Schlagwort-Archive: fiat-money

That’s true

Indeed the paper „money“ system is at it core unjust. I always allows states which do have overall the hightest debts world-wide to pretent that they „own“ more then they really have. States to not have to save to bear their expenses. They just can go to everyone else and tax them. Just imagine they would not have „the right“ (who has given it to them) to tax? What would happen. They could not afford by any means to throw out the voluntary given money. Because I doubt very much they would get half of the money of each individual in their country.

Another problem is that states still can make debts. And the cumulation of all our debts is the paper money iteself. The sheer madness is that it starts is life out of nothingness and the taker of it are forced to really pay it back.

It’s snake oil, unfortunatly snake oil that pretends to work But in it’s core it’s destructive and unjust. And So they search for other reasons to justify it. And there we have it. Fight against…..

Now fill in the … Come back if you are finished ;-(

It does not make sense

to read the comments on price development at least for Gold. I tend to day it does not make sense at all to expect anything of worth from stock „experts“.

Can one talk about a down for gold if it’s moving just 0.5%? Well I think no. And what’s worse, this opinions must make your head spin. Ask yourself has anything changed
the last two days which really can have any big influence of the prices?

Well Greece will get more money, money that we don’t have and if the states want to give it away they just can do on one way. More debts. So again we see some new bonds in any form
and well these bonds may get bought. At least not from me but that’s unimportant. Some banks probably will add some „risk-free“ bonds of states to their bad debts of states. We have not heard of a bigger QE or the like and so not much has changed really. And indeed the prices just floats around a bit. That’s it.

And still you can read „cut back“ for gold, the other day it’s gold on the raise and the explanations are not even a thing worth laughing. So just ignore it and ask yourself a few question. Do you think money printing does matter? Do you think the debt crisis was solved at least a bit? Do you expect the states doing something or nothing. That are the base questions.

I for my part have answered the questions this way. Money printing does matter it inflates the money base and will lead sooner or later to devaluation of the currencies. So if you want to save your money somehow you probably are not doing much wrong with some precious metals. It was nothing solved also. The debts are still raised and the stupidity of believing one could fill one while digged by debt with other debt is as insane as can be. However what I don’t know will the people consume much less? I’m sure the privates people will I do not expect anything like saving from states. They will raise the taxes for their endless appetite. for money. So will the bankrupt distort the currencies immediately or later? We simply do no know. But we do know Gold will always have some price, it scarce and people know that gold is money. So still some precious metals are a good idea. Now will states stop interventions? No they will not, they will extend the „control“ (well as I wrote yesterday or so, this is just the imagination of control, states can not control much theses days) The sheer amount of debts is devastating. So what will happen I can not imagine a sane approach. So I just think the money printing will get on and so I’m back to „the case for gold“.

I’m quite sure they will consider making private gold holdings illegal again. But don’t think this will happen world-wide and still in this case I have at least some „confidence“ that the highest courts will rule out the expropriation. That may just be wishful thinking but it’s the only chance we have. So having gold in your own country and abroad is proably one of the better and more intelligent things to do and have. And if you see it that way there is no excuse not having at least some gold. I have take my share of it, and I speculate that I’m right on this. Well I base my confidence on the work of the economists of the austrian school. And I think this is the safest bet you can have. Nobody else has pointed out the maniac behavior of the states and all they told and written has come true. That’s now true for more than 100 years, and as long as man has to do economics, this will not change. Yes agreed they are not explicit pro Gold but they do know Gold has worked as money and there’s not reason that is should not in the future… So do you want money? Take gold or other precious or not so precious metals.

Who has won in Greece?

Well according to the press the ND has got 30 % of the votes. Well that’s not even in deledefs meaning enough to be seen as clear winner. And it surelly isn’t even in the crudest
deledefs dreams the majority. So do the Greeks have voted for the Euro. Well at least we no that nearly as much and probably many of the non-voters do not
favour the Euro. But it could be that the Greeks know what they have with the Euro, a shield against their own deledefs. And it seems they do trust at least this
shield more but their own deledefs.

