amerikaner erwarten: Statt eines demokratischen Henkers tut es erst mal wieder ein republikanischer. Nächste Präsidentenwahl? Nicht automatisch wird es ein Republikaner werden. Aber auch das bleibt die Frage. Was soll’s?

Das einzige etwas amüsierende: Die Zeitungen sprechen davon als wäre eine Weltwunder geschehen. Meine einziger Kommentar zu diesem „Hype“ – was soll’s….

You have been warned

Look for keep this in record in this Blog. I warned everyone who was willing to read. You even did not have to buy an expensive book to get that message. Just a computer somewhere internet access and some search for Obama.

You did not want to hear, now you suffer from you own decisions. That’s fair for those having voted for Obama. Well it’s hell on earth to everyone else.

Anyway you still do not give up on your „politicians“, you still vote for them over and over again in the end you do legitimate everything which is now done in whatevers name. Be it fight against poverty, terrorism or whatever. It always comes down to one simple thing: „Less freedeom every hour of the day“. And you like it that way. You still allow the NSA around I’ve not heard from any complaint at the supreme court. You do still let your solidery wander around and kill be it on site or even worse from the distance.

Stop your politicians and get back your freedeom. Drop the stupid FED and their „funny“ money and go back to the time where having debts was a shame. If you do not do so, you deserve every hardship that comes along.


what the do with OPM
„This „investment“ will cost $1.6 billion, and that’s just to build housing for the marines. If previous government „projected costs“ are anything to go by, this expense will likely balloon. One does have to wonder how barracks for 2,500 marines can possibly cost $1.6 billion (for those without a calculator handy, that’s $640,000 PER MARINE!). I hope those are damn nice barracks Mr. Obama! Oh, you poor US taxpayers. When is enough going to be enough?“


I can not express my distaste for Obama in any words I know in english.

About the US-Shutdown

Now in short you can read about it at zerohedge at:

„The irresponsibility of the governments that have done nothing but spend since Ronald Reagan jacked in acting to play the role of President of the USA, there has been nothing but a successive line of Presidents that have been playing a role-game for the entire country. It’s about time that all that changed.“

And this spending was so easy because the US dropped money for IOYs. Is it time for a change? Well it is beyond high time, but the system still has the weopons ans still the support of most of the population. So it will go in, till it really breaks. I doubt there will be any president wise enought to initiate the bust, I’m also afraid the next chief of the central bank will print even more money. And we all know how that ends….

A small thing to remember


Take that Obama. You are surely one of the worst presidents the US ever had. You are in very bad company. There is Nixon, and the civil war president Lincoln. Now all of them have one in common they have not the slightest respect on the constitution. It was meant to keep the state ouf of ones live. But what did you they do? They send their citizens into battle, they’ve stolen their property and they forced them into health care. What do you think are? God?

Let me have a look


And cha cha cha.

This is not even entertaining, it’s just the pure blank pain and hate I can fell for the US-congress. They are not even Jokes of Politicians but caricatures. It’s a collection of such loosers that it simple does hurt.

So who wants to believe the deibt ceiling will not be risen? Anyone?

Just a small question

to my readers from the USA.

When do you want to get your civil rights back?
You spy on the worl and probably your own population. So how comes, that the population does not demand back their freedom?

What is it that the government can take away everything he should grant to their people from Mr Snowden?

What does the word freedom mean? Does it mean, the state is right and everyone else is wrong?

Your problem? You’ve some money?

Well governemt to the rescue.

So don’t bother just settle over and pay more and let them take away all your money. You do not just have to pay for yourself but all the freeriders which are eligible for „support“. Who could be suprised about the height fo your payments then?

Obamacare – just means this Obama cares for himself and his gang.

You did not know that? Well then you are even more stupid then I thought….

Another posting form the old Mises blog

So what?

Dear Mr President tolds us. that Guantanamo
does not work against terrorism
is expensive
and damages the reputation of the US
Well that it’s against and civil and human rights. No word. So you can draw your own conclusion. Word are cheap and Presidents natural liars.

It’s a pitty that the old blog can not be accessed any more….

Written around 4 years ago:

it has stand the proof of time:
„There is no disagreement that we
need action by our government,
a recovery plan that will help to
jumpstart the economy.“

I and many others oppose that, I just suggest reading a few of the comments on

So you are not jut spreading FUD, you simply do lie.“

That’s the way it is. Dear Mr President is still a liar, and has even gone wild, while abolishing civil rights.
He claims for the executive the right to kill whomever they like, whenever they like. He’s on of the worst presients of the USA up till now.

