Archiv der Kategorie: economy

Paulson as “unbiased” referee?

Paulson can not be respected as not being in an interest of conflict. I can not understand how that was overseen, but now here we go the next open question:

“The irony is, Paulson will not be able to find asset managers to run this that don’t already have distressed assets on their own books; there’s no one else to do it,” says one source who is closely following the talks. This person warns that Paulson has to be careful in how he brings those people in, ensuring there are strong enough firewalls and other safeguards to avoid a further public backlash: “If Main Street was already concerned about writing a big check to Wall Street, imagine how they are going to feel when they hear the government is now hiring the guys who created the problem in the first place, and, by the way, their firms will benefit?”

Paulson can not be trusted and no one of the other asset managers. Do they grow on trees? Hardly….

So whom to trust?

Do miracles happen

Could it be?

The most speacking is IMHO this:
“One of the least attractive elements is a section designed to curb executive pay at banks that participate in the bail-out package. These include limiting stock-related pay and banning ‘golden parachutes’ for executives.”

So enjoy….

Anything unclear about bailout?

Failout plans all over the earth

It’s a shame especially for all our economy “leaders”. There “leadership” obviously is those of the captain on the Titanic, just move faster to win the blue band. I’m a bit proud on our (Germany) politicians, first time in ages. After they have got the promises of the private sector, the private sector does not want to stick to that plan. I guess they were thinking, let’s do like the Americans, let the tax payer pay dearly. Well at least this was denied. The danish governement and the private sector have an agreement with which I could live (although I think the private part gains more from it (danish solution)

So I’d take the private bank in responsibilty. If it’s true that in Amercica Bankers are liable with the private property, then I wonder why nothing has happened in that regard. IMHO it’s very easy they’ve gained most and this was not by work but by chance. The sold as many credits as they could and have initiated the failure of them. Then those having gained from immoral contracts, have to bear the consequences.

Let’s see what’ll happen….

After the decisions

To accept the failout plan. despite the wish of the majority. What’s your turn now?
At first you are the voter and you have voted for the curren congressmen and women. As you know they have to “obey” their conscience. So it’s their right to ignore your wishes.

However they are obliged to serve you also. If you feel they served you well, you must accept their choice. If you don’t feel served well, you must stand up and outvote them. I for my part would outvote them. They have lied to you mor than once and hardly anything they deciced the last few years have brought anything good to America. They said yes to the Iraque war (which was founded on lies of His Insanity), they did not impeach His Insantiy after that and they did not impeach him after he has to admit to allow torture as an interrogation means. He has shown over and over again that he did not have clues about things he decided.

The chances are very slim he’s got that this time. Noone have come up in Congress with an readl alternative plan. So they all seem more or less accept the lies His Insanity and crew have given them.

Now even McCain or Obama havn’t come up with an alternative. So if you really feel that this was all ok, then you can vote for any of them. If you do not feel it was ok, then you have not choice but not to vote at all or vote for some other party. There are other parties, you may loose your vote, but at least you set a hallmark about your wishes. Let that be enough and none of them will get voted. Very slim chance, but still there it is.

I wish you better luck with your next president.

The raid may succeed

Senators passed the failout plan, I hope they fail miserably in Congress …
It’s a shame that no other plan is discussed. Indeed it seems every other plan seemed to be
swept under the carpet.

If anyone believes that this can be “healed” with more money, you’ll have a harsh awakening, and
easily another trillion down the drain, for nothing.

US citizens emigrate to your nothern neighbour…..

You can come back in a few years in a devastated region, maybe then it’s high time to spend again some money in Jeeps, you may need them on the dusty roads. Don’t expect you can trust any bridge…

And if you come into the regions of those gangster, you may have some fun driving through their nice mansions…

Keep in mind both McCain and Obama have said yes. So you may have seen the worst president in the history of the US (His Insanity), one could think it won’t get worse…. — think again.

What’s wrong with this picture?


I cite:
“Because the government would be purchasing troubled assets and selling them once the market recovers,” he said, “it is likely that many of the assets would go up in value over time. Ultimately, we expect that much – if not all – of the tax dollars we invest will be paid back.”

If it’s likely to make a profit why shouldn’t everyone take the chance? Or at least most of them, it’ old good doing “buy low, sell high”. So let me say if the stuff bounces back why must it be bought from governement?

This is IMHO as clear, that he does not even see this contradiction. There are also a few assumptoins:
1) market will recover (well somehow, someday it surely will)
2) they get the assets below their value, and can wait long enough to wait for their recovery (let me ask why can’t Mr Paulson as private person wait for recoverey. If he’s spend 100 Mio he would not even notice that much less money. Does he own a few planes, boats etc.
3) it also implied that there will be some losses (may be/ may be not)
4) but buying them overprices would give those having collected this fould credits a premium. What should prevent them trying the same again?

