Now a new level of insanity.
I wrote about the CD with thought-to-be-tax-defrauders. Now there’s new level of insanity.
At first the CD should be bought and after that there should be a new law established which makes this buy illegal.
You don’t believe me. I do not even believe it myself but it’s written here,4193742
The title says: law against data theft
But in the middle one can read:
„Zuvor wird der Bund allerdings die in Baden-Württemberg und anderen Bundesländern aufgetauchten Steuersünder-Daten „
Read: „Before the state governement will buy the CD of tax-defrauders which have occured in Baden-Württemberg or other states“
They want to make illegal what they are first doing and for which they are paying high sums.