Schlagwort-Archive: free trade

Order of changes

Well in my opinion there is an order of imporance for our money system.

The base is the fiat-money has to go. Nothing else will help the honest. All fiat-money systems are systems of defraud.

The holders of the „money“ are states in the form of central banks. So it’s clear central banks have no use in a 100 % gold backed currency. In fact central banks
are those which manipulate the amount of money to their liking without anything but their will. And with the monopoly of force behind them. No one would accept written paper to be money
if he does not know his counterpart and if he would not be coninced one could something for the offered money. The precious metals (especially gold) have their advantage, it’s
wanted world-wide and there is not country where gold is not precious. So everyone know Gold delivers.

So I’d propose the following order.
1) the new gold currency is just the weight of gold for prac tical use it might be a good idea to have coins of special weigh (g an kg are all we need for it, but even ounces would do)
2) the central banks can be kept during the introduction of gold as currency. There only duty is to fetch the gold let it coin an release it. The gold of the central banks is owned by everyone and so it could be the base for the money states have to use to pay their bills.
3) after that the central banks are closed down.

That’s all. Everyone will tell us that is impossible to do, because of the sheer amount of free-floating paper (otherwise known as money). But we can find every quotient to make the amount of gold fit the currency in circuclation. it can‘ t be a problem do define one dollar worth 0.000001 g if that is what is needed. We roughly know the current amount of money and at least the central banks should know how much money they really printed.

Even Greenspan has has his light moments before he took the chair of the Fed. to that time he was exactly right. Why he lost it on the chair? Who knows.

Even if it may be difficult, it can get solved now or it will get solved in the future. Currently I’d think there is some kind of control possible, I doubt this will be true later. If the currencies and economies break down it’s usual „fight“ time. And as much as I hope it can workout without violance, I’m sure it will be violence….

This time is NOT different

Do yourself a favour and buy or try to get your hand on „This time is different“. It is as if this book was written for this crime we currently have to watch.

If you just believe a second what the supposed-to-be-experts write. Just forget it, especially forget nearly everything Krugman writes. No too much debt is
always the beginning of the end. And this was trues always and can not be changed. You just can live beyond your means as long as people trust that
you’ll be able to pay back.

This trust has to be earned. But if you always act against horse sense, you’ll see one day you won’t get any credit any longer. Now it seems that too many countries faces this fate.
Greece does not get any more money, and Italy is starting to get no more money. And the US can’t do anythign any longer because of 15 trillions of debt.

You may remember: It’s so foreseeable

Foreseeable wrong. Nothing has changed since ages the rulers enslave their underlings. Today they name it democracy, but democracy is just another kind of dictatorship. The majority rules the minorities. And guess what the vermin are the majority. You can name, them bureaucrats are the most harmful, but then you will also read from the poor blind which can not do this or that or whatever. It’s always that it’s not ones own fault, no the culprits are always the circumstances or the others.

In every speech these days you will hear things like responsibility, helping, solidarity, and not to forget justice. Well the justice of spongers…..

The real justice markets are not even considered any more. All the laws and every action is against markets. Free trade? Come one you must be joking. See the treaties of trade of the US. The bureaucrats, decide whom can do what trade with whom else. And you have to ask the spongers, and if they do not want. Well bad for you….


Saving the delebets way does not mean cut one’s expenses but highering ones income. Now this time it Italy.
A higher tax for the rich, a higher tax on capital gains etc, but not mentioning cutting down the expenses FIRST.
I guess that’s what GDP related debt mens. All you property belong to use. We just decide when and where we take it.

Another astonishing development. Forbidding free trade, you think that some stock are to high and do start selling them, empty. It’s now forbidden in three or so countries here in EUR land. France, Italy, Spain. Remarkable? Not really that are those which most distruste. As I’ve seen yesterday even buying Puts short should be forbidden. That means you can not express your opinion that markets are too high. And that will surely help. It will make everyone feel much better. Or not?

It fits very nicely to my predictions that the worse the state of affairs get, the more the delebets will try to „steer“ control. The delebets do know they are wrong-doers but they would never admit it. So they are looking for scape-goats and there they are speculants…..

So one can see the usual lies are not langer sufficient, now they introduce some newer ones. BPOHs

Just a small question

I’m wondering.

If democracy is that great why do our „democrats“ arrange themselves with dictators?

Just see what happens in North-Africa currently. The old „gangs“ are simply driven away. Have you ever heard of anything to help them?
It seems silence was more „wanted“. Bahrain is very special case. You remember the bough the F1 circus and suprise they got the football world champion ships…..

Now there still are a few dictatorships around. One of the biggest is flattered like nothing else. It’s just „oh what big a market“ there is. Hardly a word about „oh see how nice the suppress their citizens“. Just remember a 25 years ago, the people where killed on a place with „peace“ in it’s name. There is but one „renegade“ there and they constantly live in fear of war from this „mother country“. It’s Taiwan, do we here of support for Taiwan? Well just as silent as possible….

The root of all evil

I’d come more an more to the conclusion that politicians are the root of nearly all evil.

Or Gooddoers like our churces which there impertinents insisting that all men are in principal evil. From where does this sin believing come?

How comes that politician do not see the bad things they do? How comes  that burocrats  insist that the only way to  more „justice“ is´
yet another layer of buroaucrats? All  experiments to educate the „new better men“ have failed. All experiments with socialism have failed…

But  over and over again it’s tried to proof this wrong. Is it really the case that we men think that we know what’s better for our fellow man. Why do people claim that the fantastic
successes of free trade are just „by accident“? Can anyone tell me why I should trust federal authorities to not harm me? How many men have died becaue of the most
obscure reaons like, racial superiority, intelligence or whatever. Do we men enjoy harming others?

How comes that people over and over again, claim „liberalism can not work“,  dispite the outcomes of „more liberal times“?



Sometimes you find interesting blogs

Here’s one extra, not escpecially political but just read the entries:


It can be no suprise to anyone. Where customer demands can meet  suplliers offerings without artificial craddles, things

can grow and flourish, if you hinder free trade, prices can not go down. One side always limts the possiblitiy of „lowering“.

Just see the prices for work, they can not fall below some level. Just see the prices in Germany for Fuel. They have to bear

> 80 % taxes, so prices are extra-ordinarily high, the same is true in France. Just guess where people near the border to Switzerland do

fill up their cars….

Where prices are artificially kept high, there will be some way to get around them.