Schlagwort-Archive: law enforcement

Again a Failout Plan

Well they name it euphemistic „safety chute“ and they simple ignore laws they themselves have decided.
Last year it was Greece, this year it’s going to be Ireland. Well the Irish have lived beyond any means and have obviously had a way too high
„growth“ rate in the paste. However the most depressign figure is that that have new debts of nearly one third of their complete balance.

Now Europe will again throw out money, we do not have for problems based on too easy money. An examplary Ponzi Scheme this time the defrauders control themselves and will held every single European citizen as hostage.

I guess you can imagine how angry I am..


Is your country doomed or blessed

I though about it over and over again. And have come up with this suggestion
I will state what I think may lead to doom or blessing of a country. You can judge it for any country on a scale fro -100 …. 100
the more negative the worse.

So let’s start with suggestion one:
„Law can be put before a independent court. Especially can productive elements go for court against „unproductive“ elements?“

Here’s are my estimates about it:
– Germany 70
– EU -100
(proof: the EU commision want to emit bonds on the premise for all EU countries but -§125 from the treaty of Lissboa states that this is explictly forbidden, the law was not
changed it still is valid, but only de jure not in fact, Nobody but someone from the EU commision can go to court against this breaking the law. So in fact the executive and jurisdiction is in „one“ hand.. So the EU by any means is doomed …..

– US ?

what do yo think? Is this law enforcement a thing of doom or blessing?