That would at least make sense to me. I wrote it here and pointed it out. With a new Fiat-Drachme currency the way into inflation and degradation of the currency is
as clear as the moon and the sun in the sky. You can pretend it’s not there but you know they are there.

So should one congratulate the Greeks for that vote. Well know, they have voted for the same parties, and some of them want to go on with the party without bearing the consequences.
Greek still is bankrupt and it’s not heard that they have minimized their state „workers“ that much. We’ve not heard or read that much was done against corruption. So Greece still troubles the same
problems as the day before yesterday. A state way to big. way too much statism, and strangling of free enterprises. The (nominal) taxes still are increased and in the name of fighting corruption, it seems
they just have introduced more „rules“ which it seems not to many bother for really.

It’s also not recorded that the property rights were enhanced. At least I have not heard and read about it. I’m interested in any moves they did to really clear the mess. But sorry, the mess gets IMHO bigger by the day.
The Banks are near bankrupt (well that’s fair indeed) , and the will to really cut into subsidies etc is no where in sight and so they „hope“ for the next round of debts to get them out of the trouble caused by debts…
That haven’t worked, does not work and will not work as long as there is an economy…..

Go if you think it’s better.

Dear Grees, you do not like the „solution“ done by your Deledefs? Well you are not alone. I don’t like it either. You should have not given any money, despite everything else that is the law.
But find now you took the money, well then I’ve some news for your. You must hold contracts. I know that’s old fashioned but it’s the only way things can work.

You don’t like to hold the contracts? So fine just return the money and go your way. I know you have burned the money, so you won’t pay your debts. Anyway if you think that’s ok go.
But don’t expect anything or anyone to help you against your than alone ruling Deledefs. You think you’re better of without the Euro? Well that could be but your Deledefs will explain to you that it must be a new fiat-Drachme. Well if you think you’re better of with that, I have really bad news for you. You Deledefs will print money as stupid. That means you shining new Drachme will be devalued right from the start in a speed you hardly will believe. Here’s my take on it. The inflation will raise over 10% (I do not think that 25% are the upper bound) That will say in the first case within 7 years your wealth is halved. How do you like that?

If you think to go is better than think about what you do to your deledefs. I suggest sending them to hell. That’s the place they belong to. Insist in a currency as value and do not cry. Getting away form addiction is hurting. And you have lived so long on debts, that not getting new stuff will be hell on earth. Anyway you’ve t pay the debts in one way or the other. Either with honesty (this is the most unlikely outcome) or by defraud. And you can bet you deledes will rob you. Anyway if you think that’s better go. But don’t come along crying how unfair you’ve been treated. You lived on a boom not backed up by anything but hot air. The balloon is busted, and it was you and the promises of an ever expanding state that has lead into that mess. You can try to learn or don’t. It’s up to you, so choose wisely….

Now what’s up Fed?

Isn’t it time for QE IV? You still think you can print yourself out of the misery with even more worthless paper don’t you?

Just one question. Why hasn’t it worked in the past? What’s can be the problem? Are the printing presses to slow?

Well I bet the are not and adding a 0 here or there (what’s that among friends eh), could make us all trillionaires. But still there’s nothing more produced with
any printed cent. Production needs time, (saved money) and effort to get somewhere. A 100 Dollar bill printed today, just costs a few cents but „claims“ to be
a value. How funny is that. I’m printing something on a sheet of paper, use my force monopoly and tell every one that is you value. That’s kind of absurd isn’t it.

Well the whole Fiat-money system is a sham. It’s the modern means of slavery. States demands your work and your income to keep itself going. And what’s the
aim of a state? They tell it’s about safety, security and last but no least justice. Bu in the end it’s a system of exploitation. The productive ones have to work and get hindered every
centimeter on their way. You want to open a business? Go to buraucrats? Maybe there’s even the obligation to see a notary for whatever paper work you are supposed to do, to
offer something. But that’s not all if you start offering a thousands of other laws come into play. And after the thing was produce and sold. Now the paper work goes on. Yes you might do YOU bookkkeping
by yourself also. But you’d do it as you find it useful for you. Stop, you simply can not do that.

