Schlagwort-Archive: parasits

Control? What control?

Ah well now it seems to get catastrophic.

The Greeks vote again. And Europe may come to an end. At least the Euro Europe. In Germany the system press, paints a picture black in black. According to the comments
the Euro is a showpiece of a project that brough us Peace, Wealth, Rightness. Sorry I’ve to stand up and run to the toilett.

Here I am back. The Euro was not wanted from most of the Germans, it was warned to introduce a common money without a common social and economic base. The idea obviously was
with the money comes „sanity“. Well that so stupid that it hurts

Hardly never in history sanity was really high on the list. Just see the wars, just see the biggest crime the introduction of central banks and fiat-money. The wars since 100 years could not have been fought with „sound“ money. But with Fiat-money printing is not even to be mentioned. Just print and fine you are. Well now the wars are the biggest destroyers of wealth. but I guess they will go on telling us it’s for a higher good.

Never before in peace times, the debts were that sky high. And this what we get from welfare states. It’s an Oxymoron, the only things states can do is destroying. They can not build they just bring misery over anyone living in them. The states start small and protection of the individual is first high on the list. but now see what our states are, defrauding systems. And the destroyers of civil rights try to get rid of as much responsibility as they can. I’m not sorry, you politicians simply and plain suck.

And now they are starting to sucking us out really. And down we go the path of poverty. …

If I could give you but one suggestion

on how to escape the greedy hands of states. It would be:

Don’t buy any bonds of states.

This is what you can decide, an no state can force you to do it. If you think the bonds of states are safe. You really do not have lived and read anything the last
4 years. Then I just can tell you, go ahead, buy your „safe“ state Bonds.

Anyway if you have seen the actions of the last few years, you have no choice. Any bond you buy is a contract which harms our neigbbor and not the state. You can beleive me there
can be not better thing to do than harm states. They will send you to war with a smile. They will name you „hero“ if you are killed. Words are cheap in this regard.

So first guideline for investing. Don’t believe states, and don’t give them your money voluntarily.

The „joy“ of parties

Dear Readers I like to tell you a story about FUD.

As you could read in my last entry. Greece is still finished but the deledefs do not admit that. That are not real news. But now it’s get interesting. According to
some blogs in Germany 40 members were excluded from the left party and the right party because they did not agree to the „saving“ plan.

There are somewhat below 300 member in it. So just imagine well beyond 10 % were excluded because they did not accept a stupid and guaranteed to fail plan.
Now aren’t party great?

In fact they suck to badly that one just can day fubar. Parties are the most repressive system one can encounter and having such prominent roles as they have is
again fubar. So we are ruled by a fubar system, with fubar money. That’s a few too many things one can not even dream of to repair. In the end the end is clear.
The „systems“ will break down. That means violence and yes most of the time war.

I think I got it

well you can call me arrogant but I think I found the biggest political mistakes (well I’d name them criminal offenses) which have lead to our current misery
1) fractional reserve system. I think there can be no discussion about it. if you have fractions you have leverage and leverage can work in both direction. However see the problem:
You have 100 CU (currency units), as a private person you can lend maximally 100 CU. Not in a fractional system. you can lend by fractional reserve of 10% roughly 1000 CU. Now let us assume you get the money for 1% (this is currently realistic) than in one year you have to pay back 101 CU to the central bank. Well if all went well you can expect at least 3-5 % for the lending of the 1000 EUR so if all would go well roughly 1050 EUR. Now let’s calculate 50/100 = 0.5 Now tell something about getting rich quick. But this is not the end. What will happen if 20% of the money will not get paid back? you the will get back around 840 EUR and 160 EUR are missing. But now we come to the second sin
2) subsidies you can read it also as any hindrance to free trade and bearing what was caused by yourself. Let’s proceed with the situation above. We lacking at least 161 CU. Well we do not have the money but know the subsidies come into play (you can see the results in reality for bonds of Greece, Spain, Portugal, Ireland and yet a few others). Now the „genius“ strikes back. You are bankrup but now the governments jump in an guarantee the other debts. Result you get the 50% gain, risk free.

I leave it to your imagination what will result.

Well why does it happen. Now just see who really are the worst debtors. They are the governments. And so we have an alliance against those acting within their bounds. Banks want to lend money the more the better, governments want to have money in extreme Amounts, and how brings the government bonds to market? Banks. So governments to not act for the public but their own survival and growth. Their own survival just can be guaranteed in a parasitic way, if they overdraw the host will die. This is bad for any parasit, some of them are „stuid“ enough to risk it. But bureaucrats an politicians have one „gurantee“ of survival if there are any men left. They can find a way to seize the properties of them. You can see it here in Germany, after the world wars, money was worthless, but still something of value was left, and so they taxed this. You see government is not the solver it’s the „base problem“. The only thing which can help us is being as unfriendly as host as possible. That means, if the dedebets want more power, resist in any way.