Schlagwort-Archive: Osama

What have we won

or didn’t we have won?

Now that the “top” terrorist is dead, will we be safer?

According to this at least not on the railroad. So Al Kaida wanted to attacke the railway infrastructure.

So at least they are weakened a bit. They were able to use plans for the prior attacks. Now they “just can go by train”? But still we need to “react” on threats of them?
So what did we have won then?

It seems whatever there is there can just be one answer. More control, more buereacracy and more unproduktivity. Just imagine how much money did Al Kaida spend to bring down the
twin tower? We can assume a few millions.

How much did it cost to hunt down Osama? Well the US and Nato are now more or less at war for at least tens years. If the US . The “official” costs for the military is somewhat around 600 Billion (I just do not believe this figure for a second) and so 10 * 600 billions are 6000 billions or 6 trillions. Let’s be generous and say half of the money was spend because of Osama. Then we are talking about 3 trillions.

So let’s come to efficiency. Osama let’s say 100 million, USA 3 trillions Faktor is 100 000 000/3 000 000 000 000 = 0,0000333 as effective. Well we can say we just need 5-10 Osamas and the USA is finished. They would have spend all there money on “fighting” the terrorists. all the GDP would be burned. So in fact one just needs a Billion to bring the US down. Now tell me anything about the best equipped military complex of the world…. In fact Ghadaffi should have enough to handle that. … he#s a bit unfortunate nevertheless, because he has probably not so “fine fanatics” among his followers. So it seems Ghadaffi would be well advised to finance Al Kaida. They have enough fanatics, and he has the money. …. Would be deadly for this kind of US….

There’s not much to add


But does that really is the most urgent problem? Terrorism? Or isn’t it the ruthless money printing of the Fed?

Does the death of Osama means that the soldiers are called back or won’t the war just go on? Really how much threat can be put on a “normal american citizen”? How likley is it to die in an
terrorists attack and how likley to die just be “normal criminals”. The above mentioned link gets it right (IMHO) the fear will be raise, and well how could anyone think that fanatics will be stopped by the killing of one of their idols.

There are much more thing to fear, among is the bankrupt of such country as the US. So is there any reason to celebrate? I can not see it, another men was killed and tens of thousands will “follow”….