Schlagwort-Archive: FUD

Schlimmste Probleme für/in einem Staat

Zwei Sachen sind in einem Staat besonders schlimm:
1) Ungerechte Gesetze
2) Korruption

Was sind ungerechte Gesetze? Nun es sind die, die nicht für alle gleich gelten. So gibt es in unserem StgB ja Raub aber wenn es Steuern sind wird aus einmal Recht daraus. Das ist falsch. Wenn Raub falsch ist, dann ist er speziell für staatliche Angestellte – wenn es denn ginge – falscher. (Kann man das
überhaupt steigern ? ) Wir haben z.B. in unsere Grundgesetz schon ungerechte Gesetze:

Ganz vorne, weil ausschließlich für Männer geltend:

Das ist ungerechte weil es ganz klar einem vorherigen Artikel widerspricht nämlich Art. 3. Es kann auch mit biologischen Fakten nicht begründet werden. (So sind natürlich Gesetze für den Schutz von werdenden Müttern Recht, ganz einfach weil Sie eben nur Frauen betreffen können)

Auch unsere Artikel über Eigentum ist bis auf Satz 1 unrecht. Es ist außerdem sehr bedenklich das Eigentum so spät in unserem GG berücksichtigt wird. M.E. gehört das in den Artikel 1.

Artikel 1 fällt mir schwer unter Recht einzuordnen, ganz speziell Satz 1: „(1) Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar. Sie zu achten und zu schützen ist Verpflichtung aller staatlichen Gewalt.“

Niemand weiß was die Würde des Menschen wirklich ist. Irgendwie ist das Alles und Nichts. Wie kann man ein Recht an Nichts haben wie ein Recht an Allem? Nein das ist zu unklar. Man weiß einfach nicht was gemeint ist. Wie soll man sich an etwas halten von dem man keine Ahnung hat was damit gemeint ist?

Diebstahl ist da sehr einfach. Wenn ich einen 100 – er in der Hand habe und den nimmt mir jemand weg, dann ist es ein Dieb und der ist im Unrecht.

Bei den geschriebenen Grundlagen sollte es klar sein, was gemeint ist, das ist in unserem GG nicht gegeben. Es macht es minimal nötig es zu verbessern oder auf eine wirklich solide Grundlage zu stellen. Die Präambel ist auch so ein Problem: „Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Im Bewußtsein seiner Verantwortung vor Gott und den Menschen,
von dem Willen beseelt, als gleichberechtigtes Glied in einem vereinten Europa dem Frieden der Welt zu dienen, hat sich das Deutsche Volk kraft seiner verfassungsgebenden Gewalt dieses Grundgesetz gegeben.
Die Deutschen in den Ländern Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Hessen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein und Thüringen haben in freier Selbstbestimmung die Einheit und Freiheit Deutschlands vollendet. Damit gilt dieses Grundgesetz für das gesamte Deutsche Volk.“

Jeder kann sich raus suchen wo da die Problem lesen. Das m.E. auffälligste, kein Deutscher außer Abgeordnete hat je darüber abgestimmt. Wie kann man da vom Deutschen Volk schreiben?

Zugegeben Mist wird wenn er 70 Jahre rumliegt besser, aber diese Worte treffen nun mal in kleinster Weise den Kern und vor allem wird dem dt. Volk hier eine Position eingeräumt die es in der BRD NIEMALS hatte.

Es macht das Grundgesetz zu keinem guten Gesetz.

Zu Punkt 2. Dazu kann man nur schreiben. Wenn ein Rechtsstreit danach ausgeht wer dem Richter mehr bezahlt dann werden hier eklatant Rechte der Gegenpartei verletzt. Korruption wäre in einem Staat wie er mir vorschwebt ein Grund den Bestochenen fristlos ohne jeden finanziellen Anspruch zu kündigen. Derjenige der besticht bekommt eine Strafe aufgebrummt die ihn so gut wie ruiniert. Jeder muß klar wissen wird bestochen, hat das die ernstesten Konsequenzen.

Betrug und Korruption zusammen sind genau der Nährboden für jedes Mißtrauen gegenüber staatlichen Organen. In einem korrupten Land kann es keinen allgemeinen Wohlstand geben, sondern es muß unweigerlich eine kleine Gruppe von Ultrareichen geben, für die Gesetze schon mal kaum mehr gelten und Recht schon mal gar nicht.