I’m sorry but His Insanity simply does not get this things

Look and read careful

Who is not going to start blaming whom? What are the rules for the elected. Do they just have to sit and nodding to whatever idiocy comes along. Who has lied to the parliament, it was Mr Insanity itself. Who declared that the Iraque war is too all good? Who has driven down all sane budget rules?

It was His Insanity. And who has followed nearly all in congres… Who has stand up against him?
No one, now the may see the light at the end of the tunnel. The Republicans and His Insanity, are accountable for that mess. Now, he got what he has deserved since at least five years.

So I ask you watch closely who’s not blaming whom, keep that in mind and see how the same people have done in the past…

Don’t beat a dead horse?

It’s dead it won’t stand up and run afresh. Don’t mess around with the failout plan any longer, take another way. If I read they are planning to “refresh” the b(f)ailout plan I start shivering again. See my other entry on how I’d think you should proceed.

B(F)ailout failed

Well step one was a good one, but where are the alternatives. Just saying “No” is not easy but not mind-bending also. So how to get out that mess. I strongly suggest to discuss drastic steps. At first it must be stated clearly who has gained most during this bubble. That were in fact quite a few but in the end it “stranded” in the hand of the very rich. They got much reacher, than ever before. The money taken out by incompentent Middle , upper and highest management was way out of line. So
if you follow that, thos who have gained the most should not be taken and “give” back. The proposal of Senator Sanders would be one alternative.

Howerver everyone taking part in this Monopoly, should take their share. So this means also those having loans they could not afford, have to feel this. But also those whow have sold them this “credits”. They must have seen that many can not affort it. So get to them and let them pay also.

Then you need an “american” solution. It’s clear that you can not go the chinese way or maybe even some “european” way. Especially in Germany and France the politics stil have way too much to say and decide. So you can not just go and b(f)ailout everyone. The LB way is harsh but they have taken their chance and they loosed. However the only thing you should concentrate on is letting those not having spend in this monopoly their money. So you must not look after foul credits but those “savings” people have done. If they spend it in falling bank, well that’s bad luck, every investement can to wrong. Not every idea turns out to have some value, failure must be allowed. I’m aware the line between failure and deception is a very thin one. But betting on ever growing hous prices is way beyond failure it’s deception.

So what other things can you do. Obviously you need not worry to much about Wall Street, they have had their fun, now let them having their hangover. See how much decption was there and you’ll cover quite a mass of the losses. But now what’s left for the Governement. The answer is :
Spend money on your infra-structure, spend money on your people. As everyone knows the infrastructure is terribly wrotten, this was money spend ages ago, but then let down by givign them away. Take them back and build them anew. Ten thousands of bridges are wrotten, the streets are bumpy. Then start getting away from oil, see that you get a functioning railroad and get a functionaing local traffic system. Do encourage people to go by bike, or maybe scooter. You space is sparse, you can not affort just let it be used up by 3 tons of metal. Spend money on education, teach children and grown-ups. Make it’s your primary task to get rid of debts instead of piling layers of debts over other layers of debt. Just imagine you hadn’t all the debt, how much could you spare. All the interest could be not just be to whomever owns the stuff (which you’ve spread all over the world) but things which.

Do start on a sustainable economy. You can not use the whole world as your “money lender”, someday you’ve to pay back, Ask yourself if the billions spend on unsustainalbe stuff really makes any thing better? Get rid of your enormous spendings on weapons, defense against weapons. Forget your star-wars. Spend on thing preserving life, not on things destroying it..

Get back to “civilized” manners, All Guantamos and “other” ways of torture must driven back. Those having initiated that must take the responsbility and it would not harm them to see jail from the inside.

So use this breakdown, and don’t repeat your former errors.

If you’re willing to spend 700 Mrd then do it with horse sense.

Stand up take the banner for freedom and democracy. Say no to dictatorship, say no do torture simply learn to say not to quite a few other things. Stand up now or … fail

Add that

the Failout plans looks for around 700 MRD, but still and without any word
another 25 Mrd were given to the GM, Ford, credits for low consumption cars.

Guess what this car managers are not able to manage also. Their business is to build cars people want to buy. They failed and got b(f)ailed out also.

You got the smell?

Read it, try to comprehend it

Bad, the link is gone, so be it. No idea how to get it back. Sorry guys…

Yes Paulson and Bernake surely knew what’s going on. Their only plan is to avoid that, and read the fine print “it’s the end of your econmic system”. Let’s assume it’s true. Then the system has proved to be unsustainable now. It does not mean it will show this unstustanability later. But guess one enlarges it’s life artificially . Will the end be more merciful?

