Schlagwort-Archive: Spain

The “merits” of leverage

Just imagine if 5.33 % of the credits are probably failing, spanisch banks will brought to their knees. So you can see what “fractional” lending is one of the safest ways to
an economic hell. It would be that simple. You just be allowed to lend what you own. Then 5% were enough starting to get “angry” but you won’t have to file for bankruptcy.

There is a song the refrain is “wann wird man je verstehen” which roughyl translates to.
“when will we ever learn”.

Well the english title seems to be
“Where have all the flowers gone?”
Well we have to leave this question open. Will they ever learn that money has to be earned and “saved”?
Will they ever learn that the whole purpose of money is having a thing to preserve value….

Every honest earned penny is a value. Why don’t they leave it it’s value? Why are they taking risks to pauperize everyone?

Indeed when (if anytime) will they ever learn?

Liberalism on it’s way out?

Well it seems Liberals will see tough times in the near future, till it will turn  out that
they got it right. Let’s wait which country bankruptcy will be the tombstone of this ever progressing socialism.

Now it will  get interesting for  Greece, Portugal, Spain and maybe Italy (funny enough they name them  PIGS) in the EU. Very unfair to our
4 -feeted giving bacon, cotelettes etc animals. Fair enough Greece would prefer a EU solution will say countries which did it better (not right) will have to
bear those who used FUD. That’s really progress, at first the banks did black-mailing and now the governements follow. Suprise factor is not very high, isnt it?

What also  will happen  in just a month the “civil” (well they call them themselves “civil” ) majority will  face a serious loose of one country (one of the bigges in Germany NRW).
And one of the biggest looser will be the ex “free” democratic party (FDP), which has say goodby to freedom at least nearly two years ago. There is  nothing to replace them.

And so the liberals will get marginalized. They will be the margin then which will stand between starving to death and live. And they’ll see a revival, when people start anew. But the Hydra
of Buraucracy and “governement” will just be temporary suspended. If it’s getting better and better they will raise their ugly head again. And  another round of stealing, black-mailing etc will take place.

Man may be intelligent or at least can act intelligent, and is able to learn, men …. well it seems let’s have some mass and intelligence will flee.