You have to obey another few hundreds of laws for book-keeping. And don’t you dare to be „unfair“ (in the meaning of buraucrats). You’d say I’d deduct a car in the year I buyed it. No you don’t you have to obey the guiddlines of yet someone else. The governments tells you what you are allowed to do or not. After that all you get taxed. Again there is not „obvious“ service in return. It’s just that they decide how much you have to pay. and don’t you think two of you are treated equal. Assume the same job, the same in come and you’ll see hardly the same taxes. One may have saved something guess what he has to pay taxes again on this savings.

So in short you are just working for a small part for yourself. The rest is just to keep the vermins going. That’s the modern way of slavery. You are not free to do as wish, you are just free to wish what you long for in the bounds of the „insights“ of government. Just tell me one reason that you have to pay land taxes. It’s you land and you have to pay for it as if it’s not yours? How pleasant, you just have to earn at least so much to pay that. If you don’t your land will not stay you land. It’s robbery or even worse it’s slavery.

I just wish all the parasites that they will get what they deserve. And then they look at you and tel you this plain lie. „We are here to serve you“ It’s exactly the other way round. Correct is.
„It’s so nice that YOU have to serve us“ that’s what they „mean“ and they are not the slightest ashamed of it.

It’s high time to say goodbye

dear reader. I guess it’s not a suprise to you that I want money as value and not money as debt.

The outooks are getting more devastating every day. And the „solutions“ suggested are the same wrong things we’re doing since we abolished money as value.
In fact the inflation/deflation do not change as usual. It’s just more more more inflation. That can’t be a suprise because money printing is the solution to everything since ages.

If you consider it it’s just voodo. Printing money is absolutely effortless indeed if you add a 0 to a 100 note you suddenly are 10 times reacher (on paper) but nothing was produced for it and no-one has
spend any serious work on it. In money as value currencies it is impossible to just printt things. If the note says, you can go to any bank and get xy gram of whatever, this money is backed up and can not
be inflated just by appending a zero to it. In fact you „must“ know that you have this xy gram of whatever somewhere. Either youi saved it or in the case of banks their customers have saved it and ALLOW the bank
to lend i. Yes even there we can not know what investments will be fruitful. But in the old system it simply does not matter. The money is printed „before“ something was produced.

That means also, those having this money first seem to be richer then they really are. So they can buy more for nothing in reality. This is the first time the big debtors gain. Now the biggest debtors world-wide are the
states, and the states can force anyone to use their money on the land they rule. This is the first time savers get duped. But that is not all the money out of nothing drives up the demand. And at the end of the chain, those getting this money at last, find that he can not buy as much for this money as some years before. And this is the second but not last time the saver is duped.

The deception goes on with the following. The big debtors not just do print money they are issuing bonds also, and they have to pay interest on those bonds. Here again the states are the highest issuers of bonds, and now another deception takes place. The buyers of bonds can not print money out of nothing, they have to save the money that they can invest. (just remember this money, most often has start is existence out of the blue). Then they have to pay „saved money“ for the bonds. During the runtime of the bonds the earned interests are taxed. So real saved money is paid some day in the past, the interest is partly stolen by taxes and the money is inflated and at the end of the runtime the 100 CU are just worth 80 CU or even less.

This money is not a unit for paying and saving every cent is just a lie. Franklin just looks on you and is smiling. He would have got it how you are duped. So you can protest against bank and big business as you like, but as long as you do not protest against the money monopoly and the fiat-money system. You just want to change the system that you are master and not slave any more. Occupy Wallstreet does not have understand this and therefor it’s just another master trying to get some slaves.

So there’s but one candidate which asks for sound money for ages (at least 30 years) and there’s but one way to get our of slavery. Abolish the Fed, take away the money monoply from the state and demand that the currency is backed by values… It’s high time to day goodbye to fiat-money. The longer you way the more brutal the awakening. So again
Say goodbye to the fed and good-by paper money.

The non interest earning gold

This is a very crude way to discuss. If you’d read Rothbard you will see he never talks about some fiat-currency but gold ounces and that even those earn their interest.
That it’s not so with current gold is simply because gold is calculated in whatever fiat-money you can think of.

