Schlagwort-Archive: damn lies

Your data

belong to you. Feel free to give them away to whomever you like but don’t be surprised if it backfires.

With every new day and new news about Facebook I’m happy I’m not „in“. If you just google for my name you can get a lot of information. And
I know this will stay forever. Yes I’m unimportant and nobody but maybe one or two cares. That’s fine with me. But I write what I think and „reveal“ what
I want and what I decide.

With Facebook I know all my data are in access to Facebook, who am I to know to whom they give access even if I would not agree?
I simply do not know. Facebook needs desperately new sources of income. There stocks still are hell of expensive, and they must earn much more to get
just near somewhat rational regions. So If they’d earn 10 billions one might things that 90 billions are „fair“ priced, But
So what else but your data should drive it’s profits.

If you feel Facebook offers something to you then fine use it, but I for my part have decided that I want mine to stay mine. I do not want even more advertisements in my
mail box, nor do I like to get stuffed with it every day, every click. In Germany the biggest advisor for debt handling Schufa have announced to start collecting user information
on facebook for their credit rankings. How would you like that? I can just say, I’m not amused.

And within 5 years I’m sure you state agencies will put pressure on Facebook to get hands on our data. Of course all for the greater goog of the american state. And they will tell, those who do not have anything to hide can simply disclose that information. Well I guess they will do it even more „subtle“. I bet Facebook will find a way to provide them with your data. Backdoors, hacker attacks, viruses, trojan horse, I don’t doubt it a second that NSA should be able to crack accounts in the hundreds of thousands if they are inclined and told to do so. Your data? Not if you give them away that freely…..

A small question to the US voters

sorry guys, but why are you voting for those with the deepest pockets and biggest lies?

The last vote campaign of Obama has cost > 1 billion. So why are you still voting for them after you’ve learned vote after vote that they kid you? Why are you know cheering such loosers as Romney, Chim.whatever?
What has come after all the promises?

Was government cut? Did you get less laws and some freedom back? They tell you they will, lower the taxes, give work (how ? , does Uncle Sam needs some extra cannon fodder) or are you just speculating to get paid by government? Did they even start to stop subsidizing the banks? When was the last time you got an bail-out (which can not work because the Uncles Sam has not money at all for that). Have they ever done anything to keep the value of your currency? So be honest, are you too stupid to recognize you are tricked over and over again? Or is it your wish to just live on anyone else’s expenses? Or are you not able to see where credit addiction will lead to?

So why are you again working for Obama, or Romney ? Have you really gained so much through Obama that you can live as robber? Is this what you want using force against others to get their money?

Do you feel beeing treated unfair? Well guess what most were treated unfair by government every day. Was it you who had to pay or got paid? Well AFAIKT your congressmen still are getting paid. Do you realize that it’s your money they burn day in/out. Do you know your father,mother, sister, brother etc are dying for them? How does it feel to know you lost someone because your politics though it a good idea to go to war? Do you know how many were killed in the name of democracy. Doesn’t it hurt?

Why are you still choosing slavery over freedom? Is is that great to be a slave?

So tell me what drives you still to choose for Obama and his biggest contenders? Masochism?

Time for a book?

Dear readers it seems I have to suggest some literature for you.

Check out the following books: „Bailout nation“, „Credit Card Nation“ and „Human Action“.

In 1998 there was a nation-wide negative saving rate at work. And you know that was also the time of the Internet bubble. Now in this extra 13 years nothing has changed. The debt has again more than doubled and it’s still raising. You can not have wealth without saving. You can not get rich on Credit. So fact is with debts everywhere the end can not be avoided. Kredit expansion is according to von MIses, incurable either one stop is or the currency will break. And if a currency breaks, poverty is the new „middle“ class… Now with forgetting to save things the middle class is starting to go down. I propose you check the diverse countries in the US and you will see where people save there will be much less suffering.

The US has overstretched their limits and in fact it’s the biggest burner of money with it’s military machine. Military machine is just good for one thing destruction. And So the military will take it’s part in distruction of the US. And Obama has nothing done to prevent this. I remind you of my critical entries here about Obama and in fact it’s getting even worse. See e.g. Really the US is gone, it’s just a death corpse walking. But sooner or later it will crush and this will be the start of another civil war. Now around 150 years after the last , we come back to it. It’s devastating. I propose to start thinking about leaving the US. You may escape the war. But maybe not. The debt race still is open all over the world. …..

The US could do us all a favour

but well I guess who who think they will „shutdown“ will be disapoointed. They will raise the limit and may it be a few just a few days in August.

They will swear the wildest oats that „this time everything is different“ and they will „save money“. Guess what the charade will go on and in a few months years we’ll be exactly where we are
now. We’ll hear things like „But we do have saved, despite the fact that the expenses stil are higher than before“ Their saving will also mean generating more income in one or the other way (just think about taxes).

So the favour they could do is stopping this lies. There is not „real“ discussion. There is no „real“ will to cut down expenses. Even if there were the ever increasing social transfer payments will just show. „It’s you rmoney we’re burning stupid.

Anyway as American I would really felt attacked on my honor. Do they really believe anyone believes what they say? Does they really know not most of them would despise them if they possibly could. Hundreds of thousands of laws all in the name of justice just can hide the fact that there’s but one thing in common in them. „Stealing freedom“ and criminalize the own population. See the Minnessota shutdown, one need a licence so „sell“ alcohol and because government does not work they are on their way getting illegal.

Liars, give us a break and do not prevent that you do anything good to use. This favour is not asked too much.

