Schlagwort-Archive: card houses

It’ll be a terrible day/week time

when the current abuse system will break down. When the card houses will fall. I had hoped for more than 6 years that there may be some limit to madness. I was just thinking: „Everyone must see that“, it seems that is not the case. Or maybe it is the case but the only wish is to just-  get it running long enough and that the break down will come after one has leave office.

I tend to believe that that is more likely, but the case that one can not see it. However as much as I fear the day the much I anticipate it’s coming. I’m sure that the day will come and I’m quite sure it will be during my life time. I may have another 30 -40 years to live if no accident will happen to me. I have not idea really when the break down will take place.

I’m quite sure it will not be tomorrow and I even doubt it will be this year. But after that I’d not bet on any other year. Maybe the break down will come next year, may be it will take another decade. I simply do not know.

But I know one thing for sure, the longer it will take from now on the more dreadful it’ll get. And that raises my fears with every day, the system still runs. Just imagine, the US have aquired 12 trillons of new debts. And the absurd thing is that does not have resulted in raised interest. This just means the system just runs because of the central banks world-wide and till today the people do believe in them. That’s a thing hardly to bear by me. I can not see that something so obviously dangerous is not seen as a danger but hope for-  a better outcome.

I have suggested what every one can do I-  hope some of you have followed my suggestions of have come up with similar-  considerations and judgement. I can’t wish anyone still believing the central banks any good.. They are those who really bring us down and among this us is me. And going down and getting killed by other citizens and/or the own government does not appeal as a good death to me. So in this regard I wish death to everyone following this part of destruction. Unfortunatly for me this hardly has happened ever. The wrong-doers get through and have build a new system of opression, that’s the future I’ve to face. I fear and hate it.