Schlagwort-Archive: gold-price

What we really need

is in first line stable money. Fiat-Geld has proven that it can not cope with it. Well that’s not suprise for anyone a little bit interested in “History”.
If I have the choice between two beliefs than I’d prefer always “the market” over anythin from the deledes. Just one example on how I think markets get it
“right” sooner or later. The gold price has “topped” all-times highs expressed in US-$ and EUR. And if you see a long-time chart the raising of the gold price has
started in 2006!!!! where obviously a lot of people have recogniced something’s wrong. Maybe they’ve seen the housing bubble starting I don’t know. I just started my gold carreer in
2008 after the FmStg and TARP had started. Now since 2008 the prices has doubled. Is it a bubble? Well might be, however it’s obvious that the fiat-money bubble was
inflated much faster. It seems also that the central banks are intervening to support their Fiat-money. It’s one of the surest sign that something is terrible wrong with currencies.

Unfortunatly one can expect an alliance of Politicians (deledes) and central banks to do whatever they can to disqualify the gold price. The US helds a lonely record on that.
After giving out the bound to gold they “forbid” private ownership of gold. That’s one of the most ridicolous laws ever passed to save the “defrauders” from their fate.

I’d not be suprises if they come along with something similiar in the not too far future. What can one do against it. Fortunatly there are more free countries as anything in the EU or the US.
So it probbably is a very good idea to open an account over there and put something of value in it. The choice which country to prefer is very simple. Those countries which value private
ownership the most are the favorites.