Schlagwort-Archive: parties

The “joy” of parties

Dear Readers I like to tell you a story about FUD.

As you could read in my last entry. Greece is still finished but the deledefs do not admit that. That are not real news. But now it’s get interesting. According to
some blogs in Germany 40 members were excluded from the left party and the right party because they did not agree to the “saving” plan.

There are somewhat below 300 member in it. So just imagine well beyond 10 % were excluded because they did not accept a stupid and guaranteed to fail plan.
Now aren’t party great?

In fact they suck to badly that one just can day fubar. Parties are the most repressive system one can encounter and having such prominent roles as they have is
again fubar. So we are ruled by a fubar system, with fubar money. That’s a few too many things one can not even dream of to repair. In the end the end is clear.
The “systems” will break down. That means violence and yes most of the time war.

When freedom is just a 7-letter word

Then you know Rothbard, von Mises and Hayek are either domed or simply not mentioned.

The EU is such a thing, Bondage and torture that’s the core of the system. We are bonded with the Euro and tortured with taxes. And the trailer is. “We (the deledefs) work for you
we are the servant of the people

And if you turn around you get another hit in the back. They bailed our the banks and stopped markets work (and therefor they paid with an unprecedented raise in debt)
Now they are again acting against the Market. And the result will be even more debt. The way is clear. It’s not that those having agreed upon piling up the debt will pay.
No the population is held hostage and that’s where freedom ist just a 7-letter word.

No state can and ever has done anything to spread or produced wealth but for a small minority which “claims” for themselves to be chosen in “a free” vote. And that’s their ticket to suppression.
It’s not discussed that taxes alone are the opposite of freedom but that any goods of the people are “free” to the disposition of the greedy hands of wrong-doers. Their freedom is not even a caricature, it’s a word denoted of it’s meaning. They even do not see that that what they do is at the very best serfdom and in the end slavery. And they start working on the “rightness” of this wrong-doing every day, every hour of their life.

It never was more true than theses days. Just see the “jokes” the Parties in the US are doing. Do you really believe anyone would really stop not being part of the “establishment” the elite of the USA, these masters of deception? Who really think it’s about freedom they are talking about ? It’s pure and alone about keeping their power and finding other new ways of suppression. Well yes freedom a 7-letter word like serfdom