Schlagwort-Archive: money

The best about government ever written:


It can not get better:

„The power of collecting and disbursing money at pleasure is the most dangerous power that can be trusted to man, particularly under our system of collecting revenue which reaches every man in the country, no matter how poor he may be, and the poorer he is the more he pays in proportion to his means. What is worse, it presses upon him without his knowledge where the weight centers, for there is not a man in the United States who can ever guess how much he pays to the government.

„While you are contributing to relieve one, you are drawing from thousands who are even worse off than he. If you had the right to give anything, the amount was simply a matter of discretion with you, and you had as much right to give $20 million as $20,000. If you have the right to give to one, you have the right to give to all; and, as the Constitution neither defines charity nor stipulates the amount, you are at liberty to give to any and everything which you may believe, or profess to believe, is a charity, and in any amount you may think proper. You will very easily perceive what a wide door this would open for fraud and corruption and favoritism, on the one hand, and for robbing the people on the other.

„No, Colonel, Congress has no right to give charity. Individual members may give as much of their own money as they please, but they have no right to touch a dollar of the public money for that purpose. If twice as many houses had been burned in the country as in Georgetown, neither you nor any other member of Congress would have thought of appropriating a dollar for our relief. There are about two hundred and forty members of Congress. If they had shown their sympathy for the sufferers by contributing each one week’s pay, it would have made over $13,000. There are plenty of wealthy men around Washington who could have given $20,000 without depriving themselves of even a luxury of life. The congressmen chose to keep their own money, which, if reports be true, some of them spend not very creditably; and the people about Washington, no doubt, applauded you for relieving them from necessity of giving what was not yours to give.

„The people have delegated to Congress, by the Constitution, the power to do certain things. To do these, it is authorized to collect and pay moneys, and for nothing else. Everything beyond this is usurpation, and a violation of the Constitution. So you see, Colonel, you have violated the Constitution in what I consider a vital point. It is a precedent fraught with danger to the country, for when Congress once begins to stretch its power beyond the limits of the Constitution, there is no limit to it, and no security for the people. I have no doubt you acted honestly, but that does not make it any better, except as far as you are personally concerned, and you see that I cannot vote for you.“

There’s very few in literature which lives up to this words. The most prominent example is maybe D’Anconias defence of money from Atlas Shrugged.

Subsumption of what I wrote

since the beginning of this blog. Found today on ZeroHedge:

Citation of the 9 myth (unchanged and uncommented)

1. The dollar will continue to be the dominant currency.

This is a total farce. Grumblings grow louder around the world to establish a new non-dollar financial system, and China has taken the lead to make this a reality.

2. The US is still the dominant military power in the world.

If you measure by the quality of trained personnel, this is true. But what good is all of that military power if you can’t afford to do anything with it?

3. The police exist to protect the people.

Wrong again. With so much civil asset forfeiture taking place at the point of a gun (federally funded assault rifles), it’s clear they’re far more concerned about protecting those that maintain the status quo than protecting you.

4. Elections make a difference

Completely false. Most Western governments borrow money to pay interest on the money they’ve already borrowed.

In the US, they spend so much on mandatory entitlements and interest they could eliminate almost the entire government and still not run a balanced budget.

At that level of desperation, it matters not who’s in power.

5. Your bank is safe

Your bank might HAVE a safe. But if you look at objective data, many banks in the West have incredibly thin levels of capital and liquidity—the exact opposite of what a safe bank is supposed to have.

Oh yeah, they’re backed by poorly capitalized deposit insurance funds, which are guaranteed by insolvent governments.

And bear in mind that even if your bank is reasonably capitalized, you are still guaranteed to lose money on a tax adjusted, inflation adjusted basis if you you’re holding your savings there.

6. You have to go to college in order to get ahead

Quite the opposite—going to college in many cases can get you behind; just ask any 36-year old still paying down that $100,000 student loan debt.