And you do not lend Gold but „money“ , as we know this money is not real money, but that’s another story

Still since 2001 gold has risen from around 300 USD/ounce to well over 1800 USD/ounce in 2011 that means the you need six times more money today to buy one ounce.
That are a little below 20% raise for now 10 years, and the last 3 years the raise has risen to 27%/year. So if you’d spend 1000 USD in 2001 in Gold you know could get back 6000 USD and well the inflation rate is quite a bit lower

On the other hand the interest yielding Euro money today yields 1.976 % for 10 years. In Germany we’d have to pay 0.4xx % taxes on it and inflation rate is near 2.5%. You’re loosing a percent every year.
If we just would calculate with double the interest for the past 10 years and you’d invest 1000 USD for 10 years you and without taxes you’d now have 1343 USD. Now talk about the „great“ interests this money earns….

Because all central banks and politician try to devaluate their currencies one just can buy gold, sit back and watch. The madness will come to an end. Do you think you will fare better with fiat-money or Gold?
Well I for my part have decided that for me….

Can one be happy about the death of a man/woman/idea?

Well if you think happy is much to strong. How about being relieved?

Was the day of the death of Alexander the Great, Caeasar, Hitler, Stalin, Lening or you name it a „happy“ day? Well I guess it very depends. If you had been supressed or conquered you surely was happy that days. But all in all, you did not know what would come next. Still if the infrastructure of slaughter still was in place (and even aver HItlers death the ward did go on for 4 months. And theses months were terrible for „the normal soldier“. If you’d not been killed by the „enemies“ you would end in front of firing squad.

If you did not catch the right timing you were shooten by some own fanatics in the name of the „Endsieg“.

Now can one be happy about the death of Osama. I guess with some assurance at least some were happy that day. But still does it have meant the end of Al Quaida? Surely not. So one devil is gone (which probably is seen as a saint from others) but still Osama happily and readily wanted to kill Americans whereever he could. So anyway I guess many were if not happy quite relieved.

Now if one can be relieved about whom’s death one could be relieved these days? If we see the damage done by fiat-money and central banks. I’d to admit I would kind of be relieved of seeing this entities die. Agreed that are not men directly (because even if E.g Obama or Merkel would be gone, the infrastructure of suppression and misery are still in place. So we would not really win a grain of freedom. Anyway I would be happy to see the complete idea of fiat-money and central banks die. However the days of this fiat-money round are counted. Every new credit for „saving“ whatever is just digging a little bit deeper….

So yes I would be happy about the death of central banks and fiat-money. And I would not be happy or relieved but it would be a kind of satisfaction if the current deledefs would have to go…..

What are the signs

that we nearing us an end of a bubble/burst cycle?

I wished I knew. So I just can speculate. At first it seems the debts were piled up higher than ever before in „peaceful“ history. Peaceful in the sense that there is no war in Europe. But maybe I’m just too optimistic about the war stuff, maybe one has to admit it’s war between the deledefs and us. But well we currently do not shoot one another (but don’t ask me how long that will last).

There a a few other signes that maybe this time the end of this cycle is nearing. Gold still raises, slow but steady. And the worst fiat-currencies (EUR and US) are declining as well. I know there is not „real“ alternative country on this earth, basing their economy on values, but well there are worse and a little better than worse fiat-money currencies. However we also see raising prices of commodities. The raises are not that striking in the „non-core“ inflation area. But non-core inflation is kind of „a little bit pregnant“. It’s something that simply „does“ not exist. We see devaluation races while the central bank go wild printing money. And so yes I think the prices show this devaluation.

Interesting also that the politicians are just cycling around each other and try hard to avoid any acknowledge of their population. You can see this in the last G8 meeting, which one just can describe with one word: spooky. They just were placed behind fences and the executive was closing down everything else. There you could see that they are not hampered by any sort of reality. It really was one of the days, one could see how they are not „working“ for the public. At least not what I understand under public.

We’ve seen remarkable actions of men in north africa. They did not have learned much from our faults, but they managed to drive away their current deledefs which is a good thing. But I’m afraid they will follow the next duper, to some stupid thing. I hope I will be 100% wrong on this, but I do not see that politicians currently „leading“ have done that much good. But may be „this time is different?“ I can’t tell.

