Schlagwort-Archive: debt ceiling

What a suprise?

or not?

Well the debt ceiling will be rissen (at least as much as not to bother Mr Obama for his next selection)

Who could expect anything else? That anyone would really say, without me, and I’ll do all I can to stop the debt making of the government?

Just thing the politicians do not care that much about anything but getting re-elected. If they would bear the consequences they, might see getting the US in a harsh recession. And that’s never good for getting reelected. And so they go the way of the least resistance. The swear, they just do it for the best of the US. And maybe they are “believing” it. (which makes them so dangerous)

But even if the would not officially higher the debt ceiling, how could anyone believe it would stop deb making. There always will be a way for government to “generate” money out of thin air and or steal it from their population. I did not have hesitated a second that they find some way. And it seems they are raising the ceiling in 2 steps 900 Billions immediately and a another trllion a little later this year. Now how serious will they be to avoid new debt while having “new” credit of 2 trillions?

I wrote before the US could do us all a favour, making us believe they are going to change anything. This is so fucking dishonest….

The US could do us all a favour

but well I guess who who think they will “shutdown” will be disapoointed. They will raise the limit and may it be a few just a few days in August.

They will swear the wildest oats that “this time everything is different” and they will “save money”. Guess what the charade will go on and in a few months years we’ll be exactly where we are
now. We’ll hear things like “But we do have saved, despite the fact that the expenses stil are higher than before” Their saving will also mean generating more income in one or the other way (just think about taxes).

So the favour they could do is stopping this lies. There is not “real” discussion. There is no “real” will to cut down expenses. Even if there were the ever increasing social transfer payments will just show. “It’s you rmoney we’re burning stupid.

Anyway as American I would really felt attacked on my honor. Do they really believe anyone believes what they say? Does they really know not most of them would despise them if they possibly could. Hundreds of thousands of laws all in the name of justice just can hide the fact that there’s but one thing in common in them. “Stealing freedom” and criminalize the own population. See the Minnessota shutdown, one need a licence so “sell” alcohol and because government does not work they are on their way getting illegal.

Liars, give us a break and do not prevent that you do anything good to use. This favour is not asked too much.