A small question to the US voters

sorry guys, but why are you voting for those with the deepest pockets and biggest lies?

The last vote campaign of Obama has cost > 1 billion. So why are you still voting for them after you’ve learned vote after vote that they kid you? Why are you know cheering such loosers as Romney, Chim.whatever?
What has come after all the promises?

Was government cut? Did you get less laws and some freedom back? They tell you they will, lower the taxes, give work (how ? , does Uncle Sam needs some extra cannon fodder) or are you just speculating to get paid by government? Did they even start to stop subsidizing the banks? When was the last time you got an bail-out (which can not work because the Uncles Sam has not money at all for that). Have they ever done anything to keep the value of your currency? So be honest, are you too stupid to recognize you are tricked over and over again? Or is it your wish to just live on anyone else’s expenses? Or are you not able to see where credit addiction will lead to?

So why are you again working for Obama, or Romney ? Have you really gained so much through Obama that you can live as robber? Is this what you want using force against others to get their money?

Do you feel beeing treated unfair? Well guess what most were treated unfair by government every day. Was it you who had to pay or got paid? Well AFAIKT your congressmen still are getting paid. Do you realize that it’s your money they burn day in/out. Do you know your father,mother, sister, brother etc are dying for them? How does it feel to know you lost someone because your politics though it a good idea to go to war? Do you know how many were killed in the name of democracy. Doesn’t it hurt?

Why are you still choosing slavery over freedom? Is is that great to be a slave?

So tell me what drives you still to choose for Obama and his biggest contenders? Masochism?

Ein Gedanke zu „A small question to the US voters

  1. Fred Foldvary

    Americans foolishly vote for what they believe is the lesser evil, which is why they keep getting evil. They have not learned the alternative of submitting a blank ballot as a signal that they oppose the whole political system.


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