The actions of the federal banks seem to be desperation in disguise. They tell us „Everythign is under control“ but I would not believe that for a second. So currently they try to prolong the suffering, but in the end we know „we are all dead“ and Fiat money will die if not these days or months than someday in the future. You can not have „money“ as debt. It’s one of the biggest chams ever in history. We are trying to sneak our way to wealth. That does not work. And devaluation of currencies is the surest way into doom. There is not exception to this rule. The „ruling“ people, start issuing less valuable money and use their guns to „convince“ us to take the more bad money on face to „better“ alternatives. And I’m afraid there is never a „this time is different“ in this area. The currently leading people do want to „lead“ in the future too and so they do everything they possibly can to keep „their“ system running. And so we never ever will see that they try not to fight what they probably will call „the market“. They will always attack those pointing out their lies….

And I ask you frankly. How can one believe that devils would to anything not to tantalize their „underlings“?

How does QE come into „life“

I’m wondering. I could not find the first mention of this „anti-word“

Can anyone give me a hint?

Wikipedia suggests: So it was „born“ in Japan. And well AFAIKT it does not have worked that well, or am I mistaken?

For me QE is just printing money under different words.

Another question in this regards. Does anyone know of a country which does not have Fiat-money? It seems that at least in the US the pendulum swings back to „better “ money. Currently the defenders of the worthless fiat-money
are supressing other solutions. But know: „First they laugh at you, then they they fight you, then you win“ or the like. I do not know when this card-house of bad money willl crumble, but it’s not a question if any more it’s just how long will we have to suffer…..

Intermediate status

Of Inflation up to 3.1 % in the US and 2.4% in EURo land

Does not need much more to get over 4%. If that is reached you money will half it’s value in just 18 years. And still the Fed is printing money as mad. So maybe 5% is not that far away.

And again „this time isn’t different“. The deledefs are making debts as much as they can. And the only question is not IF debt must be just. How much do I have to pay for the debts.
And the stealing goes on. They get the money first and profit from non risen prices and then people realize that they got poorer day-by-day. They’ll try to get higher wages and the spiral steepens.

I’ve my opinion of what to do against this gangsters. I suggest you check raw materials, precious metals and land. Maybe the prices are coming down and you can make a deal. But be aware.
If you will have something after this ponzi scheme tumbles down. You will have to pay for the new start. So you do not just pay one buy twice, thrice….

That is interesting

gold/silver as curency

However one never should forget the perfidious politicians. After Bretton Woods private ownership of Gold was forbidden.
Who will gurantee that this won’t happen again if Utah may get drown in this curios little green bucks….

I asked the north-african people for exactly the same. Do all you can to get money with value. Don’t follow us stupid Europeans or whomever you think of. Fiat-money value
is „0“ by definition. It’s the believe that this money has some worth. See the price raises in the last few months, they show that „money deevaluateion“ is a question of quantity. There are too many
colorful sheets of paper for „real“ values. So the price must raise, it’s inevitable.

I wrote about it more than once

well the economic knowledge of Obama and his Gang is near non existant. Even before the US citizens have voted for Obama I have written, that he does not have an economic expert knowledge.
If you can find my writing about it here:

And he shows this gapping hole again. If he really has said that Germany profits from the „open“ US markets. Well then I’ve some extra news about it for Obama. The German market is (at least for cars) as open as the US market, but people do not buy american cars. And they have good reasons. I bet the Americans also have good reasons to wish for german cars. If that will get more expensive, who will gain from it than?

The other gap is that Obama really seems to believe that introducinb barriers to free trade will do any part anything good. It’s as if you’d say alcohol is good for alcoholics.

I warned you before it all I warn you again. If the Fed and governement do not start striving for sound money, you will all get really poor. You than just can hope to have enough land to grow your own food. If that is what you want just follow Obame. He’ll manage to look this times as heaven on earth….

