Schlagwort-Archive: sound money

There is no way out

of the current crises but return to sound economic action.

As long as we do not take “Human action” serious we’ll be fubar. We’ll also be fubar while keeping fiat-paper as money.

The history of fiat-paper is devastation. And there is no other word which just gets near this meaning. No inflation ob paper sums will ever get
more things produce. Yes there will be booms and thereafter there will be busts. Inevitable.

The big problem with all current schools is that they do not take humans and their preferences as base. They alway think of some kind of normed human, and
despite diversity. This can never do. Nobody can know what’s on the mind of someone else. Parents never will understand their children completely and will alway be surprised
about some of the “ideas” of their children. Well the other way round Children always will think about the grown-ups to be some kind of odd.

We can make “assumptions” about behavior and we can ask. But we can not know if it-´s just said or meant. This is one thing we can not know. The other thing is we
can not know the future. But what we can know is that there are rules men as to obey. Men never can fulfill needs for himself at once. It always takes time and time
definitely is limited. We got our 80 or so years to live and in that time we just can do one thing, acting. If we don’t act we’ll die. It’s as simple as that.

And we know also we need things for our survival. We need water, food, and shelter. Hardly many live in areas where shelter is not needed. And even id you do not need shelter you need water and food.
And you have to act to get this things. Von Mises has phrased and explained that in “human action”. It is one of the most important books about men ever written. It does not even is so important that our predecessors were apes. Knowing that does not help us to survive.

We know we simply need some things to survive. We have things Mises has written down. We can think, we can imagine. We know we’ll die if we do not get food. In the current time we still know how to get our food. Well visit the super market or farmer or visit some market. And we know also, we better have something we can trade, otherwise it will be “hard” to get something. And so we “know” having money is “good to have”. And so we offer something we can produce ourselves in exchange to money. And we can use this money helping to fulfill our needs. After the needs comes the wishes.

All this wishes have one thing in common again. To get them fulfilled we need time and there we again have the limits within we have live our life. And again von Mises has written it down in this most important book.

What we also know We can cheat, but not in the long run. And one means of cheating is fiat-paper. So in the long run fiat-paper won’t do it. And so if we want to get out of the crises we must return to sound money and the ever holding law that we just can consume what we were willing and/or able to produce. So there’s the way out. The longer we do not take them the more problematic the way will get…

What is your “inflation”

Well as we all have learned from our deledefs. There is no inflation. So well yes, that’s what they told and tell us. The FED still is printing money like mad but that’s not inflation that’s QE.
Anyway have you checked your personal inflation rate? What were your findings?

We’ve q big taboo zone here. The government does not even try to calculate a inflation rate. They even manipulate the data and differentiate between core inflation and other inflation. Guess what
food and fuel is not included in the core inflation. They have their reasons for that, because taking that into account would raise the inflation considerably. And you know it can’t be what should not be. So you do not have inflation. In other words, they lie at you again with a straight face, and giving you the impression of being a mad men. Well fact is they are liars and cowards. One does not know what’s worse but they really
want to tell you: “You are stupid and we have everything under control” The have not.

Fact is the manipulation of inflation rates and unemployment rates have nothing to do with reality any more. It’s data which they think they can give us without us freaking out. But in the end it’s just another big lie on their dung heap of lies. Again I ask you why do you still believe them and are still voting for them? Can’t you stand the truth or are happy to be lied at? I just suggest you keep book of your expenses for a two years and then you can see how much they lie to you. Maybe it’s time to concentrate of the constitution, there gold and money are used interchangeable. That’s the right thing, that you get your deledefs away with their fiat-money is your biggest mistake. Don’t you think it’s time to leave this mistake behind?

The only way to get rid of those liars is not vote for them but anyone else. I propose you look after a liberal one. With record of it’s liberalism. And do not forget. He/she should support “end the fed”. Without sound money you will not have the slightest chance of recovery. It just means some take from your without any service in return. Don’t believe them they give back, it’s just another lie.

Why don’t they get it?

Or maybe one should write, why do they do not learn?

More and more european countries want that the EZB starts printing even more money. Well let me ask just one question? What does the US citizens have gained with
their fed printing money? Or what have the GB citizen gained?

Just to give you an idea GB will need new debt of around 100 billions. Now tell me about insanity. Of course the money is not there, and the
government is not able to cut down on it’s expenses? Now tell me about addiction. It should help someone drinking to drink yet another few liters of alcohol a day?
Well is the goal to die early? Or earlier? Or should one get beyond this addiction and get back a life?

Well for alcoholics the goal is getting of the drug. Why should it be different for governments? Their one and only problem since 5 decades is that they were not able to
get along without new debts and what are new bonds? Sugar? No even more of the same debts. So that is insane.

The US and GB and all other countries must come down from their addiction to new credits. No debts not problems. And for us it means we must do everything to not provide the
additives with new stuff. Just do not buy bonds, just insist on sound money. That’s the best for everyone (but parasites) .

Does the message will arrive?

I’m puzzling. Will the Delebets look at numbers and put of their rose-coloured glasses. Or will they
burn a few extra trillions?

Gold has reached again it’s highest value. Yesterday. In all but one currency the CHF has outperformed any other currency on the market AFAIKT. Does that mean anything?
Well it probably depends if you think democracy is good then the Swiss have a very good democracy. The population can question nearly any law from the authorities. This is near
unique world-wide. In Germany we have nothing comparable and so if you have chosen you are through with it. The Deledefs can do whatever they like. NO QUESTIONING.

