It’s that easy

I cite from:,8599,1962294,00.html

„That’s in part because of global warming — hotter air can hold more
moisture, so when a storm gathers it can unleash massive amounts of

Well it’s not that dumb seeing alone, but seeing it together with the miserable data base of all the temperatures, the reasoning is clear.

It’s getting colder and/or it’s having more snow because it’s getting warmer.

So in some areas the warming will yield less rain etc, in other regions it will yield more snow and in other areas, nothing will happen. But it’s all because of global warming. It’s not because climate is changing constantly it’s because of our CO2 emissions or maybe, our breathing. At least we know we breath O2 and give away CO2, so the logical implication is. Get rif of 90% of men and all problems are gone….



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