I’m against Mrs Lagard for the IMF. The IMF is just a from Politician controlled instrument, with no-failure-built-in. It’s not a market instrument, because otherwise hardly any political
pressure could be come from it. So short, it’s dictatorship pure.
Mrs Lagard has an open dispute about corruption and all in all France is the county for centralism.
The only „right“ thing would be to abolish the IMF. This will not happen so we should at least get some democratic control about it.
If we have this IMF we should have president of a country which never has gone bankrupt. France was known to default every 50-100 years in the 17-19 th century.
I also am against any Chinese at the top (China is the last „big“ dictatorship around with not acknowledgement for any human rights). The IMF president should come from a country with the lowes corruption rate, That is the only thing which „may“ help anyone.
Here on Mises the guys have an idea on the problems with central banks
So the only „right“ way is abolish the central banks, and introducing sound money. And then the debts avalanches will not be a problem. It’s just the constuction of Fiat money with last lenders all over the place. Responsibility is an emtpry phrase if it comes to deledefs and bureaucrats