Schlagwort-Archive: good-doers

Well well well

I have written:

„So to make end this message. I do think Trump will win with around 55/45 % with a more than 60 % likeliness. So I think Trump will win. I have a bad idea about the goodness for the world of that but I don’t think Hillary would be just a bit better. The choice is in the end none, no one is better then the other and they both are worse for the US and world. So would you rather suffer toothache of headache? Of would you prefer to die by getting shot or getting hanged. Some choices are no choices at all and that is my opinion about them both. None of them is a good candidate …“


Short comment on this: Hit – sunk

Now something else „post truth“ are the words of the year of the (satirical) Good-doers, there opinion is that is describes the behavior of the voters in the vote for BREXIT and Trump. So yes indeed, all those which have done anything and have not shied away from aggressively attack Trump on every and each occasion. From people who have given Obama the peace noble price – for-  a president who was during all his president ship attached to wars (well they do not name it a bit different – but war is war, and the war of the USA in the near east were and are not just).

How much did we (the Austrians) have warned to not got down that street. To no good. USA form the way of a land in which the single men was granted an exceptional position against government to a totally corrupted country just driven by the government. From a state which should have as less as possible might to an all-mighty state with spying on every one and „establishments“ like Guantanamo. A list of men to be killed just on the behalf of the president and his gang.

A-  country in mass hysterie against anything which limits the power of government. And they choose „post truth“. It’s a totally hitting word for themselves and they do not even realize that. Now if that isn’t ironic – what else?

good-doers revealed

Now this was not unique but at least a nice statement of good-doers.
In Germany there are quite a few limits on gambling. In fact there is a kind of monopoly on it for the governement. Now the EU has judged, that this does not
conform to EU law. First statment of the leader of the opposition:
„We need and will defend this monopoly“

Of course it’s just to save us from getting addicted to gambling…. Of course and the money gained from it surely is spend only and exclusively on helping the „poor adictives“
Well I leave this further uncommented.

Today in the BNN (one might thing of an independent press). Well the same, stated with a few other words but the essence is „Monopolys controlled by governement are good, addictives under „governement control“ are good..“ Bad is an monopoly not controlled by bueraucrats and sure all the addictives running around not under bureaucrats control are very very very bad.

What the h…. driving this people? Don’t they realize that they are thought-police? What’s are the famous lines from Pink Floyds, The brick in the Wall?
We don’t need no education
We don’t need no thought control
More lyrics:

Well our whole system of education is just to make us all:
„another brick in the wall“

Kind of funny

well of course what is fun is in the eye of the beholder. However here in Germany someone has said something again forgeigner.
Agreed we have the most negative record of all countries in that regard. However if you state simply trues you are rassist?

This can’t be right. Just see around in AUS/NZ/USA and you see some foreigners prefer to stay among themselves. And well what else but
hanging around together are the China Towns?

Well as a libral you should not bother whom stick to whom. But it’s not something one has to be ashamed of to a request that people living in
a country have to speak the country language.

However this is not the point the point is how the „good people“ react on such simple trues. They really start howling and crying. And the best is
claiming that nobody is allowed to speak that way. And now we got it there must obviously a Ministery of Truth and the Good people must lead.

That really is a shame. They ask for free speech but oviously only for themselves. Other people rights? Who cares. It must be PC speak and good speech.
Orwell would have loved it.

Germany logical?

Well just so much. Let us assume I steal something from you. Well the thief goes and tries to make the stolen things to money (or something else
worht something). The value from the stolen good was let’s say 100 EUR. He tries to sell of of any price. Is the thief still a criminal?

Now the situation. A thief comes along with address data on a CD, stolen from a SWISS bank, he tries to make it to money claiming it contains a list
of tax evader. Now the state official buy this CD in the name of tax equality. What do you think is the state a criminal still?

Now if you are the majority in Germany and/or political affilated with the unions the answer is simply. The state has all rights to confiscate whatever it pleases, well I guess the side
mark would be (as long as it’s not our so very social union). Now guess the insainty, you get robbed from the state with taxes and if you try to avoid this robbery you are in injustice. And even worse, even if the governement gets stolen stuff it can use it as proof of your „delict“.

Aren’t the Germans „wonderful“, still after beeing 3 times bankruppt in a century, nothing learned. The „Wirtschafswunder“ just an accident of free markets. Is it a requirement to be a moron to be a politician?