What we really need

is in first line stable money. Fiat-Geld has proven that it can not cope with it. Well that’s not suprise for anyone a little bit interested in „History“.
If I have the choice between two beliefs than I’d prefer always „the market“ over anythin from the deledes. Just one example on how I think markets get it
„right“ sooner or later. The gold price has „topped“ all-times highs expressed in US-$ and EUR. And if you see a long-time chart the raising of the gold price has
started in 2006!!!! where obviously a lot of people have recogniced something’s wrong. Maybe they’ve seen the housing bubble starting I don’t know. I just started my gold carreer in
2008 after the FmStg and TARP had started. Now since 2008 the prices has doubled. Is it a bubble? Well might be, however it’s obvious that the fiat-money bubble was
inflated much faster. It seems also that the central banks are intervening to support their Fiat-money. It’s one of the surest sign that something is terrible wrong with currencies.

Unfortunatly one can expect an alliance of Politicians (deledes) and central banks to do whatever they can to disqualify the gold price. The US helds a lonely record on that.
After giving out the bound to gold they „forbid“ private ownership of gold. That’s one of the most ridicolous laws ever passed to save the „defrauders“ from their fate.

I’d not be suprises if they come along with something similiar in the not too far future. What can one do against it. Fortunatly there are more free countries as anything in the EU or the US.
So it probbably is a very good idea to open an account over there and put something of value in it. The choice which country to prefer is very simple. Those countries which value private
ownership the most are the favorites.

speculation the EU way

Well as written before the politician (sorry deledes) do blame he speculant. Well I wonder what this guys have done to envforce the EU and US to
pile up debt as high as roughly around 25 000 000 000 000 US-$. How did they do it? I really want to know. I’d add a few extra trillions. Well
no I guess it is not possible. It’s just „democratic“ decisions to live out ouf any „economic“ bound. Howerver bounds are not without a reason bounds.
You sooner or later have to stay within their borders. Or you will be brought back by „reality“. The deledes ability to ignore reality is just „miracolous“.
Or simply „stupid“, feel free to choose.

How can we get rid of this maniacs. Votes won’t help and so there must a another way to protect „normal people“ How about-
– ending the central banks
– ending the fractional reserve system
– best abolish the central banks (no rendor of last resort no safety net for defrauders
– prohibit states to issue bonds.

You do not need any other means for it, and suddenly this kind of probems simply vanish.

But of course it means less power fo deledes and that obviously a double no-no.

TARP the EU way

Yeah guys. the TARP money has „vanished“ like snow in the sun. Nobodoy know cares or ask where it’s gone. Now the EU has seen it and though by themselves.
What a great thing. Money for nothing and the gigs for free… And voila now it’s there the EUR TARP program. Well it’s not Troubled Assets Reliefe Program for banks but
TMMAR (take my money and run) for defrauders. Greece is the first which will take this money, of course they will not thank the EU for buying them out. No that would be for „normal people“, Germany is „enemy“ number one and well Germany is the biggest payer (well they pay with debts not even fiat-money, but that’s another story) Welll so the start are around 22.4 Billions. Well the „planned tax
releaf was 24 Billion. But now the „iron“ cancecellor has cancled it. It’s not tax relief the next 3 years. It’s more important to safe other countrioes and especially the Euro. But
how can you save a currency if you devaluate it? I don’t know the US has started the big number game and now EU starts their game. Who will went south first?

Who will be the winner. Could it be that the Chinese just can’t get to sleep because the laugh at us? Could it be that now the Chinese simply buy whatever they can an „extend“ their market place?
Just see what they do in Africa, the help buiding the infrastructure and get crucial things in return. Germany and the US simply do not get that an burn their money in wars without sense. Yes I think it could be the chinese time. Howerver be cautious to not get in conflict with the Partei….. If the chinese would be clever they’d bound their currency to something of value and soonner or later they will get all the US and EU area stuff for „an apple and an egg“…. On the other hand just imagine China starts selling their US-$ Bonds…..They do not even need an apple or an egg, civil war will finish the US and EU and they litereally get it all for „free“…

Exaggerations? May be, but just tell me what worth is the FIat money? Indeed nothing…. It’s just numbers on a paper….

However just see this numbers
8 700 000 000 000
750 000 000 000

The first is the „total debt“ of the EU countries, and the second is the TARP money. It’s not even 10% of the „open debt sum“. Now tell me something about leverage….

How much worse does it have to get before start improving?