The world is a big place full of opportunity. Skills and experience matter more than pieces of paper.

Here’s a better option, especially for young people: head overseas, and become an apprentice to a successful, knowledgeable individual that you respect.

Any young person who thinks that going to college is a good idea should just ask any of their unemployed friends saddled with $100,000 of debt if it was worth it.

7. I saw it on TV so it must be true.

Ufff. The mainstream media exist to paint a distorted version of reality so that people are kept placated, docile and largely clueless about what really goes on in the world.

8. Debt doesn’t matter because we owe it to ourselves

Whoever first said this must have a lot of whips and chains in his closet because he seems to enjoy pain.

If we owe the debt to ‘ourselves,’ that means that we will need to default on ourselves.

This means no more Social Security, Medicare, etc. It means causing the US Federal Reserve to become insolvent and spark a currency crisis. It means causing the collapse of every bank in the country.

Sure, no biggie.

9. The United States is the Land of the Free

Draconian surveillance efforts on its citizens. Punitive taxes, fines and regulation. Rising police state. Telling people what they can or can’t put in their bodies, how to grow their food, who to adore, who to hate. Preventing them to collect their own rainwater and live off the grid.

Now my comments. I do not agree whith it all at around 100 %. But there is way to much truth in it to fell any kind of comfort. If you know that there is a list of men, having to get murdered, and if there’s no chance to ever know how one might have got on this list. Then you can see there is a death-thread of your own government on yourself. That’s the bottom line of suppression. It’s the center of arbitrariness.

There’s one point I strongly disagree with. That’s the military power of the US. By any means and just be looking around the world this still is true. The trillions are burned world-wide and the US has the highest expenses on earth and ever on it’s military. So they are a threat to EVERYONE world wide. And the more they despair, the most likely they’ll use this military machine to „survive another day.“ Even if it meant to burn the earth….

In the end

all states will tumble and fall. And every non market money will fall also.

I gave it up to expect sanity in the deledefs minds. They live in a world which still is real, but because they can take whomever they like as hostages, they do not
have to face the reality. They got their money from the states and so it’s „sure“. If they are high enough on the lists of their party they will get re-voted, even if they fail in their
home base. They are invited to talk and well you hardly are very pressing to a guest you have invited or do you put down your guests?

They do not have to base their decisions on voluntarism. They do not have to ask the people if they really should do this or that. They are free to decide to their liking.
You can write letters, petitions you name it, they might read it still chances are high they don’t. If they decide something they can put the while force monopoly behind it. You are robbed through a law.
Well bad luck, if you don’t obey you will go to jail and in extremes you will get expropriated. Nothing new under the sun.

Nobody can stop them to vote for higher taxes (they will not name it higher, but more fair taxes) and in the end you can not stop them to sell of all the citizens to whomever. Yes there are highest courts but well they are not that high a hurdle. E.g everybody in Euro land can know that the ESM is against all democratic rules. But still they can decide for it and the highest court will probably just nod. If they would take it serious they might object, but with a few compromises here and there we are fine. It was done so with the ECB and it was done so with the no-bail-out rule. It was a sine qua no in Germany and still it’s gone and the Bundesverfassungsgericht simply has not done anything about it.

So no it does not pay of to count on rationality with Deledefs. Politics is the art of lying and get through with it. And that’s what nearly all the Deledefs do. The people are corrupted and so the system is corrupted also. So no we can not expect any support for us from our Deledefs. So in the end there’s just one thing on or side, reality. Deledefs can ignore reality for a long time but not forever. You can see that bank-saving, state-saving really has solved the real problem. the massive overhand of credit . We all know how credit expansion must fall, so what we just can do is taking as much of an advantage of the coming break-down as we possibly can. So If I can harm deledefs I happily do that. if I find a while in the tax injustice, I will try to make use of that whole. If I can take advantage of a law in a financial way I will take it. (You remember the PVS stuff I put on my roof?)

