Schlagwort-Archive: end the central banks

Order of changes

Well in my opinion there is an order of imporance for our money system.

The base is the fiat-money has to go. Nothing else will help the honest. All fiat-money systems are systems of defraud.

The holders of the „money“ are states in the form of central banks. So it’s clear central banks have no use in a 100 % gold backed currency. In fact central banks
are those which manipulate the amount of money to their liking without anything but their will. And with the monopoly of force behind them. No one would accept written paper to be money
if he does not know his counterpart and if he would not be coninced one could something for the offered money. The precious metals (especially gold) have their advantage, it’s
wanted world-wide and there is not country where gold is not precious. So everyone know Gold delivers.

So I’d propose the following order.
1) the new gold currency is just the weight of gold for prac tical use it might be a good idea to have coins of special weigh (g an kg are all we need for it, but even ounces would do)
2) the central banks can be kept during the introduction of gold as currency. There only duty is to fetch the gold let it coin an release it. The gold of the central banks is owned by everyone and so it could be the base for the money states have to use to pay their bills.
3) after that the central banks are closed down.

That’s all. Everyone will tell us that is impossible to do, because of the sheer amount of free-floating paper (otherwise known as money). But we can find every quotient to make the amount of gold fit the currency in circuclation. it can‘ t be a problem do define one dollar worth 0.000001 g if that is what is needed. We roughly know the current amount of money and at least the central banks should know how much money they really printed.

Even Greenspan has has his light moments before he took the chair of the Fed. to that time he was exactly right. Why he lost it on the chair? Who knows.

Even if it may be difficult, it can get solved now or it will get solved in the future. Currently I’d think there is some kind of control possible, I doubt this will be true later. If the currencies and economies break down it’s usual „fight“ time. And as much as I hope it can workout without violance, I’m sure it will be violence….

It’s happening under our all eyes

The ECB is now officially financing insolvent states.

Despite the laws for the ECB. How is that done?

Very easy the ECB does not buy bonds directly of states but in a perfidiously way. As you have read yesterday the ECB lends out money to banks with 1 % interest for 3 !!! years.
Now this money is just given with „securities“. The securites of the banks are?

Promises of the states to back up the papers deposited by the ECB. Especially Italy has done that. And so you see it insolvent states back up securities for insolvent banks and insolvent
banks are using bonds of insolvent states as securities.

Now tell me anything about a sham…

Money printing the ECB way

Great news for all the inaptly European banks out there.

The lender of last resort, does what the FED does for ages, they are printing money. Well it’s not named this of course. Because we live
in time of double-speak. It’s to avoid a credit crunch. And of course the hope is the inaptly banks buy bond from inaptly states.

Is there a way we can influence that? No chance. the ECB is independent and it does not have to follow anything, but usually their laws. And stretching them
is probably the thing Draghi likes the most. And so we go. The ECB funds the defaulted states. What a happy news….

I’m im(de)pressed

Guess that the democrats and republicans have find an agreement. The agreement is as follows

  1. We can not save so we need more credit
  2. We seriously have tried to save.
  3. We messed it up as usual.
  4. We are not sorry, you have to pay

I remind you of this blog before they raised the credit limit. To 17 trillions or so. Now 1 trillion more is gone in not half a year. Tell me anything about sustainability.

I’m sorry for the US citizens, but you are completely fucked up. Your choice is the choice on how you like to get killed. The result is always the same. You’re dead.

I would change my mind, and give someone else the chance to save if there’s something to save. Vote for Ron Paul and liberalism. Everything else is just
serfdom. You do not have to believe me that. Just have a look at any books written by a liberal and compare you constitution against liberalism. You’ll see that’s the
way the old ones wanted to have the US Not this socialism of either democrats or republics.

Now what’s up Fed?

Isn’t it time for QE IV? You still think you can print yourself out of the misery with even more worthless paper don’t you?

Just one question. Why hasn’t it worked in the past? What’s can be the problem? Are the printing presses to slow?

Well I bet the are not and adding a 0 here or there (what’s that among friends eh), could make us all trillionaires. But still there’s nothing more produced with
any printed cent. Production needs time, (saved money) and effort to get somewhere. A 100 Dollar bill printed today, just costs a few cents but „claims“ to be
a value. How funny is that. I’m printing something on a sheet of paper, use my force monopoly and tell every one that is you value. That’s kind of absurd isn’t it.

Well the whole Fiat-money system is a sham. It’s the modern means of slavery. States demands your work and your income to keep itself going. And what’s the
aim of a state? They tell it’s about safety, security and last but no least justice. Bu in the end it’s a system of exploitation. The productive ones have to work and get hindered every
centimeter on their way. You want to open a business? Go to buraucrats? Maybe there’s even the obligation to see a notary for whatever paper work you are supposed to do, to
offer something. But that’s not all if you start offering a thousands of other laws come into play. And after the thing was produce and sold. Now the paper work goes on. Yes you might do YOU bookkkeping
by yourself also. But you’d do it as you find it useful for you. Stop, you simply can not do that.

You have to obey another few hundreds of laws for book-keeping. And don’t you dare to be „unfair“ (in the meaning of buraucrats). You’d say I’d deduct a car in the year I buyed it. No you don’t you have to obey the guiddlines of yet someone else. The governments tells you what you are allowed to do or not. After that all you get taxed. Again there is not „obvious“ service in return. It’s just that they decide how much you have to pay. and don’t you think two of you are treated equal. Assume the same job, the same in come and you’ll see hardly the same taxes. One may have saved something guess what he has to pay taxes again on this savings.

