Schlagwort-Archive: printing money

It’s just show time

well or you can name is political theatre time.

If it wouldn’t be so serious one could sit back and enjoy the show. Anyway the US democrats and republicans will simply raise the debt barrier again and so the so called fiscal cliff will just vanish like snow in the sun.

Nothing will change, the fact that the USA is bankrupt. Not just in the tight sense of having nothing more but debts. But even in moral standards. The wars are unjust, the surveillance against the civil rights. The FED is an illegal construction and the green-buck with being backed up by something like gold or solver a sham.

So the system will break down. We do not know when and how. But it’s now unavoidable. The US with just 5% of the world population just stands for 42 % of all the NEW DEBTS. And every year now there is a deficit beyond 1.2 trillions (Yes I got that figures right).

So what we see is the last and biggest credit expansion ever. There’s nothing but too much money, and it helps the defrauders to expropriate those which still do have something of some value. The payments for the bank workers have nothing to do with fair payments. It just shows the owner have not way on stopping this Bankster. The bankster also have the advantage of the politicians on their side. (Who else should take the new debts) and the worst problem is absolute central the central bank FED. She will got down the drain and take the state with her.

Maybe the citizens will keep away the power of the parties. But chances of that are slim…. Maybe the go back to the core of the constituion, because one thing is for sure, the Deldefs and bureaucrats have broken it…

Money printing the ECB way

Great news for all the inaptly European banks out there.

The lender of last resort, does what the FED does for ages, they are printing money. Well it’s not named this of course. Because we live
in time of double-speak. It’s to avoid a credit crunch. And of course the hope is the inaptly banks buy bond from inaptly states.

Is there a way we can influence that? No chance. the ECB is independent and it does not have to follow anything, but usually their laws. And stretching them
is probably the thing Draghi likes the most. And so we go. The ECB funds the defaulted states. What a happy news….


Now dear Readers, if you think there must be an end to ignorance and deception. You have to read the following:

One can see they are absolutely clueless and can’t help but trying to prolong the suffering of a complete and without doubt unsustainable way.

With that Bernanke has now proofed he’s an even bigger defrauder than Greenspan. What will he do if the inflation starts galopping. The prices for food and fuel are nearly running. (Well it’s get a bit better because of the fear of a recession). Anyway they do it again and again and again, making money cheaper and cheaper just to keep this big ponzi-scheme running a bit longer.
We now have negative interest and it’s getting worse. They probably will futher buy securities etc. and printing money..

I always thought some sanity and knowledge must be present even with central bankers, but they’ve prooved me wrong. They are clueless and just panicking. The actions will accelerate the “Untergang”.

Do you like Thriller?

With an open end? Or are a fan of horror movies? Now I’ve found something for you:

Do you feel the cold of death? Or do you fell hells heat? Well whatever it is pray that this chart changes soon.

Or if you are against government as I am pray that the State goes bankrupt. It will be on of the ugliest things you ever will imagine, But then “markt” will be the only
thing left to survive. I just can tell you see the problems we Germans had. And we got a really good revival. But now we are following the US to our own bankrupt.

Yes savings are now starting and yes that is good, but still there is too much debt in the developed countries. What will happen if the money will be used for buying things?
You can see the assets are rising but are they raising because of good business? That’s the question.

I found two very different videos on youtube about it:


We must also keep in mind the Fed has pumped literally tons of money into the economy. They name it the quantitative easing. But the Fed has accepted securirties which do not deserve that name.
And the banks surely have not lend overly much of the money but the bought bonds and I bet assets. So a question not answered to met yet is. How much of the raising stock prices is due to money looking for profitable investment and how much is really driven by more profits from the corporations. AFAIKT is the unemployment rate still raising.

A profitable recovery looks a bit different to me.

So I’m afraid the recovery still seems to be debt driven and not profit driven. So in my judgment peter Schiffer may lie but there still is no recovery but the money is driving up all the prices. So the higher stock markets are currently bubbled and not sustainable. I don’t know if this will change the next months. But because of all the hampering of free markets I’m not very optimistic. And I just can see the signs that inflation is a problem and this of course is due to the insane printing of money. But the FED never ever will admit that. It’s everything else but the loose money policy of the FED. It’s the greedy bankers, the speculators and everything else. And even if it’s worse now it would be even more worse without all the “actions” That’s the fed way and you can not reject it. The unemployment may be even higher without all the interventions and so they are “good”. But is that really true?

I’m afraid it will get worse and worse, there comes the day the bonds will mature and then? There will come the day where the asset bubbles will bust…. I just can repeat myself, don’t trust government. If you do you’ll be among the first losers… Do not buy anything but values yet. Do not buy any bond of the US or you’ll be sorry. That’s my opinion, feel free to decide differently.

How does QE come into “life”

I’m wondering. I could not find the first mention of this “anti-word”

Can anyone give me a hint?

Wikipedia suggests: So it was “born” in Japan. And well AFAIKT it does not have worked that well, or am I mistaken?

For me QE is just printing money under different words.

Another question in this regards. Does anyone know of a country which does not have Fiat-money? It seems that at least in the US the pendulum swings back to “better ” money. Currently the defenders of the worthless fiat-money
are supressing other solutions. But know: “First they laugh at you, then they they fight you, then you win” or the like. I do not know when this card-house of bad money willl crumble, but it’s not a question if any more it’s just how long will we have to suffer…..

Intermediate status

Of Inflation up to 3.1 % in the US and 2.4% in EURo land

Does not need much more to get over 4%. If that is reached you money will half it’s value in just 18 years. And still the Fed is printing money as mad. So maybe 5% is not that far away.

And again “this time isn’t different”. The deledefs are making debts as much as they can. And the only question is not IF debt must be just. How much do I have to pay for the debts.
And the stealing goes on. They get the money first and profit from non risen prices and then people realize that they got poorer day-by-day. They’ll try to get higher wages and the spiral steepens.

I’ve my opinion of what to do against this gangsters. I suggest you check raw materials, precious metals and land. Maybe the prices are coming down and you can make a deal. But be aware.
If you will have something after this ponzi scheme tumbles down. You will have to pay for the new start. So you do not just pay one buy twice, thrice….

Now from where comes the money?

Gives an answer. And because it can not be accepted what is the truth. This ponzi-scheme get’s a great name it’ s called quantitative easing.

For those among us, who can read. The Fed does buy bonds from the bond markets, takes that as assets and prints new money. Now this is a scheme everyone BUT Fed would go to jail. But hey you know they are so much “brighter”. No physical barrier can hold them ;-( But yo know you can’t fight natural barriers you can’ t fight problems caues by too much money by making even more money. That’s for sure.

How does your country handel the GFC?

Well II wrote the troubles with the banks are named that way. The US wants to print out their way out of crises. And they really have an elegant way. The fed issues money and buys
bond from the governement. This is a circle which one can name a masterpiece of insustainability. Well in EU land till 6 or so months ago the only secure bonds which would have been accepted should have some A ranking. Now with Greece over the edge they accept greek bonds as securities. So well printing money does not mean that are is any congruent value. Because all our currencies are just “hot” air. It does not really matter if you’d spend 100 EUR notes or 10000 bond notes. Well it’s just some figure on paper and printing bigger notes is not difficult. See what Zimbabwe does and you clearly see the problems. They have somthing along a few billion dollar notes, but people are partly starving to death.

It’s because they give money no “value” and so “value” avoids them. It’s easy. Ruin ones’s currency is as secure a way to ruin a country as any kind of war.

So the US and EU are ignoring this. We will have to pay the price. If it comes to that, don’t say you havn’t been warned….