Schlagwort-Archive: law

Let’s have another look at debts

There are quite a few sites which do care about the careless money printing of the FED and the lending of government.

Just a few actual links:
and even more frightening (at least to me):

I mentioned Obamas Obamacare which will drive piling new debts onto another level. IMHO the US are beyond the point of no return. They have lived on debt for too long and the longer it persists the harder the hangover.

However I simply have difficulties to believe the numbers from this link:
Robbery is a too weak word for that. Does anyone can support this figures?

However if you read Bastiat you’ll find an interesting chapter head-titled with “The Law”. And as I understand it we are talking not longer about laws to safe one’s property but the plunder version of it. And according to Bastiat it means every one is free to fight that. You can see how “nice” laws were crafted for those plundering. So you can not simply pay no taxes anymore. If you go to the supermarket you pay taxes at the point of the cashier. At least the VAT must be paid. If you do not pay your taxes you will get prosecuted, jailed and disowned. You see the inbalance. The state has all the weapons and enough plunderes helping him. The legislatives holds an executive and the executive must obey the laws of the legislative. And fair enough the executive is paid by the legislative and so in fact all policemen, or anyone else working for the government piles up another level of injustice. They never would see it that way because they are “obeying” the laws, and I’m in do doubt they do. But obeying laws of plunderers means, being a plunderes itself.

And unjust law is just that. And on of the most infamous plunderer laws is that government has the monopoly of issuing worthless paper money. And put force on every one to accept this as “money”. The debt is just another word for slavery. The own population has to work to buy the interest and principal and not one cent from it is beared by bureaucrats or the legistlative. Sure they pay the VAT they pay income tax. But this income tax does not come from serving any customer it just comes from “serving” the law.

And then you can see things like this:

Public Service Is a Noble Calling, Some Say

I’m sorry but everyone working for the government is not honorable, quite the opposite they all work on suppressing every men in a country.

Different interpretation for unscrupulousness

Let’s see BP chef does yachting in England. And Obama sits in his white house, blaming that BP has caused the biggest envorinmental catostrophy ever.
(Howerver we should not forget who has allowed them to exploit the oil in the gulf?, and who has the power to decide upon the to be granted security).

Ah yes it’s all that clear. The BP chef is the bad guy. And his “Royalness Obama”, oh yes he has signed the extension of the exploitation but that’s not all
he also let Amercians die in Iraque and Afghanistan. So who’s the more ruthless?

When was a President of the US ever impeached for human rights violations? Or “bending the law”?

Yes BP obviously has accepted the risks with this exploitation, and yes I can not found anything slanderous about asking all of the BP staff to pay for it.

There are a few things which show that the technical risk were either misjudged, or well may mitigated by other things. We really don’t know. Howerver what is obvious is that currently neither BP nor the US
have the technical abilities to stop this oil leak. So if they are helpless, the only conclusion one can draw is. “We can not afford to exploit in such deep waters”. Let me just remember about the Gulf war, where the Iraquis have inflamed so many bore holes. It was a catastrophy also, but the technical skills were there to seal this bore holes….

We have to conclude that disadvantages on this deep water bore holes are not yet controllable. Maybe with a bit more “fore-sight” and investing money beforehand this could have been avoided. But maybe not. Of course in retrospect a lot of people will say, it was unavoidable or was possible to prevent… But this does not help anyone yet. BP has to aquire all the knowledge they can to find a strategy stopping this leak. And instead of political pressure etc, it probalby would help much more to find experts able to help with it, and let BP but also the Politicians having decided to allow this deep water exploitations to pay for it. But I bet 1 000 000 000 : 1, that the politicians will not have to pay for it. They will use it as another lever to “aquire” more political rights. Now tell me about ruthlessness.

Really a big victory

Ok, Obama got his healt care “reform”. Future will tell if it’s was a vicotry or just a  Pyrrhic victory
I expect the latter one. I expect also that someday the politicians will learn that more laws does not
make for higher justice. It’s the opposite the more laws there are the more injustice is around.

It will probably be the day where another war has been fought which nothing but destruction as result….


Germany logical?

Well just so much. Let us assume I steal something from you. Well the thief goes and tries to make the stolen things to money (or something else
worht something). The value from the stolen good was let’s say 100 EUR. He tries to sell of of any price. Is the thief still a criminal?

Now the situation. A thief comes along with address data on a CD, stolen from a SWISS bank, he tries to make it to money claiming it contains a list
of tax evader. Now the state official buy this CD in the name of tax equality. What do you think is the state a criminal still?

Now if you are the majority in Germany and/or political affilated with the unions the answer is simply. The state has all rights to confiscate whatever it pleases, well I guess the side
mark would be (as long as it’s not our so very social union). Now guess the insainty, you get robbed from the state with taxes and if you try to avoid this robbery you are in injustice. And even worse, even if the governement gets stolen stuff it can use it as proof of your “delict”.

Aren’t the Germans “wonderful”, still after beeing 3 times bankruppt in a century, nothing learned. The “Wirtschafswunder” just an accident of free markets. Is it a requirement to be a moron to be a politician?