So in short you are just working for a small part for yourself. The rest is just to keep the vermins going. That’s the modern way of slavery. You are not free to do as wish, you are just free to wish what you long for in the bounds of the „insights“ of government. Just tell me one reason that you have to pay land taxes. It’s you land and you have to pay for it as if it’s not yours? How pleasant, you just have to earn at least so much to pay that. If you don’t your land will not stay you land. It’s robbery or even worse it’s slavery.

I just wish all the parasites that they will get what they deserve. And then they look at you and tel you this plain lie. „We are here to serve you“ It’s exactly the other way round. Correct is.
„It’s so nice that YOU have to serve us“ that’s what they „mean“ and they are not the slightest ashamed of it.

fraus maximo

Now that’s a new height in fraud. The central bank are printing money as mad. Instead of letting a unsustainable system die. They inflate
the money bubble again. And guess what, now the equity holders are roughly 5% richer? Really?

We can assume that while having a growth of let’s day 2% in Germany a year makes up for roughly 0.0054 % growth a day. I know it’s „artificial“ but
let us assume the win would grow a much. Than what about the other 4.9984 or so % ? It’s nothing there, so if the production would not change a bit
and all could sell for the higher price. Then what would be the result? Well the product costs would rais the 4.9x % on average. Now are you richer?
No just those selling first may get quite a bit more of the production, the later would not get more but less AND pay more.

On the other hand was but one problem solved? No, nothing was solved, the debts are still the same, the debts are still as high. But see the example above.
They would be less worth in a few months. So now you see the „deal“. It’s making the debtors „happy“ and stealing from everyone else. Is that stupid? No it’s a fraud driven to the max

Again the only right conclusion can be, end the central banks.

To all politicians.

I know hardly anyone bothers and the least our public-payed TV institutions. And even less nearly any of our politicians (there are exceptions confirming the rule)

You are breaking the laws you have established yourself. There is the no-bail-out clause for states. There is also the law that the EZB only „target“ is the stability of the EURO.
You are all liars, and defrauders and black-mailers. I just want to state it without any misunderstanding.

For all the other, having to work for their money and not being paid by any government. In the long run market will prevail. Try the best you can to harm any deledef and any bureaucrat. Try to give them as less as you possibly can without conflicting with the laws they have made to get you. You won’t get away with it, but make their live as miserable as you possibly can. It’s you who is right and they are the wrong-doers and parasites. Obama wants more money? Well do not vote for him, you can next year or so.

Fight also against the violations of base human rights. Guantanamo can be Los Angeles or any city in the US very soon. Fight the FED where you can, do not buy any treasuries. Do fight for your right for sound money. Request from your congressman to not vote for any higher debt ceiling ever. You have the right on your money. It’s not their money and they are not the generous ones to give anything to you. They live on your expenses.

All you Greeks who do the harm to your corrupt and 99% too big government you have my sympathies. They live much more on your expenses as nearly anywhere else in the world but socialists countries. Say no to corruption, say go you Politicians. We do not bear you any more. If you are sane, you leave the € and introduce sound money, all the funny paper will just be inflated from your next „elites“. Do not accept a new round say no to Fiat-Geld and say no to a Greek central bank. If you follow the route of the fiat-money, you’ll be right back where you currently are in not more than 30 years. Is that what you really want? A state bankruptcy every half century? Think about it….

New lows? Sure new lows !!

Well it seems the lows were not low enough

1) The USA growth was cut by 2/3 from the „experts“

2) The help for Greece is not enough the „saving“ goals will not be reached

3) Gold climbs again but the Germans sell their Gold attire (do they really think they will not miss some value to barter with on the markets?)

4) Italys Berlusconsi says Italy is shit

5) Obama „promised 1 Million new jobs“

6) Bernanke does not do anything currently but has vengeance weapons.

7) The people still buy swiss money as if there won’t be tomorrw

8) The economy growth in Germany is supposed to get much slower

9) Many Germans give a sh… on their own personal debts.

Dear Readers, you can see they do not what they do but they are marching on….

You remember my predictions? Well inflation is still high and yield are on record low. That means you loose money while you bu bonds. If you feel like burning money, do me a favor and send the money you like to burn to me. I’ll buy some extra precious metals…..

I found this in my other blog written some 3 years or so ago:

It could be that the around 10 trillions or so have bought us 3 years. Well half of the time the whole have worked for that much money, and it does not seem to help,. I bet another non-existant 10 trillions wil harly buy us another 3 years maybe 1-2.. and then?

What we really need

is in first line stable money. Fiat-Geld has proven that it can not cope with it. Well that’s not suprise for anyone a little bit interested in „History“.
If I have the choice between two beliefs than I’d prefer always „the market“ over anythin from the deledes. Just one example on how I think markets get it
„right“ sooner or later. The gold price has „topped“ all-times highs expressed in US-$ and EUR. And if you see a long-time chart the raising of the gold price has
started in 2006!!!! where obviously a lot of people have recogniced something’s wrong. Maybe they’ve seen the housing bubble starting I don’t know. I just started my gold carreer in
2008 after the FmStg and TARP had started. Now since 2008 the prices has doubled. Is it a bubble? Well might be, however it’s obvious that the fiat-money bubble was
inflated much faster. It seems also that the central banks are intervening to support their Fiat-money. It’s one of the surest sign that something is terrible wrong with currencies.

Unfortunatly one can expect an alliance of Politicians (deledes) and central banks to do whatever they can to disqualify the gold price. The US helds a lonely record on that.
After giving out the bound to gold they „forbid“ private ownership of gold. That’s one of the most ridicolous laws ever passed to save the „defrauders“ from their fate.

I’d not be suprises if they come along with something similiar in the not too far future. What can one do against it. Fortunatly there are more free countries as anything in the EU or the US.
So it probbably is a very good idea to open an account over there and put something of value in it. The choice which country to prefer is very simple. Those countries which value private
ownership the most are the favorites.