I’m puzzling. Will the Delebets look at numbers and put of their rose-coloured glasses. Or will they
burn a few extra trillions?
Gold has reached again it’s highest value. Yesterday. In all but one currency the CHF has outperformed any other currency on the market AFAIKT. Does that mean anything?
Well it probably depends if you think democracy is good then the Swiss have a very good democracy. The population can question nearly any law from the authorities. This is near
unique world-wide. In Germany we have nothing comparable and so if you have chosen you are through with it. The Deledefs can do whatever they like. NO QUESTIONING.
They argue that the population would be overwhelmed to decide as the negotiators of the party. And so Merkel does what she likes hardly even hampered by any law. And that’s mostly similiar to other EU countries, Germany is not even the worst. From my point of view, the French and Italy are much “worse” of. Anyway will they just STOP once and think?
Would it be asked to much really to get to the ground of the austrian school of economics?
I’m afraid they would not hear or see the message if it would be 1 m away from them crying and with 1 m large letters. The Delebets have proved over and over again that they simply do not understand market, they have not idea about consequences of their doing. They really think if they want to achieve something, they can whatever they like. But you see they are wrong with the economy and especially wrong with currencies. The have sunk billions of Euros and still there is no improvement. They do not get that, they are asking for another few billions just to do the same stuff as before.
So I’m afraid the message will get lost.
I just want to keep it written down here. There are alternatives, I outlined them here over and over again and probably will another few hundred times.
The easy solution is “Go out of our ways”. Does this message will arrive some day?