Reading suggestion II

Do yourself a favor and run to the next library and buy or borrow. „The case for Gold“. You can see how nice big government and big money play together to harm
everyone else. You can see the history of the Greenback is a history of fraude, lies, broken promises. There was but one time where the „right“ thing was done.

You ask what the „right“ thing is? Well I guess then you don’t have read anything every written here 😉 The right thing it abolishing the central banks and fiat-money. Nothing will
be a better base for a sustainable way of living. Every other approach is deemed to fall, because as Heinlein has pointes it out in „the moon is a harsh mistress“ Tanstaafl“.

You can see the failure in nearly every law. Politicians decide without any consideration of the associated costs. Oh indeed they always argue that it will get cheaper. But as sure as hell does not freeze over, if government intevenes it’s getting much more expensive. I suggest you just check how much money is spend in and on government activities. You can check nearly every country (all but those which have nearly gone broke) and you see the vermins are everywhere. You think you will win that race? Forget it, you will get deluded.

Just see what happens to production. Production is reglemented. Masses of bureaucrats decide what one is allowed to produce. You see the way is alway to some monopolies of the states. The biggest monopoly (with the highest harm factor) if of course the debt system (one can not talk any longer of the monetary system) . The system is the debt producing machine, and it issues money in ever increasing quantities. But again there will be pay days. And the more debt there will be the harder the impact will get. There is no way that this system can survive. It’s from ground up unsustainable. So if the foundation is wrong, everything else will crumble. The only „solution“ is to prepare a well foundation. Then you can build skyscrapers and they still will „persist“.

So end the central banks and the worthless paper debt system. In this there is but no choice. Wealth never can come from debt, even if you see a ranking of billionaires, you always have to bear in mind. It’s not the have this wealth in greenbacks. They always have something of value….

The US creditability

Well how interesting that the verdict of the rating agents still is on AAA for the US. They just have a few trillions debt and they „just“ another 1.4 trillion during this year.
And still the blame the rating agents and call it a „politicial“ decision. I wonder what does it mean? Is S&P a unknown party? Are the democrats and republicans not the only
parties everywhere else.

Are the owners the democrats or the republicans or what?

No it’s very easy the deledefs are fucking afraid. They know they are just playing on time and it seems there only desire is being pensioners if their own build card-house will collapse.
They fire out money as mad and never hardly anytime in history there was such a fiat-money flood. Just in and around the finances are devastated. And this was all done by the politicians of the both parties.

If AAA gots lost the debtors can not count on getting money for nothing (and the taxes for free). No they will have to offer higher interest. And this means it will get more expensive and still there is no plan for „paying“ back the debts. Just the „plan“ to reduce the amount of new debts. So we translate this kind of saving into our world.

Problem 1. The debt of a rate is measured against GDP so there is no GDP for use. That’s bad so we must calculate differently. I found this as „official“ values for paying the debt. It’s 10% of the budget we need to use it for the „income“ of our family so let us assume our debt are as official told 50 000 ME (money equivalents (read dollar)) . So we’d have to pay pay (we are not the government so we have „real“ interest of let’s say 5%. BTW having this as interest rate would break the US.) So we’d have 2500 ME to pay for debs. So our budget is 2500 / 0.1 = 25 000 ME.

We are still lacking our GDP. So we need some help. Because the GDB is nearly exactly 100% of the debs we have GDP of 50000 ME. Great so we need new debts at or around 10% of it, that are 5000 ME.
Just let us assume this stays for „let’s say 3 years. Let’s compare it with how much it is for our budget. The the 5000 ME are 20% of our budget we had before taking the debt. So in reality we’d just have 20 000 ME at our disposal (- the interest which we must pay) . But we spend 25 000.

So in three years we’d have a debt of around 65 000 ME and have to pay 3250 ME interest /year. Now how much does our budget grow? This is hard to tell, but I have calculated with constant 5000 ME extra debts each year. And so our budget still is the same 25 000 three years ago we’d have to pay 2500 for the debt (the 10%) and three years later 3250 / 25000 = 13% of our budget. We’d have not paid bake one cent of our debt and we still are spending 25 000 ME (which is not possible because we can not spend the amount we pay for interest. So in fact we are taking new debts to pay old debts. And that means we have pay on interest of interest of our debt and we extended our whole debt around 30% !!!

If you can see you can stand that. Well you’re right. You can stand that for roughly 10 or so years, then you are fully broken. And well now see the US they are doing something similar for more than 10 years. And yet they still should have a rating of triple A? Hard to believe that something so obvious unsustainable should get a rating of „being“ save….

You can see however how besides reality this kind of debt calculations are. We do not have any GDP which can help us, we can not tax away other. We just have our income as the „only“ calculation base. I can not see and accept that this should be different for states. Just imagine the following all the pension payments are not covered in the budgets of today, although we know there will be some expenses in the future. In private you must save to have something, but the states do not do that. So the pension payments have to be beard from the current budgets, and you still have to pay for zillions of other things. There is nothing comparable in the private sector. (GM was broken by their pension plans BTW)

States should not be allowed to use GDP for calculations but their own budgets, and if they promised for pension payments this money has to be „saved“. If that is not possible no pension promises can be given an the money should be left to the people… They have to take care that they have enough for later. If you think how different the rate is comparing GDP and budget. Now let’s see what really is our income. We have a budget of 25 000. We have new debts of 5000 ME and 2500 ME interests payments. So that are 25000 – (5000 – 2500) = 17500 ME that’s your „earned“ money.

And yes I have used official numbers, there are so many shadow budgets etc around that this may be just the tip of the iceberg…

I write „earned“ because the earning of states are in fact robbed. You have to pay tax and you have no choice…..
With everyone else you pay what you ask for with governments you pay what you asked for and everything else also…..