Schlagwort-Archive: supreme court

Is ObamaCare against the constitution?

Well if you follow this blog you know that I’m absolutely against forced blessings from states.

It seems that it’s really against your constitution also. I’m very excitedly what your Supreme Court will decide.
I just can hope for you that they judge it as illegal.

You should IMHO start fighting for your freedom. And the only way to get there is to start limiting the power of your governments and military complex.
I hope this law suit, will give you starting point. If not, well then you know you have to act now. There will be no amiable later later…..

I repeat myself but I warned your about Obama. And everything gets even worse than expected. I suggest to end the president ship of him now.
But as it seems you still prefer another lier and another conservative which probably does not even no what freedom means.

I’m sorry but you behave at least as stupid as we Germans. Instead of freedom you choose slavery I’ve no idea why.

This is kind of funny

if course it depends on what you understand unde „humour“

Obama has said:

„Last week, the Supreme Court reversed a century of law that I
believe will open the floodgates for special interests – including
foreign corporations – to spend without limit in our elections.“


Well how crude, now not only US coroporations are  allowed to buy votes, just imagine, others now have the same rights. May be a bit tough for someone having burned around 400 000 000 Dollar on his campaign. See