Es gibt für einen Staat nichts was die Legitimation (egal wie stark oder schwach) mehr mindert als Korruption. Wenn man weiß. schmiere ich den oder den nicht, wird es mit meinen Plänen überhaupt nichts.

Korruption ist die Geisel jeder Demokratie und deren Extreme kann man in den meisten afrikanischen Ländern“bewundern“. Lohnt sich Korruption ist eine Abwärtsspirale nicht aufzuhalten. Genau hier sehe ich derzeit das größte Problem für die EU aber auch Deutschland alleine. In der EU und Deutschland haben staatliche Angestellte zu viel Macht und können die normale Bevölkerung viel zu einfach gängeln. Das kann niemals gut gehen (siehe auch:,


Ex cathedra Journalismus

Heute in den BNN 12.09.2017; „Journalist“ Peter Gliies Kommentar S. 2 unter „Der Spaltpilz“

Es geht um die Abstimmung zur Unabhängigkeit von Katalonien:

„Das verstößt nicht nur gegen die Verfassung, sondern – mehr noch – gegen die Vernunft“

Eine Verfassung die die Abspaltung verbietet verstößt gegen das Selbstbestimmungsrecht der Menschen. Und wie vernünftig hoch organisierte Staaten sind haben ja die Weltkriege gezeigt.

Aber der Autor legt ja nach:
„Wohin die Kleinstaaterei führt, spürte Europa nach dem Zerfall Jugoslawiens“.

Muß man sich mal vorstellen was genau spürte Europa, da sich Deppen bekriegen. Sorry das haben mehr auf der Erde im 2 WK auch gespürt und wenn man sich die Opfer betrachtet, ist der Krieg in Jugoslawien mit sehr geringen Opferzahlen bezahlt worden.

Und ja die Schweiz (ein kleiner Staat) existiert seit: (ca 13 Jahrhundert Vorläuer) der letzte Krieg für die Schweiz war: 1847 also 270 Jahre her. Letzter großer Krieg in Europa eben die Bürgerkrieg in Jugoslawien, gerade mal 20 – 30 Jahre her. Letzter großer Krieg der von Europa ausging war der Weltkrieg II also gerade mal 78 Jahre her. Europa der Garant für Frieden? Sieht irgendwie nicht danach aus.

FUD – auf jeden Fall, postfaktische Tatsachen wahrscheinlich

Mehrere Dinge die mir heute beim Lesen in den BNN, spanisch vorkamen. Als Erstes wird gerade bei der Bundeswehr ein Elefant aus einer Mücke gemacht und man kann klar erkennen wie krank Deutschland inzwischen ist. Man kann nur Festhalten der „Kampf gegen Rechts“ ist zu einer Paranoia geworden. Klar beim Bund angestellt sind nicht die hellsten Köpfe. Es gibt dort sicherlich zwei Arten von Haupttätigen. Solche die schon seit Jahrzehnte gar Generationen beim Militär waren/sind und dann diejenigen die draußen nicht klar kommen. Bei der BW muß man in den meisten unteren Dienstgraden nicht viel wissen. Was man macht oder zu machen hat wird einem gesagt und gut ist. Klar es gibt auch Spezialisten und natürlich auch einige die etwas drauf haben. Ob die aber bleiben – ist offen.-  Grundsätzlich davon auszugehen, daß dort nicht gerade die Besten und Smartesten anfangen ist, glaube ich, keine gewagte Aussage.

Aber dank nur einem Fall, wird die gesamte Bundeswehr von der eigenen Chefin runter gemacht. Frau von der Leyen, Sie sind wirklich eine ganz schlechte Person. Wenn man betrachtet wie viel auffälliger die Asylsuchenden sind (siehe z.B.. – interessant nicht aus dem Ausland!), kann man hier durchaus ein Ablenkungsmanöver sehen. Frei nach wem auch immer, Deutsche sind immer schuldig – Ausländer seltenst – oder so.