It’s „election“ time

Well if you name it election, while just having the choice between destitution and calamity. If you think something will change for you, well think again.

Both are mercantilists of the purest form. And they are spending other peoples money. That’s the only thing they really can. They use the words honor in a convoluted way So you do not have a choice as long as such deledefs can be voted for.

My tip for the election is that Obama will win. You do not drive out the redeemer of whatever.

So we will have to live again with an inept president. Alone a visit somewhere in the US costs a few millions. If he’s traveling an hour in his plane another 100 000 Dollar or so are burned. He will smirk in every available camera and will tell you how much he cares. Well yes and he will arm police with new weapons to enable better killing of „bitchy“ citizens. He will extend the rights of the armed forces to be better used for killing people in the US itself.

Because you believe such a liar you will get what you have voted for. I wish you will be the first to feel the bullets of you guardians. For those neither wanting distress nor calamity, well you choices are vanishing. Secession will hardly be an option, so what else is left? Probably just emigration. But because most of you think you live in such a great country, you will not consider it till it’s too late. Anyway it still is too late. You have give up freedom for god-knows-what.

I can not understand why you accepted that.

Do you really think you’re better of?

Dear US citizens, do you really think that?

Well ask you in honesty what Obama has done the last few years? Is there anything better than before?

Aren’t you still printing money as mad and don’t your Helicopter Bend thinks, he can print the US out of the misery?

Aren’t your soldiers still killed world-wide? And don’t your government put you all under terrorism suspicion?

I just can see you’re going the way of serfdom. So do you feel that is better than what happened here in Euroland?

Well for an out/insider it should get more obvious. You’re doomed as we are. It’s just a matter of intellectual curiosity who will win the race to doom.

God shows sometimes mercy, but the fiat-money gods bureaucrats won’t. I can assure you bureaucrats are best at killing. We learned that in Germany, and your prisoners in Guantanamo learn if from your „unusual questioning methods“. Bureaucrats love to fulfill their given duties, especially harming others is high up on the „I like“ ranking.

You as we are rapped and robbed every day. Just have a look at „what has government done to our money“ and then compare your money do ours. Is there any difference? No it’s money just because the government declares it to be money and threatens everybody with jail if one does not accept their notion of money. You are so fucked, up. As we are, yes both blocks are just marching deads. Land of the free? Well no….

Are you really serious?

Dear US-Citizens are you really serious to vote for Obama again?

Have you ever considered whether he has lived up to his announcements?

Well it seems it does not matter. So vote vor Obama again and bear the consequences.

I wish you all the luck you’ll need.

A small question to the US voters

sorry guys, but why are you voting for those with the deepest pockets and biggest lies?

The last vote campaign of Obama has cost > 1 billion. So why are you still voting for them after you’ve learned vote after vote that they kid you? Why are you know cheering such loosers as Romney, Chim.whatever?
What has come after all the promises?

Was government cut? Did you get less laws and some freedom back? They tell you they will, lower the taxes, give work (how ? , does Uncle Sam needs some extra cannon fodder) or are you just speculating to get paid by government? Did they even start to stop subsidizing the banks? When was the last time you got an bail-out (which can not work because the Uncles Sam has not money at all for that). Have they ever done anything to keep the value of your currency? So be honest, are you too stupid to recognize you are tricked over and over again? Or is it your wish to just live on anyone else’s expenses? Or are you not able to see where credit addiction will lead to?

So why are you again working for Obama, or Romney ? Have you really gained so much through Obama that you can live as robber? Is this what you want using force against others to get their money?

Do you feel beeing treated unfair? Well guess what most were treated unfair by government every day. Was it you who had to pay or got paid? Well AFAIKT your congressmen still are getting paid. Do you realize that it’s your money they burn day in/out. Do you know your father,mother, sister, brother etc are dying for them? How does it feel to know you lost someone because your politics though it a good idea to go to war? Do you know how many were killed in the name of democracy. Doesn’t it hurt?

Why are you still choosing slavery over freedom? Is is that great to be a slave?

So tell me what drives you still to choose for Obama and his biggest contenders? Masochism?

Time for a book?

Dear readers it seems I have to suggest some literature for you.

Check out the following books: „Bailout nation“, „Credit Card Nation“ and „Human Action“.

In 1998 there was a nation-wide negative saving rate at work. And you know that was also the time of the Internet bubble. Now in this extra 13 years nothing has changed. The debt has again more than doubled and it’s still raising. You can not have wealth without saving. You can not get rich on Credit. So fact is with debts everywhere the end can not be avoided. Kredit expansion is according to von MIses, incurable either one stop is or the currency will break. And if a currency breaks, poverty is the new „middle“ class… Now with forgetting to save things the middle class is starting to go down. I propose you check the diverse countries in the US and you will see where people save there will be much less suffering.

