Schlagwort-Archive: looking back

Going back in time

One of the nice and bad things about Internet is that you can find things you once wrote. This is what I found:

Now what has changed? Obama still is clueless. But no other has any more clue but Ron Paul. So nothing learned in 3 years and another 8 trillions of debts later. That’s really poor.

2010 from a liberal point of view

Well now this year is nearly done. Let’s see what has happened with freedom and responsibility.

1) Obama has got his Obamacare which means force and new bureaucratic hurdles. Shell will be saved by politics… So by all liberal means, this just means freedom was diminished

2) the EU has introduced bailouts for nations. That means written contracts were broken deliberately. So another disaster

3) The central banks have made money cheaper than cheap. If you save money you have lost value (again)

All has worked against self-responsibility, the thieves saved themselves with special laws and or have broken them as they like. So one can conclude arbitrariness has grown again. We still have no money of value just more fancy nice confetty, just they (the deledefs) name it „money“

It still can get worse in developed country if one sees the judgement about Chodorkowski. It just shows what we can expect. The Deledefs will make more and more laws and breaking them will get punished ever harder the harder the grip on freedom. The newest attacks on freedom will probably driven by

1) Fear

2) Uncertainty

3) Doubt

1) Fear is easy done, just tell the people that while not following the politicians indescribable bad things will happen. Every new terror attack will be instrumented to surrender more and more to those „who“ know…

2 is even easier. Just introduce new laws and make them very soft. Nobody will know if one is within its bounds or not . Add the possiblity of „instructions“ to it to the bureaucrats than you still can be sure people will get more unsure

3) doubt can be more or easier achieved. If you have uncertainty doubt will raise without further „work“. However as a prudent politician you try taking away doubt with just a few words. „We don’t have alternatives“… I bet this will be one of the most stressed phrase in the near future.

So I’m afraid this year was a disaster for freedom and it surely was against anything just remote connected to liberalism. A few more such years and the breakdown is unavoidable.