I simply have not choice here in Germany any more. I just have shadows of disaster, that’s what I have. There is but one party (which is not in any parliament) I can choose. And it’s unlikely that they will get over the 5 % hurdle. Anyway I will vote for them as long as I can and possibly even join them. I’m quite just sure I will not give into the systematic corruption. I do not want to rule but I also do not want to get ruled. And so I will try my best to bring down this apocalyptic states.

To end the starting of this blog entry let me just write:
In the end, reality will win. Ayn Rand has named the rules. Man has to obey them, all the Austrian economics know, you have to deal with the limits of reality and make the best out of it. Nothing else will work, and it’s clear they are right and all the other are just ignorants.

The vote in France

As expected and wished for Hollande has won. The good thing having a socialist is that we’re faster through it all. That’s all there is to write.

France will now try to get the EZB printing more money, financing programs for the unemployment and whatever. The result will be as one can expect. We’ll see more poverty more
unemployed and even more debts. In the end the system will break down as von Mises has told up. Nothing can stop a credit expansion to stop. It’s sonner or later the later the bigger the devastation. France will surely have moor poors and you can bet the functionaries will be fat.

Now if you followed this blog you will know what I expect. Now with a socialist at the top we’ll see even more dangerous engagement in markets. So the race to the bottom is accelerating.

fraus maximo

Now that’s a new height in fraud. The central bank are printing money as mad. Instead of letting a unsustainable system die. They inflate
the money bubble again. And guess what, now the equity holders are roughly 5% richer? Really?

We can assume that while having a growth of let’s day 2% in Germany a year makes up for roughly 0.0054 % growth a day. I know it’s „artificial“ but
let us assume the win would grow a much. Than what about the other 4.9984 or so % ? It’s nothing there, so if the production would not change a bit
and all could sell for the higher price. Then what would be the result? Well the product costs would rais the 4.9x % on average. Now are you richer?
No just those selling first may get quite a bit more of the production, the later would not get more but less AND pay more.

On the other hand was but one problem solved? No, nothing was solved, the debts are still the same, the debts are still as high. But see the example above.
They would be less worth in a few months. So now you see the „deal“. It’s making the debtors „happy“ and stealing from everyone else. Is that stupid? No it’s a fraud driven to the max

Again the only right conclusion can be, end the central banks.

Now we are starting talking about money.

Now imagine in the EU. the safety chute chould be around 500 Mrd EUR . Now we hear from the IWF (with Mr Lagarde (France) at the top. And the French bank in peril. That
the EU zone has to prepare a giant bailout for banks for just around 2 000 000 000 000 EUR.

Impressive, isn’t it? Really. Italy alone has 1 800 000 000 000 € debts. So are we preparing to bail-out Italy. Now why stop there? France debts are somwhere near that I guess and Germany has well traveled beyond 2 000 000 000 000. Now would it be possible to give me a break from this stupidity?

For all those still believing „we can manage“ let me encourage you just a tiny bit: „Game over“.

I was preparing to leave Germany last year, my wife disagreed. Now we are caught in this big trap. I’m afraid my entry about new lows will be the understatement of the decade. Well let’s see how far my Puts will tear me. And how long money will be the means to buy anything. Funny colored paper. Who could imagine it’s impact.

Let’s have another look at debts

There are quite a few sites which do care about the careless money printing of the FED and the lending of government.

Just a few actual links:
and even more frightening (at least to me):

I mentioned Obamas Obamacare which will drive piling new debts onto another level. IMHO the US are beyond the point of no return. They have lived on debt for too long and the longer it persists the harder the hangover.

However I simply have difficulties to believe the numbers from this link:
Robbery is a too weak word for that. Does anyone can support this figures?

