Intermediate status

Of Inflation up to 3.1 % in the US and 2.4% in EURo land

Does not need much more to get over 4%. If that is reached you money will half it’s value in just 18 years. And still the Fed is printing money as mad. So maybe 5% is not that far away.

And again “this time isn’t different”. The deledefs are making debts as much as they can. And the only question is not IF debt must be just. How much do I have to pay for the debts.
And the stealing goes on. They get the money first and profit from non risen prices and then people realize that they got poorer day-by-day. They’ll try to get higher wages and the spiral steepens.

I’ve my opinion of what to do against this gangsters. I suggest you check raw materials, precious metals and land. Maybe the prices are coming down and you can make a deal. But be aware.
If you will have something after this ponzi scheme tumbles down. You will have to pay for the new start. So you do not just pay one buy twice, thrice….

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