The US has overstretched their limits and in fact it’s the biggest burner of money with it’s military machine. Military machine is just good for one thing destruction. And So the military will take it’s part in distruction of the US. And Obama has nothing done to prevent this. I remind you of my critical entries here about Obama and in fact it’s getting even worse. See e.g. Really the US is gone, it’s just a death corpse walking. But sooner or later it will crush and this will be the start of another civil war. Now around 150 years after the last , we come back to it. It’s devastating. I propose to start thinking about leaving the US. You may escape the war. But maybe not. The debt race still is open all over the world. …..

Another small look back

Has anything changed or was I right on the point? In fact the debt have risen more then 6 trillions. In just 3 years.

And still the same bandits are riding and driving more and more into poverty. Is that what you US-citizens really want?

Why one would trust anyone of the candidates which have proven to keep this system running is beyond my understanding. The states is the problem and the disease, you must
get cutting it out.

You can make it happen

I warned you years ago for the man without ideas Obama. I warned for the other candidate also:

It’s up to you to end this. Watch closely what the candidates have done in the past and how they acted. If you feel that freedom is not
just a seven letter word, you probably just can vote for one candidate. So don’t hesitate to do the right thing. You were ruled by liers for decades and government has shown more then once
that they are for „big money“ and big companies. Don’t you think it’s time to give those a chance which earn your wealth. Yes GM and the big firms partly do own your wealth. But there are those „little“
craftsmen. There are those mechanics countrymen etc. They care for you as customers, they offer value for money. If GM has done wrong it does not try to serve the customers better. Thy sit down in
an plane fly over to Washington and are whining how great they are for the US an how under appreciated they are.

This is a plain lie. But hey government just sees 10000 working places in danger. We have to do something. That they drive out of the market ten times as much. That’s not what they care for that „normal“ risk.

Don’t you think that is unfair? If yes again watch closely what the candidates have done and how the acted in the past. You may come to the „right“ candidate then.

Last but not least you will have another choice in 5 years to vote for someone else. But it could be different this time. See your constitution and vote for whom stand for it. You grand fathers did know right from the start,
what dangers large government brings with it. That it has come so far, is not their fault. They’ve given you the means to avoid that. So think about it and choose in their remembrance.

Going back in time

One of the nice and bad things about Internet is that you can find things you once wrote. This is what I found:

Now what has changed? Obama still is clueless. But no other has any more clue but Ron Paul. So nothing learned in 3 years and another 8 trillions of debts later. That’s really poor.

Do voters appreciate honesty?

I’m wondering, is this the case? If one sees for whom they voted, it seems the answer is „maybe“.
AFAIKT Obama has lied. He promised to close Guantanamo but still this violation of human rights is still functional.
I do not even start talking about his slogan „Yes we can“. The base is Obama has not shown any particular strength in economic knowledge.

He still believes in the magic of the printing press and has nothing to show for paying back the few trillions of debts of the US.

So overall he has lied in more than one way and still one considers voting for them. That means honesty is not what is expected from Politicians.

But if one prefers to be lied at one gets only liars voted. Will this make your live easier?

Think about it

even if not for all to long.

What has Obama said before he was voted? What of these things has he fullfilled?

If you find he has delivered what he promised, vote for him again. If you think he has delivered too less. Just do not vote for him. It’s everyones decision to
vote for or against some candidate.

If you think for the US for a while and see your bills of rights. Can you find your US in there?

If you think about the debts the US have, think about what will happen to you if you are that deep in debts.

If you have thought about this for a while, you may get an idea for whom to vote. Feel free to share that view with others.

Now I understand what Obama meant

in his past tries to win this election (which unfortunately he did win)

His motto was: „Yes we can“

I was always puzzling, „what the hell does he mean with „we caan“ „. And now I know. He just mises a few little words.
Yes we can, make more debts“.

And they do, they make more debts as if there won’t be a tomorrow. And well if they proceed, there surely will be no tomorrow for them quite soon.

Because I see loosing them (the deledefs) as an advantage. I just can ask the member of the parliaments kindly. „Would you mind to give Obama another few trillions please“.
The next vote is just a little over a year. So maybe Obama can ruin the US till then. After that the people may consider what has made the US the economic giant,

If they figure that out, they may vote for a better president… It would serve us all.