Als nächstes geht um klaren FUD, 100 Mrd will die EU angeblich von GB haben. Leute das wird so nie etwas. Es soll-  nur einem dienen der Abschreckung. Schaut mal her wie hart wir gegen „Bösewichte“ sind die die „arme EU“ nicht wollen. Die Meldung ist klar, wer nicht für uns, ist gegen uns und wir werden so tun als hätten wir irgendwelche Macht. Ich könnte mir vorstellen hier soll auch eine „Message“ an die Franzosen geschickt werden.

Das Frau Merkel die Beschlüsse auf dem Parteitag ignoriert – Schwamm drüber. Das kann keinen Liberalen verwundern. Wie leben in einem Obrigkeitsstaat, das wollen aber die meisten nicht wahrhaben und ganz speziell nicht die noch Wählenden. Und dank der Aufbau des Wahlrechtes tragen auch diejenigen die nicht Wählen zum Erhalt dieses System bei. Manche LIbertäre behaupten, wählen ist Unterwerfung. Diese Leute habe keine Idee wie Wahlabstinenz gewertet wird. Selbst wenn 95 % der Wähler nicht mehr wählen, tragen Sie – leider – den Entschluss der 5 % noch Wählenden. Hier gibt es den friedlichen Ausweg indem man nämlich eine Partei unterstützt die Politik im Grund ablehnt und entsprechend Gesetze verändert um – rechtlich eher bindend – für mehr Freiheit der Bürger zu sorgen. Probleme wurden hier aufgeführt, die meisten Wähler sind korrupt (Wie der Herr, so’s G’scherr). Es gib den kriegerischen Ausweg, entweder indem man genügen Leute findet die bereit sind gegen das bestehende System mit Waffengewalt vorzugehen oder aber man wartet einfach ab, bis das System zusammenbricht, was meist nicht unblutig von statten geht.


Another posting form the old Mises blog

So what?

Dear Mr President tolds us. that Guantanamo
does not work against terrorism
is expensive
and damages the reputation of the US
Well that it’s against and civil and human rights. No word. So you can draw your own conclusion. Word are cheap and Presidents natural liars.

It’s a pitty that the old blog can not be accessed any more….

Written around 4 years ago:

it has stand the proof of time:
„There is no disagreement that we
need action by our government,
a recovery plan that will help to
jumpstart the economy.“

I and many others oppose that, I just suggest reading a few of the comments on

So you are not jut spreading FUD, you simply do lie.“

That’s the way it is. Dear Mr President is still a liar, and has even gone wild, while abolishing civil rights.
He claims for the executive the right to kill whomever they like, whenever they like. He’s on of the worst presients of the USA up till now.

Tell me lies, sweet little lies

The deledefs currently seem to rotate. Well this time I will not speak of the stupidity of americans to vote between two dead-bets, but the European masters of stupidity.

Europe should guarantee the saving deposits of their people. I can reduce it to one question: With what? They do not have anything of substance and
the only think they can is tax the people. So the deposits are guaranteed with „the money of the people“. How unreal is that.

I calculate for Germany and there 20 % of the deposit holders own roughly around 3.2 trillions. And our official debt is a little over 2 trillions. How much more unreal can things get?
If every German would hold a saving deposit the guarantee would have to cover 8 trillions The complete deposits of all Germans are a littel over 4 billions. How much worth can this „guarantee“ have?

If 10 % of the top deposit holders would request their money from the banks, the game would be over. So you can see see rich are very social. They let themselves get robbed and still
hold together all the crap….. I wish they would end this farce…

Fuel prices

Well here in Germany we are near the top of the prices for fuel. And the politicians blame the oil companies for the high prices. Fact is we do have
an oligopoly here. That’s in itself not too bad, but together with regulations it hurts.

Anyway did you know that well around 60% of the price is caused by taxes? So let’s see 1.67 somewhat is the price for fuel. So we have to pay 1.002 €/l on taxes.
Can you believe the comments of the politicians? So in fact without the taxes we’d do pay around 60 -¢/l. instead of 1.67 €. Or put the other way of the base prices raised by 1 -¢
we’d have to pay 2.5 -¢ more together. So with just 10 ct different we have to pay a quarter € extra.

And yes do not forget the evils of Co2. So people curse the state because of it, and the state does blame those earning less from each liter but themselves. They want lower prices?
So why do they put 60% taxes on fuel? No they enjoy it. And they do nothing for lower prices. On the contrary, they are even enjoying the benefits of 1 trillion of new Euros without any value.
So where do you think the prices will go?

