Well I hardly could believe that:
It’s about the not covered expenses in the different states.
Now I was thinkin California was „bad“. Well it is but there are worse states. Nevada has a deficit of 45.x % that means for every dollar they spend they have to
get a credit from 45 ct. This is impossible to bear for anyone… But togehter the picute is even more dire. More than half of the states have a deficit beyond 10%.
10% deficit means withing 7 years you double your debts. This is unbearable. And so one has to conclude. The US is broken. They are acting as „super power“ but well if the
machines all destroyed in war. They can not even buy them anew.
Those having read this blog know what I think of debt. Debt is evil and it’s even worse for governments because they take everyone of us as hostages. Even if the Land is bankrupt, the bureaucrats will find a way to suck up everything they can get from their „citizens“. All in the name that the „state“ does know better. Well there lies, statistics and deledefs speak. You just have to keep in mind double-speak is „politicians“ land. The name it political-correct or whatever but it means they lie, and lie again and if that does not work they put out their guns and ask „kindly“ for you money. Well there’s still one more efficient things taxes. And so they name their thefts „tax“ and taxes are „ok“ and because they are ok they can get it by whatever means they find.