Oh, yes they are so endless stupid that it hurts anyone else. The politicians (sorry deledefs) have initiated the whole crisis stuff. Never were able
to get along with their stolen money (read taxes) and never enough credit for whomever they deem worthwhile.
And now they did it again. No thinking just like animals in panic. One direction. We must have our daily/hourly/minutely/secondly credit. And everything who is not willing to give it to us, we’ll feel our power.
Now the newest attacks on the markets. US Ratings should not hold any longer for Europeans. Agreed this rating agents have done wrong, but they are among those having
made the point that the debts of some EU-countries are „bad“. We know our deledefs see it differently and have taken all EC citizens as hostage. The name is safety chute or whatever, but
mean working against the market because markets to fail. Yes markets do wrong sometimes and after recognizing this they correct that. But it is not allowed to
swing into the direction „less“ credit“ , this is a no-go zone for any deledef. And so they fight the markets wherever they can, in the end they will fail
It’s just the question whom they will take with them. And here no-one living e.g here in Germany will be spared. Those handling responsible will pay the bill. And deledefs will be the thieves,defrauders, bandits and even murderers.
I have written before what one should do. And I’ve acted accordingly. Money was taken out of the EU dictatorship and put elsewhere. A contract about a lend farm includes the option to get paid in food. And if the money
will be gone some gold was „bought“. The option leaving this country was chosen by me, but not beard by anyone else in the family and so we are stuck with the rat packs name politicians here in EC land….