Indeed because the ECB is printing money the prices will go up. And in the not all to distant future we have reached the goals of the greens. 5 DM (that are 2.55 €/l). What will stop the prices from soaring?
Well nothing but a crash, either the crash of the currencies of crash of the „social democratic“ systems. And as we know from Mises, if you do not stop credit expansion. Credit expansion will stop currencies.
And we’ll here the new song of the guilty speculators

The „joy“ of parties

Dear Readers I like to tell you a story about FUD.

As you could read in my last entry. Greece is still finished but the deledefs do not admit that. That are not real news. But now it’s get interesting. According to
some blogs in Germany 40 members were excluded from the left party and the right party because they did not agree to the „saving“ plan.

There are somewhat below 300 member in it. So just imagine well beyond 10 % were excluded because they did not accept a stupid and guaranteed to fail plan.
Now aren’t party great?

In fact they suck to badly that one just can day fubar. Parties are the most repressive system one can encounter and having such prominent roles as they have is
again fubar. So we are ruled by a fubar system, with fubar money. That’s a few too many things one can not even dream of to repair. In the end the end is clear.
The „systems“ will break down. That means violence and yes most of the time war.

You can make it happen

I warned you years ago for the man without ideas Obama. I warned for the other candidate also:

It’s up to you to end this. Watch closely what the candidates have done in the past and how they acted. If you feel that freedom is not
just a seven letter word, you probably just can vote for one candidate. So don’t hesitate to do the right thing. You were ruled by liers for decades and government has shown more then once
that they are for „big money“ and big companies. Don’t you think it’s time to give those a chance which earn your wealth. Yes GM and the big firms partly do own your wealth. But there are those „little“
craftsmen. There are those mechanics countrymen etc. They care for you as customers, they offer value for money. If GM has done wrong it does not try to serve the customers better. Thy sit down in
an plane fly over to Washington and are whining how great they are for the US an how under appreciated they are.

This is a plain lie. But hey government just sees 10000 working places in danger. We have to do something. That they drive out of the market ten times as much. That’s not what they care for that „normal“ risk.

Don’t you think that is unfair? If yes again watch closely what the candidates have done and how the acted in the past. You may come to the „right“ candidate then.

Last but not least you will have another choice in 5 years to vote for someone else. But it could be different this time. See your constitution and vote for whom stand for it. You grand fathers did know right from the start,
what dangers large government brings with it. That it has come so far, is not their fault. They’ve given you the means to avoid that. So think about it and choose in their remembrance.

What was won with ESFS III?

Well I’d like to write. „With ESFS III“ we are now on our way to correct things.

Unfortunatly one can not write anything about that. It’s not that we started making less debt, au contraire. It is tried again to fix something caused by debts to cure with more debts
The voluntary „cut“ of the banks of around 50% is absolutly open. I very depends what positions the banks take. If they think they can gain more by a open default of Greece, then they will follow that path. Anyway the problem is every bank will have to decide for themselves.

Because of the CDS we don’t know how bad it would hit the banks. Maybe they are on the side of getting th assurances. Than the problem will be of their counterparts. I just know if anything would come from any government I would be very skeptical about any advantages supposed to hold for me.

Just remember last year the governments actively asked the banks to „invest“ in Greek bonds. Well if you’ve done that you’d have to bear quite a loss now. There won’t be any advantage.
And see that the bonds of states were treated as if they do not have any risk. And so they are treates nearly as equity. Not it turns out they are everything but risk free. And now the states require higher equity to back up their bonds. So you can see, the states do everything they can to get more under their control.

If you give into the sirene songs, you are in deep trouble. So I just can recommend the same as for ages. Do not hold any bonds of states or you will be sorry sooner than later.

The non interest earning gold

This is a very crude way to discuss. If you’d read Rothbard you will see he never talks about some fiat-currency but gold ounces and that even those earn their interest.
That it’s not so with current gold is simply because gold is calculated in whatever fiat-money you can think of.

