Schlagwort-Archive: paying debt

speculation the EU way

Well as written before the politician (sorry deledes) do blame he speculant. Well I wonder what this guys have done to envforce the EU and US to
pile up debt as high as roughly around 25 000 000 000 000 US-$. How did they do it? I really want to know. I’d add a few extra trillions. Well
no I guess it is not possible. It’s just „democratic“ decisions to live out ouf any „economic“ bound. Howerver bounds are not without a reason bounds.
You sooner or later have to stay within their borders. Or you will be brought back by „reality“. The deledes ability to ignore reality is just „miracolous“.
Or simply „stupid“, feel free to choose.

How can we get rid of this maniacs. Votes won’t help and so there must a another way to protect „normal people“ How about-
– ending the central banks
– ending the fractional reserve system
– best abolish the central banks (no rendor of last resort no safety net for defrauders
– prohibit states to issue bonds.

You do not need any other means for it, and suddenly this kind of probems simply vanish.

But of course it means less power fo deledes and that obviously a double no-no.

Investors be aware

If you invest in the EU or Euro zone be prepard to not just econimic hindrance, expect
the worst from politicians. Think of taxes on investments and the like and you may not be suprised.
If you feel contract have to be obeyed, then forget this as soon as you make contracts with governement
agencies. Be prepared for confiscations also. We did it in Germany in 2009, we socialiczed the HRE.
If you think we’re talking about Peanuts, well we are currently at around 100 000 000 000 Peanuts and counting, according to a few numbers it seems
another 15 000 000 000 are due for the „quality papers“ of the Greek governement.

Rumours were coming up talking about another 280 000 000 000 help for the „spanish“ governement.
Which have probably driven down the DAX yesterday at around 2%. If you think deledes have learnef from the Failout Plans, well think again.

There is not border in sight which may hold back the politicians to drive Europe down into misery. So are you prepared to loose your money or see it getting burned?

If yes, invest in Euro land if not, well take your money and run. You will not find a lot of alternatives,but a few may be there. Have a look at Switzerland, Australie, New Zealand, maybe Canada. I’d avoid the following countries like the plague. Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany, France, Austria and nearly every country related to good ole Europe but also avoid the US. Those mostly have been burried. Do you want your grave there too?

They are a little bit further on their way, the fed takes all the papers issued by the governement and filed it under „asset“ and because of this assets they can print money, and more money and more. Money needs trust or value, our current currencies mostly havn’t anything of it at all. Trust? Well how can you trust someone who just has collected debts the last 50 years? What value has paper? How difficult could it be to print 1 000 000 000 000 bills? Imagine some german experiences.

I just pick up the „most impressive“ number.,00

that was the price for one US-Dollar in 1923. The largest bank not has been 100 000 000 000 000. It was printed on a sheet of paper, that‘ all and that’s all there is to probably every currency currently. As I asked. What should prevent the next Hperinflation? Our politician aka deledes?

Much trouble ahead

Ok now it’s „nearly“ done the great Country Pontzi Scheme goes on. The EU will decide (whith high likliness) that 110 MRD new credits
will be given to Greece. Germany alone has to „bear“ 28 MRD. Interstingly enough the first number has been 8 MRD now within 14 days
we get an 350 % increase. Currently Germany has to get new debts to pay for old ones. Now how long can such a thing persist?

Ah yes there are treaties which mean. Live within your financial bounds. But they are not even worth the paper they’re written on. As a a single person you
do not have the slightes chance to go to court for such things.

Because of all this I invented (maybe someone else has done it before ) a new term for politicions. In Germany it’s delebets, in Englilsh it probably will be
DEmotracic LEgitimized DEfrauders. Soo its deledes. I’d prefer to use this term in the future. I’d encourage you to use it also if you seem it fit.