However if you read Bastiat you’ll find an interesting chapter head-titled with „The Law“. And as I understand it we are talking not longer about laws to safe one’s property but the plunder version of it. And according to Bastiat it means every one is free to fight that. You can see how „nice“ laws were crafted for those plundering. So you can not simply pay no taxes anymore. If you go to the supermarket you pay taxes at the point of the cashier. At least the VAT must be paid. If you do not pay your taxes you will get prosecuted, jailed and disowned. You see the inbalance. The state has all the weapons and enough plunderes helping him. The legislatives holds an executive and the executive must obey the laws of the legislative. And fair enough the executive is paid by the legislative and so in fact all policemen, or anyone else working for the government piles up another level of injustice. They never would see it that way because they are „obeying“ the laws, and I’m in do doubt they do. But obeying laws of plunderers means, being a plunderes itself.

And unjust law is just that. And on of the most infamous plunderer laws is that government has the monopoly of issuing worthless paper money. And put force on every one to accept this as „money“. The debt is just another word for slavery. The own population has to work to buy the interest and principal and not one cent from it is beared by bureaucrats or the legistlative. Sure they pay the VAT they pay income tax. But this income tax does not come from serving any customer it just comes from „serving“ the law.

And then you can see things like this:

Public Service Is a Noble Calling, Some Say

I’m sorry but everyone working for the government is not honorable, quite the opposite they all work on suppressing every men in a country.

What signals does the EU safety chute emit?

I’m currently reading about the report of the IMF about Greece. You can find it under:

I’m very skeptical over any of these just be states controlled supranational institutions. I feel we think there money for doubtful outcomes. And in a way I think this are parrallel universes cycling around themselves.
So the biggest problems with this organizations is that they „can not fail“ whatever they do. It does not matter how much money they thing while contributing to keeping corrupt regimes running. You know there is not „market“ for their offers.
Theres is but one IMF. So whatever they decide to do or not is conclusive.

This is near inerrable. Yes there may be critique voices. And still one has to concede there are also clever (and surely well paid) specialists there. So we probably can learn from their findings. Unfortunately we do not have any influence on how to react on those findings. So overall I see the IMF as part of the problem not the solution.

For normal banks the „lenders of the last resort“ are in that order. The own central bank, the own government, (in the EU) the EU commission, and then comes the IMF) . So quite a lot of those „taking“ away the responsibility on standing on one’s own feet. And still the IMF is plagued with one terrible problem. The just decide bureaucratically. They ask for papers over papers (which someone has to gather), then the follow procedures (which no the sure way a market tells whether you did right or wrong) . But if the procedures are followed, nothing can happen. They still will get their payments, and gain influence over time just because if somethings going wrong they will be the „saviors“.

But back to the report. I suggest really reading it there you can find a lot of information (unfortunately in diplomatic speech) which really makes it a plagued reading. However you can see that at least something happens.

As I can see this actions still have no calming impacts. If they actions would be honored or would have a good influence on the debt situation, it should be no problem to get new credits. But still the required interests are beyond anything one really can bear. If I do have to trust supranational organizations or markets I know what side to take. But the deledefs just see their side. They never really bother thinking about markets. It’s always the markets are evil (and we have to fight the markets) and they loose every time. But they do not learn anything from it.

Au contraire, they do the same mistakes over and over and over and over again. Just see „This time is different“ and you can see, their fallings. Instead of not „having“ some extra last lender of last resort“ a new last lender is invented, every time. Now imagine a world in which this things were not their and money sound. Nobody could get that large to threaten the system and even then, there would be no one „saving“ them. Would you expect the same hazardous behavior?

The realy problem we all have is that money is a monopoly of states, and they enforce it with any means. And that’s where we call get caught. So let’s work for freeing our money for any government influence and we’ll be much finer.

So what signals can you see in the EU „safety“ chute. It’s the signal that wrong-doers are saved from their responsibility. And that’s what sticks. Everything in EUR land just tells. Don’t bother to live within your bounds. You can have party and after that you may have some hang-over but don’t be afraid, you can have the next party the day after tomorrow.