This plan does nothing for a softer landing, it’s just prolonging the suffering. If at least one could see some effort addressing the base problem: too much money creation. Is there anything provided for limiting it? What’ll happen if banks has to back up their loans with much more own capital. Even a larger distrust could be suspended. The leverage in all the loans and assets is it what has lead to this plight. The leverage must be broken. The bailout-plan has nothing in it for that. So it’s not a plan it contains no “healing” component. It’s making the same error over and over again just with “more hot air”.

Now let’s see. If the system would be fundamentally fine. Why the hell can it not cope without this “money infusion”? The 700 Mrd are nothing in comparisan to the “real” money held in the system. How comes that this system can not even deal with less than a few per cent of what they deal with every day?

Unbedingt lesenswert

Gehen Sie zum Kiosk und holen sich das neueste Manager Magazin, gerade auch dann wenn Sie Manager aus dem Weg gehen wollen.

S. 114 “Zocken bis zum Ende Rezession, Der größte Bankenkrach seit Generationen könne eine Weltwirtschaftskrise führen. Übertrieben? Leider nicht. Die Regierungen der wichtigsten Länder sind dabei, die Fehler der Vergangenheit zu wiederholen”

Vermissen Sie irgend etwas? Ich schon, sehe ich einen Hinweis darauf wie es denn zum Bankenkrach kam? Sehe ich auch nur eine Wort darüber, “wir haben Mist gebaut” (mit wir wäre jetzt die Wirtschaft gemeint. Nein. Wie meinen Sie wird das bei den “Wirtschaftsleuten” ankommen?

Der Artikel geht dannn weiter und auf S. 122 “Ein Buch zum Thema aus der mm-Redaktion”.

Es geht munter weite auf 124. “Es ist eine Schweinerei”…. Tenor , alle wußten doch man braucht schwarze Kassen da und dort und was weiß ich wo. Wer hat Ihnen denn die Pistole auf die Brust gesetzt und gesagt. “Ihr müsst in diesem oder jenen Land Aufträge machen?”
Man lese auch speziell die Aussagen über Herrn Pierer in diesem Artikel

und vergleiche mit dem folgenden
Mit am Interessantesten ist es dann auf S. 136 ff. “Mit einem Bein im Knast”. Speziell erhellend S. 142, ich zitiere: “Doch Siemens Chef Peter Löscher und .. Gerhard Cromme vermieden jedes Risiko, stoppten die Anwälte nicht – und zahlten weiter. Rund 770 Millionen Euro habe Siemens ….

Man stelle sich vor eine Firma wie Siemens mit ein paar Tausend Leuten allein im Controlling, ist nicht in der Lage ohne auswärtige Hilfe einen Überblick über die eigene Firma zu geben!

Jetzt rede noch einmal jemand über Inkompetenz…., Heuchelei und Verlogenheit. Ich denke man weiß ziemlich genau die größten Heuchler, nein, sie sitzen nicht nur in den Wirtschaftseliten und nein sicherlich nicht nur in unser Politikereliten….

Wer bezahlt denn die 770 Millionen, sicher nicht Herr Löscher und Herr Cromme. Es ist allehöchste Eisenbahn, die Manager auf annehmbares Maß zurückzubringen und das geht nur indem man die Rechte der Eigentümer stärkt. Trotz all der “bösen” Staatsanwälter da draußen, von wievielen wirklich angemessenen Strafen liest man denn bei diesen “Managereliten”.

That’s the trouble with lies

This is the trouble with lies. You lie once, and will not loose creditability, twice and you loose a quite a bit more but thrice?

And then you fall back to the same tactics. If not all agree in you lie ? everything will get messed up. Unfortunatly His Insanity has lied more than thrice, and he absolutly makes an impression on not having any clues about reality. And Paulson has alway played down sorrows, “It’ s all ok”, after the first round of lies (no bailouts) again “everything is under control” then comes another bailout and then you hear (that was the last time we’d jume for help) and not three days later he has come up whith this IMHO still braind-dead plan. And always it’s treated as if there isn’t an alternative.

This is how during second 2nd world war soldats were send to be slaughtered and it’s the same in Iraque. If you do not search for alternatives, you surely won’t find them.

They’ve lied to often and that makes it unbelievable difficult to “believe” them once again.
I’d give both some sort of credit if they would put most of what they own to “that plan”. And I’d ask everyone which is for that plan, doing the same. But strange enough that’s not heard from anyone. So how convinced are they “beeing right”, not that much.

