The big troubles with our current „Politicians „is that they feel, that just given enough political influence all things will turn out good. This is a big mistake. The most urgent problem is to
give people confidence that they itself can manage their future. Currently they messages are only, if you trust us we’ll help you. Instead of. „Dear people, we’re sorry but some of you have messed up miserably. We see the problems but will refrain from anything about it, and we are sorry that we inflicted political guide lines on you which have turned out to be unsustainable.. We see our errors and will correct them, and stop putting „political correct“ laws an you. We just will start looking for one but one thing. Stable money…..
This would be honest and „helpful“. But what they do is just saying. „Well we messed up and put you in misery, so give us more power to help you out this misery. surrender to us, we know what we’re doing“…..
Feel the difference. The base for the GFC is not too less political „messing-around“