And you do not lend Gold but „money“ , as we know this money is not real money, but that’s another story

Still since 2001 gold has risen from around 300 USD/ounce to well over 1800 USD/ounce in 2011 that means the you need six times more money today to buy one ounce.
That are a little below 20% raise for now 10 years, and the last 3 years the raise has risen to 27%/year. So if you’d spend 1000 USD in 2001 in Gold you know could get back 6000 USD and well the inflation rate is quite a bit lower

On the other hand the interest yielding Euro money today yields 1.976 % for 10 years. In Germany we’d have to pay 0.4xx % taxes on it and inflation rate is near 2.5%. You’re loosing a percent every year.
If we just would calculate with double the interest for the past 10 years and you’d invest 1000 USD for 10 years you and without taxes you’d now have 1343 USD. Now talk about the „great“ interests this money earns….

Because all central banks and politician try to devaluate their currencies one just can buy gold, sit back and watch. The madness will come to an end. Do you think you will fare better with fiat-money or Gold?
Well I for my part have decided that for me….

New lows? Sure new lows !!

Well it seems the lows were not low enough

1) The USA growth was cut by 2/3 from the „experts“

2) The help for Greece is not enough the „saving“ goals will not be reached

3) Gold climbs again but the Germans sell their Gold attire (do they really think they will not miss some value to barter with on the markets?)

4) Italys Berlusconsi says Italy is shit

5) Obama „promised 1 Million new jobs“

6) Bernanke does not do anything currently but has vengeance weapons.

7) The people still buy swiss money as if there won’t be tomorrw

8) The economy growth in Germany is supposed to get much slower

9) Many Germans give a sh… on their own personal debts.

Dear Readers, you can see they do not what they do but they are marching on….

You remember my predictions? Well inflation is still high and yield are on record low. That means you loose money while you bu bonds. If you feel like burning money, do me a favor and send the money you like to burn to me. I’ll buy some extra precious metals…..

I found this in my other blog written some 3 years or so ago:

It could be that the around 10 trillions or so have bought us 3 years. Well half of the time the whole have worked for that much money, and it does not seem to help,. I bet another non-existant 10 trillions wil harly buy us another 3 years maybe 1-2.. and then?

Without doubt

A lot of money vanished yesterday. I guess we’re talking about values at or around 2-10 trillions. How will that be changed if the EZB has bought bonds from Italy and Spain at or around 5-6 billion?

Without doubt, we can say also. Nothing has changed really maybe just the majority starts „understanding“ what the central banks and states have done to our money.

I guess they start seeing that fighting problems caused by too much cheap money can not be solved with some tons of other cheap money. And to my pleasure it now hits a few nerves with central bankers, delebets and bureaucrats. I expected such kind of action some 3 years ago. But they were able to keep the impression of solidity and controllability. Everyone just knowing a bit about Austrian economics could not be surprised. I invite you to just browse through the mises blog and their associated blogs like this one. (Yes I’m not very decent) But I have written against this kind of madness right from the start of this blog and my other blot at

I did not even know about the austrian school of economics as I started writing my outside Mises blog. I just keep deer what my grand-parents and parents have told me and lived. The all lived within their bounds. All other things follow from it. We are a family of savers. Nobody knows when one will need some money. And so we saved and invested „cautiously“. Along 3 years ago as they started those „failout“ programs. I started to invest in gold. I opened accounts in NZ an Switzerland just go get out this EU madness, however I avoided the US as the plague. With all modesty one can say, that has served me well.

However that probably wasn’t the end. One MUST start thinking about a break-down of the western countries. I always was optimistic about out ability to learn. But the Deledefs have proven over and over again. „They simply do not get it“. That makes them extremely dangerous because they try to regain „control“. I’m not sure if that really is possible currently, but as long as they do not start acting responsible I can not see how things could turn to the better. So I expect new laws, new taxes more limits to freedom In fact I expect stupidities as laid out in „Atlas shrugged“. I wished I found the John Galt valley….

The madnesss of GDP related debts.

I’m suprised that a debts rate of is calculated with the GDP.

I know „every“ does it. But if are at the edge of a canyon, and everyone is marching on, makes this march not less stupid

Let’s translate it into our „world“ (the non government world) So I’M living in Heidelsheim around 5000 inhabitants. Now what the produce can be seen as „my“ GDP.
So let’s assume I have 100 000 EUR debts. But all i all the 5000 people would produce an GDP of 1 000 000. So my debt/GDP ratio is just 10%. According to this I guess my finances would be sound.