This signal is understood by the markets but not by governments. The interest rate of up to 15% and higher tell exactly what one can expect a default within the next three years….

The dangers to Tunesia

One can drive away a dictator and strand in a bigger dictatorship than before.

Especially if one believes in those promising wealth and whatever positive you may like.

Just think about it with care. If you allows religion to be he „guide“, war is inevitable. The seam is seeded, the promises of a better „future“ are out. They will tell just with
religion anything will work. If you believe that you lost. If you allow the military to take over you lost also.

There’s but one way to gain something. At first see after stable money, if you believe in promises of plenty of money for everyone, you lost.
If you allow a bureaucracy, you lost.

So there are many ways to loose, and getting it right will be tedious. Fact is:
– If you do not drive away the bureaucrats of your old dictator, you loose.
– If you do not honor property, you loose

You best chance in this crazy times are:
– stable money with real value
– contracts.

See that the contracts of the dictatorship are truly examined. Chances are high that FUD has „done“ it’s share of work. Be very careful to
confiscate anything. If you try to find a scapegoat you loose. There’s not just one of it. The establishment of you politicians, military and bureaucracy, must have
been „kind“ to you dictator. Otherwise they would not get into those positions. If they got in positions of power, they’ve charged you. If you let them get away with it, you loose.
If you let take revenge the better of you, you loose. However if you do not show that you see the bad things having been done for some or many of you, you loose also.

We in Germany have gone through it some 20 years, ago. The peace is flaky, and the wrong-doers are still in high positions. Millions of people did not get any of their property, but everyone is taxed
to build up the mess of the „socialism“. Among others this is a think people feel as beeing wrong. However the establishment of the lefties, does keep their head up and start again, thinking about a
„democratic socialism“.

You can bet after some years or maybe just months have passed, someone will say: „It wasn’t that bad“…
The establishment will fight you on every occasion, if you do not limit its power, you loose.

It’s an extremely tough time. I wish you all the best.

Now we know what’s serious and what not

Germany the land of extremes.

Well I guess nobody else have heard about it there is food scandal here about a substance called (Dioxin). Our public law television institutions have reported about it for more than 5 minutes.

The diverse billions of any „safety“ chute were treated within 10 seconds.

Oh, yeah you have to eat quite a few eggs to take in harming amounts of venom. I just can conclude a bankrupt of our country can’t be more serious than eating a few eggs.

Money without worth no more?

Have you ever considered, why inflation is accepted as something inevitable? Well guess again, it’s not inevitable. Check out the diverse books form von Mises,
Hayek, Friedman and you can see why inflation is the every day robbery of those having control over the money. Even a simple line of deduction can tell you, inflation is
very gladful accepted by well you can say every politician. How comes? Well it devaluates the money. And so if the governements want credit, they issues some bonds. Some of them are very long running (up to 30 years). Now agreed they have to pay interest on it. But if we asssume an inflation rate of 2 % the value of the bond is nearly halfed in value after thos 30 years. So the other half was stolen. And remember you have to pay taxes on the interest also. So if we assume just 1/3 of tax on interest and have a nominal interest rate of 4%, and a „nominal“ inflation rate of just 2% then the calculation is. You have to pay 1.2% of taxes on your intereste 2% is stolen from it so you are left with „astonishing“ 0.8% „gain“. Well you can imagine how nice governements found this kind of stealing. They blame everything else for the inflation rate. But they want more an more credit. Saving in this context does not mean putting aside money, but issuing less credit than the normal BIP grows. This again ist simply a plain lie.

