Schlagwort-Archive: fuel

Politicians again (again in Germany also)

what suprise. A German who wrote about German (In)Politicians.

Another round of impertinence. Now I don’t know what fuel prices are in other countries, I just know  them from France and Germany, and especially
for Germany ;-). Ok now let’s see price is around 1,40 €/l.. However that’s just half the truth if you now that more than 75 % are taxes. Well  you have at least a few taxes
on it. At first it’s a fuel tax and after that all an VAT extra (another 19%). So  prices would be around  60-70 ct/l. Now who cries the loudest  about “high” fuel price? You have one guess free.

That’s what one can expect from politicians, FUD, and nothing more. If there is no enemy around, they construct one. If there is political nonsense around, well they will  find someone else to blame and if that doesn’t help they will pile another layer of bureaucracy upon this political nonsense, and they will try to explain that with rationality.

Sometimes you find interesting blogs

Here’s one extra, not escpecially political but just read the entries:


It can be no suprise to anyone. Where customer demands can meet  suplliers offerings without artificial craddles, things

can grow and flourish, if you hinder free trade, prices can not go down. One side always limts the possiblitiy of “lowering”.

Just see the prices for work, they can not fall below some level. Just see the prices in Germany for Fuel. They have to bear

> 80 % taxes, so prices are extra-ordinarily high, the same is true in France. Just guess where people near the border to Switzerland do

fill up their cars….

Where prices are artificially kept high, there will be some way to get around them.