But know we get back into reality. I do not have access on the money of my neighbours. I’ve my income. So let’s calculate with an income of 25000. So I’d need at least 4 years to pay back all my debts. Would you think my financial situation is sound? Well you would ask what else does he have to „secure“ the liability. So let’s be generous and give me 200 000 EUR . So in reality I’d just have 100 000 EUR (assuming I could make my property to money at an immediate notice)
Still the question are my finances sound? We still don’t know.

Now let’s switch back to the state analogy. As we know states do not have a balanced balance sheet. Each year they need extra credit. Now let’s assume I’m one of the better one’s and just need 10% extra debts on my income. That means each year I’d add another 2500 EUR debts. So let’s calculate with an interest of 5%. So my payments currently are around 5000 EUR. Next year I’ve to pay 1375 EUR interest. No let’s calculate if I do that for 50 years. I than have a debt of 600 000 EUR (if I could bear at lest all the interest) and my interest payment would be around: 30000. Which is absolutly impossible. So now you can say, my situation is all but sound.

But now back to the case of the government. Let us assume a GDP groswoth of the Heidelsheimer inhabitants of around 2.5%. So in 50 years we’d have a GDP (without inflation!!!!) of 3 437 109. EUR and my debt/GDP ratio just would be:
0,174565311 that are 17,5%. Still for states this is sound?

So I do not think that Debt/GDP is a wortwhile measure. We should just allow governments do calculate their debts with their income. Just imagine what 160% debt of the GDP means … So I can not see how e.g Greece could „bear“ that and in fact it’s getting more and more obvious… they can’t….

There’s not much to add


But does that really is the most urgent problem? Terrorism? Or isn’t it the ruthless money printing of the Fed?

Does the death of Osama means that the soldiers are called back or won’t the war just go on? Really how much threat can be put on a „normal american citizen“? How likley is it to die in an
terrorists attack and how likley to die just be „normal criminals“. The above mentioned link gets it right (IMHO) the fear will be raise, and well how could anyone think that fanatics will be stopped by the killing of one of their idols.

There are much more thing to fear, among is the bankrupt of such country as the US. So is there any reason to celebrate? I can not see it, another men was killed and tens of thousands will „follow“….

Just a few things I found

Today. One of my sites I visit regularly is:

Today I found this two entries:

Obama’s Medicare Appointee Has Accidental Encounter with Reality, Learns Nothing


and there are at least to more entries about „sense“ and „no sense“ maybe one should write nonsense, but at least something funny is usually around nonsense.

The points made are the extreme prices for health care (and their raising) and well on the other hand the „debts“. And believe it or not markets are taken as „beeing“ efficient will day where there is market there hardly is much inflation, but if there is state induced „social fairness“ all hell breaks loose. And guess what. If anyone complains about the debts collected by government and not willing
to allow even more debts, than this one is a terrorist. You can see how far away these guys are from sanity. There is not excuse for such lies. It just shows the path we follow if we believe in
„more government“ as a solution.

Fact ist government just life on the expenses of those producing wealth. And states are just there to „lower“ wealth. They start with laws, bring in more an more bureaucrats and more and more regulation and more and more ineffician work. Which is just there to keep the bureaucrats busy and show to everyone how important those are. But in fact the bureaucrats live in a world of „no customer“ they do not serve anyone but themselves and they influences is just destructive. But then in the TV shows some „bad“ thing is shown and then the usual answer is we need more control. It would be simple to just have judges which would sentences those wrong-doers to pay for their wrong-doing. But that does not happen, theay get limits and caps and all this from bureaucrats. And there we go the more bureaucrats the more stupid „laws“. So we are circling upwards in spiral.

Reputation of the Fed

Well I just can conclude it sinks faster than ever for me.

Now they want to stick to their program of printing money. And well if you have savings you got robbed day by day, monthy by month year by year. The inflation raises (just remember: And more an more of them are getting real

We’re not yet in the common over 4% inflation rate, but just in a few areas. The politicians start blaming whomever for „unfairness“. Especially unfair are those more successfull ones. Subsedies are paid
but do not yield the proper cash-flow. And the large corporations do whatever they can to not pay taxes (I wished everyone could afford the tax specialists of this corporations). And so the government does not get any earnings and starts printing money. With the „circle of „money““. The government issues bonds, the feds buys this bonds and the new money is spend in anything having some worse. Inflation raises and so on.