They argue that the population would be overwhelmed to decide as the negotiators of the party. And so Merkel does what she likes hardly even hampered by any law. And that’s mostly similiar to other EU countries, Germany is not even the worst. From my point of view, the French and Italy are much “worse” of. Anyway will they just STOP once and think?

Would it be asked to much really to get to the ground of the austrian school of economics?

I’m afraid they would not hear or see the message if it would be 1 m away from them crying and with 1 m large letters. The Delebets have proved over and over again that they simply do not understand market, they have not idea about consequences of their doing. They really think if they want to achieve something, they can whatever they like. But you see they are wrong with the economy and especially wrong with currencies. The have sunk billions of Euros and still there is no improvement. They do not get that, they are asking for another few billions just to do the same stuff as before.
So I’m afraid the message will get lost.

I just want to keep it written down here. There are alternatives, I outlined them here over and over again and probably will another few hundred times.
The easy solution is “Go out of our ways”. Does this message will arrive some day?

Solutions to the mess

the deledefs have put us into:

Introduce sound money. That means “End the Fed”, bind the currency to something of value

Forbid debt for financing governments

If one thinks the state is needed. Introduce one flat tax for financing it.

Stop the subsidies for the diverse parties and look for de-centralism. That means throw out most of the bureaucrats in Washington.
Disallow any agencies like the CIA , NSA etc. And their acting as states in the state. Don’t allow torture.

Keep the greedy hands of bureaucrats out of business. Every intervention of the government is based on but one thing violence. It’s not acceptable that
the state can use that as “base” for negotiations. It’s the same as if in business one party comes with heavy arms and “suggesting” a certain kind of contract.. You can comply or you die?

Think about the diverse laws and the highest risk insured. That’s bad, it’s a subsedy for large corporation to live on the expenses of anyone else. Give property right back their “meaning”. That means the share holders must be much more involved in what the managers do.

Thanks but no to Mrs Lagarde

I’m against Mrs Lagard for the IMF. The IMF is just a from Politician controlled instrument, with no-failure-built-in. It’s not a market instrument, because otherwise hardly any political
pressure could be come from it. So short, it’s dictatorship pure.

Mrs Lagard has an open dispute about corruption and all in all France is the county for centralism.

The only “right” thing would be to abolish the IMF. This will not happen so we should at least get some democratic control about it.

If we have this IMF we should have president of a country which never has gone bankrupt. France was known to default every 50-100 years in the 17-19 th century.
I also am against any Chinese at the top (China is the last “big” dictatorship around with not acknowledgement for any human rights). The IMF president should come from a country with the lowes corruption rate, That is the only thing which “may” help anyone.

Here on Mises the guys have an idea on the problems with central banks
So the only “right” way is abolish the central banks, and introducing sound money. And then the debts avalanches will not be a problem. It’s just the constuction of Fiat money with last lenders all over the place. Responsibility is an emtpry phrase if it comes to deledefs and bureaucrats

What signals does the EU safety chute emit?

I’m currently reading about the report of the IMF about Greece. You can find it under:

I’m very skeptical over any of these just be states controlled supranational institutions. I feel we think there money for doubtful outcomes. And in a way I think this are parrallel universes cycling around themselves.
So the biggest problems with this organizations is that they “can not fail” whatever they do. It does not matter how much money they thing while contributing to keeping corrupt regimes running. You know there is not “market” for their offers.
Theres is but one IMF. So whatever they decide to do or not is conclusive.

This is near inerrable. Yes there may be critique voices. And still one has to concede there are also clever (and surely well paid) specialists there. So we probably can learn from their findings. Unfortunately we do not have any influence on how to react on those findings. So overall I see the IMF as part of the problem not the solution.

For normal banks the “lenders of the last resort” are in that order. The own central bank, the own government, (in the EU) the EU commission, and then comes the IMF) . So quite a lot of those “taking” away the responsibility on standing on one’s own feet. And still the IMF is plagued with one terrible problem. The just decide bureaucratically. They ask for papers over papers (which someone has to gather), then the follow procedures (which no the sure way a market tells whether you did right or wrong) . But if the procedures are followed, nothing can happen. They still will get their payments, and gain influence over time just because if somethings going wrong they will be the “saviors”.

But back to the report. I suggest really reading it there you can find a lot of information (unfortunately in diplomatic speech) which really makes it a plagued reading. However you can see that at least something happens.

As I can see this actions still have no calming impacts. If they actions would be honored or would have a good influence on the debt situation, it should be no problem to get new credits. But still the required interests are beyond anything one really can bear. If I do have to trust supranational organizations or markets I know what side to take. But the deledefs just see their side. They never really bother thinking about markets. It’s always the markets are evil (and we have to fight the markets) and they loose every time. But they do not learn anything from it.

Au contraire, they do the same mistakes over and over and over and over again. Just see “This time is different” and you can see, their fallings. Instead of not “having” some extra last lender of last resort” a new last lender is invented, every time. Now imagine a world in which this things were not their and money sound. Nobody could get that large to threaten the system and even then, there would be no one “saving” them. Would you expect the same hazardous behavior?

The realy problem we all have is that money is a monopoly of states, and they enforce it with any means. And that’s where we call get caught. So let’s work for freeing our money for any government influence and we’ll be much finer.

So what signals can you see in the EU “safety” chute. It’s the signal that wrong-doers are saved from their responsibility. And that’s what sticks. Everything in EUR land just tells. Don’t bother to live within your bounds. You can have party and after that you may have some hang-over but don’t be afraid, you can have the next party the day after tomorrow.

This signal is understood by the markets but not by governments. The interest rate of up to 15% and higher tell exactly what one can expect a default within the next three years….