Inflation must not happen. Just imagine the following scenario.
– Reserves are not longer allowed (what does it mean?) Well if you have a reserve rate of 10% you just need 10 Currency Units to lend 100 Currency Units. And well a Bond on one side is an asset on the other side. The other banks lends’s another one the money and see money appears out of the nowhere. No imagine a 100% Reserver. That means you can not lend more than you really have. This is the „normal“ situation for anyone not bank. If you own 1000 Currency Units you can not suddenly borrow 10000 Units. With such a „simple“ approach, all the fuzz which has happened wouls simply vanish, and „too big! to fail can not happen. It’s really as simple as that but no one in the policits and especially the federal reserve banks won’t work on that simple solutions. They will insist on just another few layers of control. And well you can bet who has to pay for it.

– Now imagine a constant money supply. How can anyone get „richer“?. Well for that to see in front of you just check the IT industry. Since their beginnning they have to cope with falling prices. Now if the money supply is constant but the prices do fall everyone get’s richer one day after the other. This would be savers paradise. You know if you just keep your money, you’ll be richer tomorrow and this is reality. But no in the this system would stat it that clearly as long as they are „on duty“. Just see the remaks of Greenspun about gold backed money. Before his time, he was in it. After he get chef, he started printing money.
You may ask how can something grow beyond than? Well it’s „easy“, if something new comes along (like computers) people suddenly start buying these kind of things and are of course demaning less of anything else. And so even with a constant money supply growth can take place. It would be sustainable growth. This piling up of „securities“ as we have seen it just „wishful-thinking“ and unsustainable.

You could choose for a much better future of us all putting pressure on the politicians and bureaucrats. Just demand one thing. „stable money“. If you insist on it and will not get them along with ther lies, you won’t e held hostage for THEIR faults any more…. The only trouble with it is that we MUST comply, otherwise they send us someone along with a gun in his/her hand. Arguing in front of such is simply stupid, if you’re dead or locked away you can not „do anything“ no more. And this is the most depressing news. Your own governement just is nothing more than a Kidnapper. If you do not believe me. Well try the following things. Don’t pay no tax anymore…., try to start digging for something of vale on your own ground, do not accept money issued by the governement no more but insist on anything else. Well you’d better be prepared of some stay on in of the „nice“ prisons of your country. So fact is there is a layer you’ve to feed with any money you accept or spend. So if you buy anything for some currency units, you pay for those making your live difficult…. It’s perfect system of exploitation. And well they all live from your money….

There’s just one thing left.

Which will stop the deldedefs to ruin us completey. We have to take away the possiblities to mess up with money.
So it all ends in, we need to have a stable money. We have to get rid of the central banks. The problems with
the current state of affairs just show it over and over and over and over again.

Just read the coments of Bernanke or Trichet, the most prominent examples of the heads of central banks.
Just remember the 700 billion TARP money? Just see the 750 billon money for the „european (un) safety net“.

Fact is: The leading countrie are drowning into debts. Expecting that they will pay for it is just „wishful-thinking“. They claim they will start saving, but
this is a lie. So what they will do is inflate the money. This will still from those having savings, but that is
the way it has gone since the 2nd world war. Just look back into the 1970 ies. With their extremly high inflation rates.

That we currently do not see the inflation rate rising is just „by chance“, with all the new money printed they will start raising. And then imagine central banks which will claim
stabiity is reached as long as inflation rates stay below let’s say 10 %. Just let them keep this for 7 years and the value of the debts just have halved….
But if they try to steer back they have to raise the short-termed interest rate, this will get a very very very harsh stop….

I’d prefer not to try this route, so I’m for. Stop the central banks, let’s work for „stable“ and valuable money.

Figthing your own citizens

Just a small additon to the perversity of our German politcians.

There was a criminal complaint from one member of the „social-democratic“ party. He wanted that the CDU/FDP in Baden-Württemberg would buy the
CD with stolen swiss bank data in the name of „fiscal justice“

So again it just shows how the most of German politicians think. All you money belongs to us. If we don’t take everything from you it’s a gift.
And so we got a so called tax gift.

You get how ridicoulous that is. The thief does not steal from you, he makes a gift to if he/she does not take all your money with him/her.