I doubt that ever in history a failure of a world champion has happened in such short time. In just 3 years the USA turns from a free system in a government controlled nightmare. They overextend their means and are now paying dearly, but currently the deledefs lovers „gain“. And I’d not be suprised to see more of them buying land. I bet they are preparing for the after-crash. And then they will claim themselves to be the „true“ americans. The question is are thieves the „true“ americans or aren’t they?

Maybe not all is lost at least some states remember what value means. And maybe this will save them. We just have to wait and see what the bureaucrats in washington and everywhere will do….

2010 from a liberal point of view

Well now this year is nearly done. Let’s see what has happened with freedom and responsibility.

1) Obama has got his Obamacare which means force and new bureaucratic hurdles. Shell will be saved by politics… So by all liberal means, this just means freedom was diminished

2) the EU has introduced bailouts for nations. That means written contracts were broken deliberately. So another disaster

3) The central banks have made money cheaper than cheap. If you save money you have lost value (again)

All has worked against self-responsibility, the thieves saved themselves with special laws and or have broken them as they like. So one can conclude arbitrariness has grown again. We still have no money of value just more fancy nice confetty, just they (the deledefs) name it „money“

It still can get worse in developed country if one sees the judgement about Chodorkowski. It just shows what we can expect. The Deledefs will make more and more laws and breaking them will get punished ever harder the harder the grip on freedom. The newest attacks on freedom will probably driven by

1) Fear

2) Uncertainty

3) Doubt

1) Fear is easy done, just tell the people that while not following the politicians indescribable bad things will happen. Every new terror attack will be instrumented to surrender more and more to those „who“ know…

2 is even easier. Just introduce new laws and make them very soft. Nobody will know if one is within its bounds or not . Add the possiblity of „instructions“ to it to the bureaucrats than you still can be sure people will get more unsure

3) doubt can be more or easier achieved. If you have uncertainty doubt will raise without further „work“. However as a prudent politician you try taking away doubt with just a few words. „We don’t have alternatives“… I bet this will be one of the most stressed phrase in the near future.

So I’m afraid this year was a disaster for freedom and it surely was against anything just remote connected to liberalism. A few more such years and the breakdown is unavoidable.

How long will the EUR persist

Even frauds, are not a reason to throw out the defrauders. So the questions about help for those breaking all rules, are answered.

The politicians do not care a bit. If they steal, they name it taxes, if the do black-mailing it’s helping EU partners. If it’s burning money, then they all  are there
every counter but one has debts over debts and nothing more. And then they’ll go for another round of „stealing“. 


You don’t believe me? well check:

Artikel 125, Artikel 126 AEUV and you’ll see what they are doing.

I was once proud of  a few things in Germany, now I’m loosing the laste respect for anything….

Politicians again (again in Germany also)

what suprise. A German who wrote about German (In)Politicians.

Another round of impertinence. Now I don’t know what fuel prices are in other countries, I just know  them from France and Germany, and especially
for Germany ;-). Ok now let’s see price is around 1,40 €/l.. However that’s just half the truth if you now that more than 75 % are taxes. Well  you have at least a few taxes
on it. At first it’s a fuel tax and after that all an VAT extra (another 19%). So  prices would be around  60-70 ct/l. Now who cries the loudest  about „high“ fuel price? You have one guess free.

That’s what one can expect from politicians, FUD, and nothing more. If there is no enemy around, they construct one. If there is political nonsense around, well they will  find someone else to blame and if that doesn’t help they will pile another layer of bureaucracy upon this political nonsense, and they will try to explain that with rationality.

climate change?

Some interesting news from the climate MCKarthism front:…/kein-ahnung-uber-die-glaubwurdkgkeit.html

Attention it’s in german. I mentioned the problems a few times on my other blog. My questions still persist:

– what influence is given the sun in the „warming models“

– what is the data base?

It seems the sun is not „that important“ but this just can be named
„stupid“. And the Data seem to be at least doubtful. Someone else also
has pinpointed a few problems:…/honesty.html

Just read a few extra entries and you got quite a bit food for thought.