Well the longer the crises lasts, the more obvious it gets. Our banking-system is a sham. It allows banks to
generate money out of nothing and even worse it allows defraud on the banking customers.
You don’t believe me. Well then let me ask you just one question. I fyou are holding sight deposits, will banks lend them?
Yes they will that means they are lending money which is not their own. And this means also if every holder wants to get his/her sight deposits, the bank will be bankrupt (bank runs)
And does government anything against this defraud? No it is supported and backed up by them and so we get „gurantiees“ on our sight deposits. but not fully oh no, just around 100 000 whatever.
That means if you are holding 200 000 in sigh deposits the guarantee is just well half of YOUR money. That’s a crime
And banks do not have to care for customers, they just have to care about central banks. And guess what central banks do. They just generate another round of money out of the blue.
Or do you think the 1 trillion of new debts here in Europe are covered by anything? Well think again.
Overall this system is fubar. One can not expect it to work and it is unfair from the ground up. You can not build trust on such kind of ground. But hey, the deledefs know better and you just have to believe them…
For me it’s more likely to imagine hell freezes over but believing any deldef or central banker….