Paulsons efforts to get free hand, without any “regulative”, speaks to much of nepotism (especially to this clueless banking collegues), and believing in their risk management seems to be a very bad idea also. So AFAIKT, all the “managers” in charge (for this crumbling corporations) must either agree to step in with their whole property to fix their errors or
give back most of the money they got during the last years, step back and let others try to fix that messs. That would be without example in history, but it seems really strong things must happen to stop this mess.

Even 700 Mrd $ will not make it…..

Mr Bush up for another round of FUD

Take a look at:

I dare to ask. How can anyone believe anything from this proved liar? This nail to the coff of democracy. Having been in charge for too long and just getting out in just 2 months. He and his burocrats, have run the US in the ground. And congress was not that “active” to hold him back. They surounded to this FUD, Fraud, Lies. I can not understand that no-one dares to really put him into court.

Just this sentence:
“Bush stressed he was reluctant to put taxpayer”

is a straigtforware lie. He hasa put taxpayer money in everything he deemed “ok” The price tag (just money) for the Iraque war reaches the 700 Mrd till end of next year or so. All for the “safety” of Americans? How many have been slaugthered in Iraque? How many sorrows has he brought over at least two countries? Who has asked for dictatorship-like privileges?

Who has run round and round of tax deductions for just a handful people?

I’m afraid it’ll be not enough

If one sees how much in debt each US citizen is, people must be aware that 700 MRD will be simple not enough. We’ve to see also how much worth houses are if loans busted. The price is that high as people are willing to sell it for. if building a house has costed let’s say 100 000 then that was it’s worth one build. Howerver the money for it is gone, and now the debt can not be paid. So you have to write down this price to whatever you find acceptable. The difference to 100 000 is a loss. Now this isn’t a big thing if that happens a few times, but if it happens on mass, then nothing can stop this avalanche crumbeling down. Impossible in theoretical and practical means. If you look at the figures of Fay and Fred Mac you’ll see the loans exceed 5 Billions.(Trillion in US speack) 700 Mrd are a bit above 10% of that value. Howerver let us try to estimate how much worth the houses are. Let us assume that at least a bit money was “ones” own. So let’s say 20 % that’s around 1 Billion. So the housing are “worth” let’s day roughl 6 Billions. (I know it’s too low but let’s just take it for some calculations) This was the prices the lend the money for. let’s assume that 2 Billion were spend on the mortgages in the last 6 years. During that time the prices have risen by 85 per cent. Let’s calculate the value that money has had 7 years ago with an inflation rate of 3 % we have
2 / 1.03^7 = 1,62 Billions, we must also take into account that hardly anyone will buy for that prices so let’s assume a discount at around 30 % then we have 2,11 billions for the costs of the debt for the houses of this large failures. This alone is 3 time as much as the asked 700 Mrd.

And guess what that just covers a fraction of the real loans. So I’d argue with a quite high probability the 700 Mrd will be just the tip of the icebrg. You have to see that the greedy manages have put everything to put out risk on different areas. So we can be 100% sure that the mess us magnitudes larger than implied by this incredible 700 Mrd $. Now say something about throwing good money after bad money.

I just can hope I’ve made some error in my calculations, otherwise the devastating “news ” is : “Game over”.

The only “signs” that is may be a bit less worse is that, the bad credits were spread all over the world. So in fact everyone having invested in this kind of stuff, really is “busted”. Don’t expect to see much from that money back. It’s time to prepare for even worse times…

small additon

small Addition to:
“According to Sanders, the richest 0.1 percent now earn more money than the bottom 50 percent of Americans, and the top 1 percent own more wealth than the bottom 90 percent. The wealthiest 400 people in our country saw their wealth increase by $670 billion while Bush has been president.”

Other suggestions about more regulations etc, are not the right way. Accountability is what must be increased and there’s one easy means for that. Those monopoly players have to be liable to a large extend with their private property. They must be aware that their money is at stake. And suddenlyl a lot of the excesses surely would vanish, suddendly the old fashioned way of getting richer would be “earn it”.

So kann man etwas auch lösen

Wenn die Chinesen ihre Billionen Dollar brauchbar unterbringen wollen, sollten sich die Goldmann Sachs Leute warm anziehen.

Und wenn die Scheichs nicht zu sehr damit beschäftig sind Ihre Milliarden aus Ölgeschäftern sinnlos zu verpulvern, dann wäre jetzt eine gute Zeit

Auch die Deutschen Banken könnten sich sicherlich ein paar Scheiben abschneiden….

…wenn das Wörtchen “wenn” nicht wär.